Wheelbarrow dream meaning

The wheelbarrow is a tool to help carry a burden, and it indicates work that you must complete or get someone else to do for you. At first I thought of household chores, but really it seems more like something you originally volunteered to do, because you picked up the bowl. (read all at source)

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Transporting cut grass with a wheelbarrow suggests sharing gifts. If the grass is dry, this is the sign of drought, but also losing a lover or it shows that somebody's health will worsen. Seeing grass and weeds in the same dream tells you to stay away from rude people. (read all at source)

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wheelbarrow pushing or pulling a big load. Who is the big wheel that you are tired of pushing around?
wheelchair out of control; ask for assistance; drive carefully and take your challenges seriously; hating to stay put; feeling stuck. Who is struggling to do too much alone? (read all at source)

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Wheedle, wheedler, wheedling, wheel and axle, wheel around, Wheel base, wheel bit, wheel bug, wheel horse, wheel lock, Wheel of fortune, wheel tree, wheel wars, Wheelband, Wheelbarrow, wheelbase, Wheelbird, wheelchair, wheeled, wheeled vehicle, Wheeler, Wheeler box-grid, wheeler dealer, Wheeler Peak,... (read all at source)

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To see or use a wheelbarrow in your dream, represents hard work, labour, and difficulties. It also symbolizes your body and the way that you are moving about through life. (read all at source)

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