Weather dream meaning

Weather dreams by DreamMean
To dream of the weather, foretells fluctuating tendencies in fortune. Now you are progressing immensely, to be suddenly confronted with doubts and rumblings of failure.

To think you are reading the reports of a weather bureau, you will change your place of abode, after much weary deliberation, but you will be benefited by the change.

To see a weather witch, denotes disagreeable conditions in your family affairs.

To see them conjuring the weather, foretells quarrels in the home and disappointment in business.

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Earthquake - upheaval; change (by crisis); God's judgment, disaster; trauma, shaking; shock
Fog - clouded issues or thoughts; uncertainty; confusion; temporary... (read all at source)

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Dreams can have very unique weather. It may be sunny and thundering, or pouring rain everywhere except for where you are standing. Weather images in dreams often reflect your feelings about your environment. (read all at source)

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The "conditions" in your current life or "climate" of your emotional state, as your subconscious mind sees them. Bad weather can mean you're feeling challenged, sad, angry, etc. Good weather can mean you're feeling optimistic or happy. (read all at source)

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Weather can bring the internal reactions to certain situations. A bright blue, cloudless sky has possibly indicate that the situation in which dreamer is currently located, and their associated moods and feelings can also continue to control. (read all at source)

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Seeing a weather vane in your dream indicates unpredictability and versatility. You may feel that you are going around in circles. The dream may also be a pun on being vain or doing something in vain. (read all at source)

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Dreams often portray what is going on in our inner landscape using settings familiar in the outer world. A focus on the weather will represent the 'inner climate.' If it is raining - you may need to express your emotions more, since we dream about what we are not facing. (read all at source)

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To dream about the weather, signifies your emotional state of mind. Stormy or windy weather implies conflict and aggression. Rain and hail represents depression and sadness. And rainbows and sunshine signifies hope and happiness. (read all at source)

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Cold weather
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Swine) Experiencing it in a dream during the summer season means benefits, profits or new and expensive clothing, but experiencing hot weather in one's dream during the winter season means the opposite.. (read all at source)

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Weathered spiritual ecstasy in a dream a dream for a meeting with a friend. It takes especially happy emotions as other was a long time in your region. Ecstasy, dreamed by the alarming visions, predicts sorrow. (read all at source)

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Weather in a dream is often a reflection of your emotions, so a soft, gentle breeze in a dream usually symbolizes happiness and contentment. (read all at source)

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If you watch a TV weather report showing that the weather forecast is foggy, it means there is a situation that requires your urgent help. Another meaning of this dream is that judgments have been clouded. The fog is a symbolic sign that you are unable to recognize bigger pictures. (read all at source)

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weather: Your moods and emotions.
weeds: Non contributing growth that is choking out more nourishing growth. Is it actually a flower as in "One man's weed, is another man's flower?"
weight: Burden or responsibility. As in something weighing you down. (read all at source)

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Cold weather or feeling cold can represent a harsh, hopeless, or dreary feeling—usually associated with whatever else is happening in the dream. It can also represent lack of compassion or caring, or a dull or boring situation. (read all at source)

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Fishing Weather - Part 1
Flying Teeth
Boating Tips by the Bass Coach - Part 1
Your True Tales - July 2003 - Story of the Month - Close Encounter withChessie
Not-so-Secret Fishing Spots... (read all at source)

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*Please See Weather.
To dream that you are climbing up something (ladder, rope, etc.), signifies that you are trying to or you have overcome a great struggle. It also suggests that your goals are finally within reach. (read all at source)

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as i was looking out the window i noticed there was very bad weather and it had jus been sunny outside a few minutes earlier i started to notice the walls were kinda not staight i guess u can say and the building was moving unnaturaly i got nervous and told evryone we should go jus like the other... (read all at source)

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Example dream : A drowning dream linked to the dreamers fears about her Nan not being able to cope during some particularly bad weather where she lived.
Example dream : A drowning dream linked to the dreamer finding out she was pregnant. (read all at source)

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Violets will bloom in very cold weather. Sighting their bright petals in the snow is a picture of hope, inspiration and promise. Spring is not far when the Violets come to call. The Violet is a symbol of the ancient city of Athens. (read all at source)

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Leisurely swimming, such as at a beach, in a lake, or in a pool, implies good fortune and easy living ahead, unless the weather is bad, in which case danger could result from doing the wrong thing at the wrong place at the wrong time.
2. (read all at source)

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Goat To dream of goats wandering around a farm, is significant of seasonable weather and a fine yield of crops To see them otherwise, denotes cautious dealings and a steady increase of wealth. If a billy goat butts you, beware that enemies do not get possession of your secrets or business plans. (read all at source)

