re: I just had a very scary dream this morning which woke me out of my bed! please help!
Dear John Vercelletto,
Man, I had a scary dream of death this morning which freaked me out and i hate these types of dreams, however, this one I remembered for whatever reason and can NOT get back to bed now. (read all at source)
*Please See Awaken.
To see a wolf in your dream, symbolizes beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You are a loner by choice. Negatively, it represents hostility, sneakiness, and aggression. It may also reflect an uncontrollable force or situation in your life. (read all at source)
woke up this morning with a dream where I was proposed at the samw time by different men.. both with silver rings but the other one could change its color and be the same color as my skin. Why would I accept them both ??
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I woke up feeling great and the dream still makes me smile!!
Barbara @ 2010-12-05 01:26:34
I had a dream that Gods face was coming closer and closer to me so that I could see him clearer and clearer,then I woke up but I was a little fearfull that God was calling me home. (read all at source)
I woke up and this dream flooded me.
I was in a opening like a prarie or field and there was white smoke everywhere. I thought I was alone except for the native American drumming. An old woman grabbed my hand and led me through the smoke, there was a tribe of elders smudging and playing drums. (read all at source)
I woke up and realized it was a dream,so gratefull but fallen asleep again and dreamed about different big snakes on my body.I managed to remove a big white snake and reckon the snakes are too big and in the process i woke up and gratefull again it was just a dream... (read all at source)
"I woke up with a lovely tune in my head. I thought, 'That's great, I wonder what that is?' There was an upright piano next to me, to the right of the bed by the window. (read all at source)
When I woke up from this I prayed about it and wondered what it meant but belive I soon found out as I read the news that hurricane Jean hit Haiti. I know the elephant was the hurricane but I did not know what the leaves, the blood, and the rest meant at this time. (read all at source)
The dreamer woke up with a song called "Champagne Super Nova" by Oasis playing on the radio. This is a favourite song of the dreamer. It's a song about cocaine use - champagne Super Nova is a term connected to this. The dream is very drug like and involves clear drug like imagery. (read all at source)
He woke up with a daring attitude and dared himself to overcome some severe phobias
Example dream : A dream where the dreamer was with cool people was linked to the dreamers wish to develop new friendships (with 'cool' people). (read all at source)
It wasn't until I woke up, I realized it was a dream. This was such an active dream that I focused on action words for its interpretation. Under dance, I read 'in rhythm with yourself'. Sit indicated stationary, or not moving. I was not sure how these two would fit together. (read all at source)
even see in a dream the fear i felt was unthinkable i ran for my car i knew where it was exactly where it was i seen it i jus couldnt find it i kno that dosent make since but i seen it jus couldnt find it i looked back after helplessly tryin to get/find my car i seen the wave shoreline then i woke... (read all at source)
Last night I had a dream, where I became lucid then immediately woke up. Then I did some stuff on the computer and decided to go back to sleep, only to realize that I was still dreaming. I became lucid a second time then put my arm through the couch and woke up for real. (read all at source)
I had the weirdest dream before I woke up this morning - I dreamed that I was visiting with friends and the next minute we saw an Boeing airplane coming in from the right and I saw it crash to the left of my view. The next minute another one came and crashed and another one. (read all at source)
The details really matter; such as people in the dream and the feeling that you experienced during the dream or even after you have woke up. In general a graveyard symbolizes a change that can occur within a major event in your life. (read all at source)
cousin, it was after i was told my dad died, i was sitting with my cousin on the couch, my mom and brother were in my moms room wartching tv, i remember that, and i don't remember any sounds, my dad kept popping up, like by the front door, next to the couch, thats what i remember, and then i woke up,... (read all at source)
Include any feelings you felt during the dream and after you woke up, symbols that seemed especially significant, and any intuitive sense you have about its meaning. (It's okay if you have no idea of meaning at this point). (read all at source)
To have a dream in which you hear the sound, means that soon you will get good news. If you woke up, how you thought of knocking on the door, the news you'll hear even more dazzle you.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
Having a great idea in a dream predicts frustration. However, if you recalled the idea when you woke up, you can... Continue dream interpretation - Idea"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Ideal... (read all at source)
It was very stressful, and very eerie and I woke with a feeling of not having slept at all. I was unable to shake the feeling of death and heaven and hell the whole day after the dream. (read all at source)
If you dreamt you were awake you might get experiences that can make you depressed for a small period. If you dreamt that you or someone else woke up does this mean luck.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
Download app... (read all at source)
She said that she went to him and put his head in her lap and saw his face very plainly and a lot of blood. He told her that it was going to be alright, and she said she watched his face turn completely white, and he died. She then woke up and cried uncontrollably for 2 hours. (read all at source)
If you woke up hearing your name, you can always ask, before you next go to sleep - and if you feel ready - if you can meet them again. (read all at source)