chase dreams, it is your body's natural way of telling you to slow down and find ways to alleviate the stress. Try to understand where the points of stress or pressure are and take any actions you can to ease those situations. Look into ways to help reduce stress including meditation, yoga,... (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are meditating, doing yoga, or other similar practice can mean you feel the need to calm down or get centered, or you feel the need to focus your consciousness on something particular (perhaps a question or decision).
See also: praying
Category(s): Activities... (read all at source)
pleasure, rage, rapture, ravishment, relish, rhapsody, romanticism, samadhi, savor, sentimentality, seventh heaven, sexiness, soul, spirit, sunshine, susceptibility, tearing passion, thrill, towering rage, trance, transport, unalloyed happiness, vehemence, verve, warmth, warmth of feeling, yoga... (read all at source)
yoga give serious thought to exercise and meditation. How is this dream experience speaking to your spiritual growth?
yogurt relationship going sour; rage; difficulties digesting milk products. Who is the sour puss? (read all at source)
The Yoga in dream refers to a symbol of the wholeness. The goal of yoga is to control the body, emotions and consciousness. In most cases, this dream is a recommendation given to the dreamer to develop a holistic and spiritual disciplines. (read all at source)
Yoga Yogi This probably relates to some sort of inner disciplines of mind or body you have been practising, or have been influenced by. It could also suggest some sort of introspective insights or contact with your […] More
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About Dreamhawk... (read all at source)
To dream that you are performing yoga , symbolizes calmness and control of mind and body. You have great self-discipline.
Yogurt ... (read all at source)
Dream "Yoga"
Lofa Dream Interpretation
If yoga is a feature of your waking life, these dreams are usually unimportant for interpretation - they simply reproduce the ordinary events. (read all at source)
If yoga is a feature of your waking life, then dreams of it usually do not have substantial interpretative content -- they are merely replays of normal events. (read all at source)
A dream featuring yoga symbolizes self-awareness and discipline. It implies that you are trying to better yourself or your pursuits in some way.
YOKE ... (read all at source)
A famous Living Buddha from Taiwan once told me that dreams occuring in the hours of 5am-6am are the most accurate in terms of helping you look deeper into past/present events, and foretelling of future events. If you are able to find a master who can teach you Tibetan dream yoga, that would be good. (read all at source)
You found yourself awake and alive before embalming was able to begin.
You found that you were able to get up and walk around, even do a little yoga after being embalmed, showing that you can get yourself out of this kind of rigid way of behaving.
Detailed dream meaning... (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Yoga
This ancient art of body meditation indicates a lengthening of the psyche and personality when practiced during a dream. Note which... Continue dream interpretation - Yoga"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Yogurt... (read all at source)
Yoga-a person doing yoga is symbolic of meditation or Hindu beliefs
Yogurt-symbolic of trying to live healthfully
Yoke-symbolic of slavery or bondage, Jer. 27:8. The work of the Church, Phil. 4:3. Christ’s mastery over your life, Matt. 11:29-30. (read all at source)
- A visit to the Playboy Mansion and yoga dream interpretation
- A frantic man is pointing at me - dream interpretation
- Police clothes and suicidal shot - dream interpretation
- Dream symbols - good teacher
- Roman army - dream dictionary meanings
- Stagnant pond water - dream interpretation... (read all at source)
According to the esteemed Oxford scholar Evans-Wentz, who edited ‘Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines' the Tibetan adepts mastered the lucid dream state. (read all at source)