Yard Sale dream meaning

Holding or being at a yard sale in your dream indicates that you are recycling past experiences and finding use for your old skills and ideas. You are learning from your past and making productive use of the lessons you have learned. (read all at source)

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Yard Sale
To dream of going to a yard sale can be a way of realizing how old ideas are being 'recycled' so that you can continue growing. Instead of throwing old ideas away (as in dreams of garbage) you are finding new ways of using old skills. (read all at source)

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Yard Sale
To hold or be at a yard sale in your dream, indicates that you are recycling past experiences and finding use for your old skills and ideas.
Yard Stick ... (read all at source)

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To dream about a yard sale suggests that you are learning from your past experiences and making productive use of the lessons and skills you have learned.
Dreaming of garbage means you are ready to throw out old ideas and attitudes. It is a good dream signifying transition and renewal. (read all at source)

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To hold or be at a yard sale in your dream, indicates that you are recycling past experiences and finding use... Continue dream interpretation - Yard Sale"continue dream interpretation
Yard Stick
Dream interpretation - Yard Stick... (read all at source)

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If you are having a yard sale in your dream, you may be trying to creatively solve a financial problem or be feeling burdened by your possessions. If the yard sale has an element of emotional darkness, there may be financial anxiety involved that precipitated the need for downsizing the household. (read all at source)

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almost like a field trip, and we go to a store thats set up like a yard sale and some of the thing i am looking at have nails/screws in their heads or main part of the item (like if it were a wooden bucket it would be in the handle) and then i ask the clerk (always a older man) what the nail/screw... (read all at source)

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