Work dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you are hard at work, denotes that you will win merited success by concentration of energy.
To see others at work, denotes that hopeful conditions will surround you.
To look for work, means that you will be benefited by some unaccountable occurrence.
Work house
Dream Dictionary
To dream that you are in a workhouse denotes that some event will work you harm and loss. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are at work indicates that you are experiencing some anxiety about a current project or task. The dream may also be telling you that you need to "get back to work". Perhaps you have been slacking and need to pick up the pace. (read all at source)
What type of work are you doing in your dream? Is it a new line of work, perhaps indicating a desire to change jobs or professions?Work is associated with commitment; so think of it in relation to what you feel committed to in your life. (read all at source)
Dream " A " A work of art
The interpretation of the dream "A work of art"
Dream Interpretation Meneghetti... (read all at source)
Dream Symbols - Work and Jobs
Many dreams revolve around work and jobs. What does it mean when you dream about work, a dream job, your boss or being an employee?
Dream Job... (read all at source)
I'm a student and work part-time in retail. I'm healthy and moderately happy with my life, i wish i could have some of my old friends back and the confidence that i lost. At the time of the dream, i'm just finishing exams. I saw my ex-boyfriend a couple of days ago. A lot of my friends have changed. (read all at source)
Work with your own memories Dream symbol of monument (a war memorial etc.) has a role which transports the dreamer back to a bygone era. Perhaps that became "print in stone" in your memory. The dreamer must work on his memory, before he can farther move forward in his development. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you are hard at work, denotes that you will win merited success by concentration of energy. To see others at work, denotes that hopeful conditions will surround you. (read all at source)
There are often challenges in the work environment and dreaming of work allows you to process these challenges. (read all at source)
DREAM WORK - Questions to help you discover what has triggered your dream
1. Are you in a bad relationship at the moment and constantly arguing?
2. Do you have an especially poisonous atmosphere at home or work?
3. What are you absoutely terrified may happen4.?
4. (read all at source)
Dream Work Basics
The following dream work basics provide instructions that can be applied to any dreams, but are particularly useful to interpret dreams about snakes. (read all at source)
Rowing- Work: Earnest prayer; spiritual labor; working out life's problems. (See Bicycle) (Mark 6:48; Philippians 2: 30)
Rub Board- Rough: Hard correction; weariness; (as in "the wash woman is worn out). Not diplomatic;... (read all at source)
Crochet Work
To dream of doing crochet work, foretells your entanglement in some silly affair growing out of a too great curiosity about other people's business. Beware of talking too frankly with over-confidential women. (read all at source)
KEY WORDS : Work issue , working (on an issue), Attraction to workmate(write down some quotes that capture your key feelings on issues that have been dominating your mind. Then see if any of these words could appear in those quotes)... (read all at source)
Work or effort
How well something works (as in a "well-tuned engine"), such as your body, or you in a certain environment or relationship
Ability to move forward in your life
Strength, skill, or other resource required to make progress... (read all at source)
Work Clothes Denotes something you are working at or giving effort to. This is usually to do with changes you are making, either in yourself or outer life. This only seldom relates to the actual work you […] More... (read all at source)
Work, your career, your responsibilities.
Losing your briefcase could mean you feel or fear you aren't staying on top of your responsibilities, you need to pay more attention to them, or the work area of your life seems neglected. (read all at source)
Work of organization. Ready to be more efficient.
Wealth. Expansive residence. Parts of you need more room. (read all at source)
Work on communication. Wish or fear to hear something.... Continue dream interpretation - Deaf"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Death... (read all at source)
Work anxieties
Lack of respect in the work place
The desire to communicate with others
The need to be understood... (read all at source)
work on house - something in the dreamer's life is in need of repair
Igloo - completeness, wholeness, sanctuary
Pyramid - represents the internal power of the dreamer... (read all at source)
To work in a hotel, you could find a more remunerative employment than what you have.
Hounds House Housekeeper Hugging Humidity Hunchback Hunger Hunting Hurricane Hurt Husband Hut Hyacinth Hydrophobia Hyena Scum Asia Ivy Cruelty Ringworms... (read all at source)
To work in a hotel, you could find a more remunerative employment than what you have.
To dream of hunting a hotel, you will be baffled in your search for wealth and happiness. (read all at source)
To work with or to see zinc in your dreams, indicates substantial and energetic progress. Business will assume a brisk tone in its varying departments.
To dream of zinc ore promises the approach of eventful success.
Zodiac ... (read all at source)
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Tags: Common, dream, dreaming, meanings, symbols
About the Author... (read all at source)
If you work in a factory you will get changes in your life. Otherwise will a factory symbolize that you will succeed after much hard work.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
Download app... (read all at source)
When I work out symbolism in my own heart and mind, I work with the basics. Meaning, I fall back to tried-and-true stepping stones like the sun, the moon, the elements (fire, earth, air, water), directions, etc. - real grass roots stuff. (read all at source)
If you work a pump, your life will be filled with pleasure
and profitable undertakings.
