YETI - a huge hairy Bigfoot - a strong, unconscious, the animal urge to obscure, but always devastating consequences.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
Seeing a yeti in your dream, suggests that you need to learn to find balance between your reasonable, rational side and your emotional, instinctual nature. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Yeti
This cuddly and reclusive mythical creature offers warm companionship yet could be a dangerous threat to your physical well-being. To dream... Continue dream interpretation - Yeti"continue dream interpretation
« 12 »... (read all at source)
To dream of a yeti implies that figuratively speaking, a little bloodshed may be needed to survive your current circumstances.
Yew Tree ... (read all at source)
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Angry Yeti
2005 Paranormal Photo Hoax Contest Slide Show - Angry Yeti
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Deafness Limited Dreams... (read all at source)
The Yeti, an oversized creature is based on some tribal peoples in the world known, especially for those who settle in the mountains. The Indians called Sasquatch and the Tibetan Yeti, is the large creature that comes and goes at will, even under the common name Big Foot or Abominable Snowman. (read all at source)