Whisky dreams by DreamMean
To dream of whisky in bottles, denotes that you will be careful of your interests, protecting them with energy and watchfulness, thereby adding to their proportion.
To drink it alone, foretells that you will sacrifice your friends to your selfishness.
To destroy whisky, you will lose your friends by your ungenerous conduct.
Whisky is not fraught with much good. Disappointment in some form will likely appear.
To see or drink it, is to strive and reach a desired object after many disappointments. If you only see it, you will never obtain the result hoped and worked for.
To dream of whisky in bottles, interpret that you will be careful of your interests, protecting them with energy and watchfulness, thereby adding to their proportion.
To drink it alone, foretells that you will sacrifice your friends to your selfishness. (read all at source)
To see whisky in bottles, symbolizes your carefulness, watchfulness, and protective nature. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of whisky in bottles, denotes that you will be careful of your interests, protecting them with energy and watchfulness, thereby adding to their proportion. (read all at source)
To drink Bourbon Whisky in a dream is a prediction of a profitable real estate deal.... Continue dream interpretation - Bourbon"continue dream interpretation
Bow and Arrow
Dream interpretation - Bow and Arrow... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Claret, Ammonia, Olives, Whisky, Wine, Cork, Liquor
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abandon, safe, force, upbringing, haven, ignorance, churchgoer, allows, intoxicating, diddling, frowns, mother, whisky, lobbies, in need, tradition, stare, venturing, frightened, belief, presence, sermons and lectures, self-help, intend
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)
If you drink a lot, you might do something you have to apologize about. If you drink little this will generally mean success. See brandy, wine, cider, beer or whisky.
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Seeing whisky in bottles, symbolizes your alertness, carefulness and protective nature. Dreaming that you are drinking whisky, suggests that your selfishness will cost you your friends. Alternatively, it represents your lack of self-confidence. (read all at source)
Worries if dreaming of whisky - In general it is not a good omen, this includes debt and difficulties, disappointments of all kinds;
Destroyed wishes if see whisky in a dream - The dreamer will never reach his goal that he hoped for;... (read all at source)