I promise you, if you can face this fear and let the negative spirit know you are not afraid you will be among the spiritual warriors.
I have always believed those who are chosen to be spiritual warriors have to endure many spiritual challenges to gain the strength to do the work. (read all at source)
Seeing or dreaming that you are a warrior, represents life's challenges and your ability to confront them. (read all at source)
Also Spring is the season when all things begin to grow and awaken. Yellow is the path of Life, to begin the walk as a warrior, to shine in all that you do. The sun rising in the east empowers each of us. The energy to do and to begin the action of the mind and heart is there. (read all at source)
To see or dream that you are a warrior, represents life's challenges and your ability to confront them.
Warts... (read all at source)
"A warrior never worries about his fear."
-Carlos Castaneda Celtic symbol for warrior
I've been asked on several occasions if there is a Celtic symbol for warrior, or a symbolic representation of such. (read all at source)
see also: warrior or soldier armor or shield royalty nobility character
categories: People
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
Here is a reference to Michael, the leader of the warrior angels.
Revelation 12:7 "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought with his angels," (GMR)... (read all at source)
warrior or soldier
Power, authority, protection, aggression, defensiveness. Pay attention to what role the warrior or soldier is playing in the dream, and how you feel about the individual. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Warrior
Challenge. Honor. You are ready to confront your deepest fears.... Continue dream interpretation - Warrior"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Warts... (read all at source)
warrior fighting mad; protecting others; defending your honour. Who is being a coward? (read all at source)
Challenge. Honor. You are ready to confront your deepest fears.
Wart... (read all at source)
warrior: See soldier
warning: Something needs your attention, something you need to bring to consciousness. (read all at source)
Valkyrie - women warriors in Norse mythology, with bright eyes and armor, swords and spears in their hands, watching the progress of the battle and choose the soldiers who will die - symbols of aggressive influences; Female Sexual destructive passion.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
If a warrior finds himself sick in a dream, it means that he will be wounded. If one sees his wife sick in a dream, it means that she is negligent of her religious obligations. If a sick person sees himself riding an ox, or a swine in a dream, it means his death. (read all at source)
Lion: Jesus; conqueror; overcoming bold saints; Satan the devourer; warrior; transformation; victory; persecution; dominions of the world; antichrist. (read all at source)
glorious, warrior, history, rocking, grabbed, handle, slave, become a gladiator, empire, roman, surge, tales, power, girls, buff, feeling like a gladiator... (read all at source)
Most times, the time travel is confluent with your particular image of an archetypal dream character. For example, if you are dreaming a warrior/hero archetype, you may personify yourself in the dream as a medieval knight.
Free Sample Readings
Couples' Composite: Your Life Together... (read all at source)
Dream Symbols: Aquarium, Fish, water, fish grabbing your hands, fish jumping out of aquarium onto the floor, goldfish, big silver warrior fish, repulsion of picking up fish, worms taking over tank, barren fishtank. (read all at source)
African's put on masks during festivities, initiations, plants cropping, battle preparation, peace and also in difficult times, they may simply be used by warriors to be able to bully their opposition. (read all at source)
666-symbolic of the end times, the beast of Revelation, and the number of man, Rev. 13:18
700-symbolic of choice warriors, accuracy in battle, Judg. 20:15-16
1,000-symbolic of the millennial reign, Rev. 20:5
144,000-this is the number for martyrs, Rev. 14:3... (read all at source)
The following dream seems to be linked to strategy. The dreamer - Crazy Horse - went into battle the next day. The dream is clearly a dream about strategy. He is showing the warriors how to fight. He is making things clear in his mind about tactics. (read all at source)