To dream of drinking the concoction called punch, denotes that you
will prefer selfish pleasures to honorable distinction and morality. (read all at source)
illness: Work on your well-being. Are you holding in some anger or resentment? Are you using sickness to gain attention? What old wounds need healing?
inheritance: Something of value from your past. Something gained through a relationship.
injection: Something being forced on you. (read all at source)
To see or work with clay in your dream implies that you are a very imaginative and inventive person. It can also indicate your ability to influence or sway the opinions of others in your favour. This dream may mean that you haven't given yourself adequate objectives to strive for. (read all at source)
To see or work with clay in your dream, represents creativity and the ability to shape your mind. It may also mean that you are able to manipulate things to your advantage. Alternatively, it indicates your need to set some goals and plans for yourself. (read all at source)
Horse-work or war, Prov. 21:3. A white horse is symbolic of Christ's return, Rev. 6:2
Hospital-symbolic of a place of healing
Hotel-to dream of being in a hotel is symbolic of a place of temporary living or employment... (read all at source)
To see or work with clay in your dream, represents creativity and the ability to learn and manipulate things to your advantage. Sometimes, this dream can suggest that the dreamer has some growing up to do and needs to plan for the future.
Cleaning... (read all at source)
Idiots at work...
The ten commandments-texas...
Some harmones...
Are you a real man?...
Why did the chicken cross t...
Job rules:...
Some intersting fact about...
Reality sets in... (read all at source)
To see or work with whalebone in your dreams, you still form an alliance which will afford you solid benefit.
To see large fields of growing wheat in your dreams, denotes that your interest will take on encouraging prospects. (read all at source)
office work concerns indicated; acting indifferent or cold and businesslike. Who is behaving as if their relationships are all business?
officer a commanding presence; being ordered about; a policeman; feelings of guilt. Who is in charge? (read all at source)
To fail to work, one is ominous of complications, caused by substituting pleasure for business.
If it writes fluently, you may expect fortunate results from some well-planned enterprise. (read all at source)
Don't work. Loss of control. Applying them: bringing something under control.
::... (read all at source)
Before we can work with our dreams, we firstly need to learn how to remember them. A simple technique is to set your alarm clock a little earlier than usual. This may interrupt a period of REM sleep and you are more likely to recall a dream. (read all at source)
Dream Symbols: work, co-workers, men, standing in hall-way, chakras, chest, kundalini, snake. (scroll to second dream to find Lori B's dream interpretation)
TMD's DREAM:... (read all at source)
Speaking of the work of the enemy:
Ephesians 6:12 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]." (GMR)... (read all at source)
Make time to work on your dreams. Dream interpretation takes time and effort—and none of your investment is wasted. (read all at source)
Consequently, we work these figures into our dream lives when events in our lives seem to empathize with what we know of public figures. (read all at source)
A statue is a work of art and as such symbolizes ideals in a dream.
Index This page: Staircase - Statue... (read all at source)
To see gleaners at work at harvest time, denotes prosperous business, and, to the farmer, a bountiful yield of crops. If you are working with the gleaners, you will come into an estate, after some trouble in establishing rights. For a woman, this dream foretells marriage with a stranger. (read all at source)
To see or work with clay in your dream, represents creativity. You are well-grounded. Alternatively, it indicates your need to set some goals and plans for yourself. You have some growing up to do and need to plan for the future. It also refers to healing. (read all at source)
farm - Applies to remoteness, security, peace & calm, work.
father - Masculine, authority, strength, A strengthening symbol, or the reverse depending upon view held.
fear - Represents the thing you have to face up to in waking life. (read all at source)
Sitting content in the company of women in a dream means lack of work. (Also see Woman). The sight of a woman, in general, is a good augury, especially if she is sprightly, adorned, and complacent, with a smiling face. (read all at source)
To dream that you are an actor denotes that your hard work and labor will be well worth it in the end. Also see Celebrity. Adoption To dream that you or others were adopting a child indicates that you are taking on something new and different. (read all at source)
Bees - successful work.
Birds - if flying high, good luck. If flying low, bad luck. If singing, success.
Boat - a fortunate journey.
Book - sought-after wisdom is within reach.
Bread - material well-being.
Bridge - if crossed, a happy solution to a problem. (read all at source)
Literary people will be painstaking in their work and others will look after their interest with solicitude.
To dream of horses, you will amass wealth and enjoy life to its fullest extent.