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Rivers - Rivers symbolize your journey in life, weather its physical or spiritual. If the water in the river is moving fast it can mean rapid changes might occur in your life or things are happening way to fast for your liking. Its possible it means you might feel out of control in your life. (read all at source)

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In addition, the state of the weather, the season and the temperature can all represent your emotional state of mind.
What symbols does my dream contain? (read all at source)

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A haystack symbolizes unexpected profit. Otherwise will hay in nice weather mean economical problems. Hay in bad weather will mean unexpected profit. If you cut down hay you can become uncertain.
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Cloaks (garment): To dream of a cloak, not a cape, pulled closely around you to keep out the weather, denotes that you will have protecting influences surrounding you for the next few days. (read all at source)

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The windshield protects you from the weather, in particular the rain, and so in dreams it indicates protecting yourself from life. The dream is asking you to get more into life. Don't just wait for things to come to your door. Do something to bring the fun back into your life. (read all at source)

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In a like manner, the pet squirrel is a better barometer of the local weather than the Weather Bureau. With unerring foresight, when a wintry frown nowhere mars the horizon, he is able to apprehend a cold wave twenty-four hours ahead, and build his house accordingly. (read all at source)

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bureau storing your identity; weathering a storm; changing your image. Who is being investigated?
burglar stealing energy or time from yourself or your family; stealth; deceit; taking what's not yours; may represent father. What is being stolen from you? (read all at source)

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See also related symbol: Weather
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To dream of the month of April, signifies that much pleasure and profit will be your allotment. If the weather is miserable, it is a sign of passing ill luck.
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it's a tourist place with loads of people around and the weather is very nice, a bit like in Italy. But suddenly, a wave comes down the hill, flooding the streets. We run away, lose Malcolm somewhere on the way and save ourselves by climbing on roofs (or rather archways built of fragile wood). (read all at source)

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It signifies that much pleasure and profit are in the horizon, but if the weather is miserable, it is a sign of distress.
To dream of this month denotes prosperous times and pleasure for the young. Do not be discouraged. (read all at source)

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For example, if you are reading about a particular date, you should ask yourself if that date has any significance for you. Weather in dreams is often associated with the emotions, so a record of weather in an almanac in a dream can tell you something about your emotional state. (read all at source)

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If you dream of wearing gloves, regardless of the weather, it means you feel the need to protect yourself from something you are accepting into your life. To dream of old, ragged gloves suggests you may feel unprepared and unable to properly protect yourself. (read all at source)

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But if rain and dismal weather prevails, sickness and bad newsof the absent will soon come, and depressions in business circleswill be feltA burial where there are sad rites performed, or sorrowing faces,is indicative of adverse surroundings or their speedy approach.
- See Funeral. (read all at source)

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To attend the burial of a relative, if the sun is shining on the procession, is a sign of the good health of relations, and perhaps the happy marriage of some one of them is about to occur. But if rain and dismal weather prevails, sickness and bad news of the absent will soon come,... (read all at source)

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In 1816, teenager Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin and her husband-to-be, Percy Shelley, visited the poet Lord Byron in Switzerland. Lord Byron's residence, a villa on a lake, was often subject to stormy weather and as a result he and his guests were forced to take refuge indoors on occasion. (read all at source)

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Duty gas stations Heraklion
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Well the girls father that lived a few huts away (the huts were spaced pretty far apart, like 3 acres apart, but it was a small village) the place seemed to have no bad weather anytime or anything; it was sunny all the time and everyone had tanned skin. No one ever got sunburned. (read all at source)

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If you reached land safely, you will overcome your dilemma, but if you fell out of the boat or were upset by rough weather, it is a warning of serious difficulty due to indecision. If you were rescued in your dream, or managed to swim to safety, success will follow hardship. (read all at source)

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To dream that you see tallow melting away in your dream denotes that your business affairs are in danger of doing likewise. A dream of a thrifty person making candles with tallow shows that by being thrifty you will weather the present financial storm.
Tambourine... (read all at source)

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on the procession, is a sign of the good health of relations,
and perhaps the happy marriage of some one of them is about to occur.
But if rain and dismal weather prevails, sickness and bad news
of the absent will soon come, and depressions in business circles
will be felt... (read all at source)

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If so, you have weathered a difficult time that is coming to closure, this dream symbol may represent your optimism. Generally, rainbows make people smile and feel happy. Thus, some may consider this dream a sign of your good luck. (read all at source)

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I heard a heavy, thundering and angry voice came out from that house and said, ' I paid you to stop her and you did not'. Weather it was a beating or what but it was a loud noise that came right after that which sound like he got a beating from whoever that person was with that heavy voice. (read all at source)

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