To see horses pulling vehicles, could denote wealth with some incumbrance, and love will find obstacles. (read all at source)
Kiss To dream that you see children kissing, denotes happy reunions in families and satisfactory work. To dream that you kiss your mother, you will be very successful in your enterprises, and be honored and beloved by your friends. (read all at source)
If you dream that you work in sales or advertising and you are dealing with a client's account, it can mean that are worried that you will be doing all the work toward completing a project and someone else will be getting all the credit. The type of account that you are working on can be important. (read all at source)
If you normally take the train to work and it is a part of your daily experience, closer attention should be paid to the other details of the dream. Going on a train ride may be symbolic of your life's journey. (read all at source)
The general image of "mother" in a dream may symbolize a variety of feelings and ideas: caring, nurturing, love, acceptance, hard work, sacrifice, martyrdom, etc. The mother in your dream could also represent the "collective unconscious," the source of the "water of life," and the yin. (read all at source)
If you dream of a famous artist, you need to ask yourself what this particular artist means to you, and how you feel about his or her work. If you're a fan, then you're on the right track, either with regard to a specific matter you're concerned about or your life in general.
2. (read all at source)
Step 2: Go to a place in your work or house that you would be the least likely to be distracted. Take off your phone and be around little of noise.
Step 3: Get comfortable. Weather its in your room or your closet in your basement you need to feel 100% relaxed.
Step 4: Listen to soothing music. (read all at source)
Are you are having difficulties at work? These problems may have you feeling tense and while you need to act normally while awake, the worry can manifest into chase dreams at night. Maybe someone in your life is ill and there is nothing you can do to make him or her feel better. (read all at source)
Are you flying over your home (family happiness) or over the building where you work (business successes).
Flying in/on a Vehicle: Were you floating away in a hot air balloon, grabbing onto a kite string, sitting inside an airplane, or being carried in the arms of Superman? (read all at source)
These traits are ones that you need to enhance or develop, or if negative, work on eliminating or reducing. You should immediately ask of yourself, what traits do I like, and what traits do I dislike in the characters I dream about? Then look for those traits in yourself. (read all at source)
Yard Seeing a neat and well-kept yard, reflects your ability to maintain and organize aspects of your outside life, such as work and your social activities. Seeing a messy and un-kept yard indicates that aspects of your life are out of your control. (read all at source)
This signifies difficulties that can be overcome with a little bit of work. Normally, they're small problems you may be making into a big deal. Look within yourself to find the source of the negativity. Ants suggest restlessness ('feeling antsy'). They also indicate small annoyances and irritations. (read all at source)
As the person relaxes, it becomes easier to work in their field and assist them in balancing their energy. Very often, more than one treatment is required. If someone has held on to tension which has caused them pain for many years, the energy block can sometimes be stubborn and difficult to loosen. (read all at source)
Nails show that you will do much work with very little pay. Bright nails means you will nevertheless enjoy the work. Bent or dull nails will show sickness and disorder entering your life shortly. To drive nails shows you will complete a deal and 'drive' a hard bargain. (read all at source)
It could be work, money trouble, relationship strains, or any number of things that you want a temporary escape from. It could also be a particular aspect about yourself - you may wish you were more outgoing, more fit, richer, calmer, etc. (read all at source)
The hive usually represents an area of work where there is considerable activity - and where the best use is made of all resources in order to move out and move on.
To dream of being near a hive can represent the effort that is needed to be made to create fertility for ourselves. (read all at source)
Be prepared for a period of hard work against hostile forces if you saw blood in your dreams. If you were bleeding, try to avoid any sort of controversy with friends or relatives; however, if the blood was that involved in a transfusion, you can expect your difficulties to be very transitory. (read all at source)
A dream where you are in a quarry suggests that you need to work hard to achieve your goals. It can also imply that you are pursuing a goal or ..Read more →
A dream with a quartet symbolizes importance or harmony. It may imply that there are issues in your life that have solutions. (read all at source)
The images of school, school work and fear of examinations are dream references to comparable processes in the school of life. The school of life forces man to participate in these learning process for as long as he lives.
Scissors... (read all at source)
Microwave - impatience; quick work; convenient; sudden
Mirror - God's Word; a person's heart; vanity
Money - gain or loss of favor; power; provision; wealth; spiritual riches; authority; strength of man; covetousness; greed... (read all at source)
To dream that you have a stiff shoulders, signifies tiring work.
To see a skeleton, forewarns of sickness, misunderstanding and injury at the hands of others, especially enemies. To dream that you are a skeleton, suggests that you are worrying too much over trivial matters. (read all at source)
1.The number one means, day one thousand years in spiritual time,unity, beginning to work
2. The number two means union, division, witness, new and old testament in contrast to each other
3. The number 3 means resurrection, divine, completeness, perfection, Trinity, life, men child, Godhead... (read all at source)
You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control in some situation in your waking life. This may reflect the way you feel in your relationship or in your work environment. You have lost your foothold and can not hang on or keep up with the hustle and bustle of daily life. (read all at source)