Wallet dreams by DreamMean
To see wallets in a dream, foretells burdens of a pleasant nature will await your discretion as to assuming them. An old or soiled one, implies unfavorable results from your labors.
wallet identity change; financial difficulties; buying too much on credit; overspending. How have you been acting careless with something important and private to you? (read all at source)
Dream "Wallet"
Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse
If your wallet has dreamed there was money, you expect earnings and wealth; you will be able to profit from any new source. Empty wallet - a bad sign, as it promises to poor life and disappointment. (read all at source)
The loss of wallet warns that you may be exposed.
Finding a wallet can announce that you will know all the tricks; The wallet contains money, this often points out to the fact that you must strain yourself more if you want to achieve your aims. (read all at source)
To see a wallet in your dream, symbolizes financial resources or self-identification. It also foretells of a burden heading your way. (read all at source)
A wallet, because it usually contains money, represents sharing and therefore your heart. When you take out your wallet to pay for something you give money and get something in return. This give and take represents sharing of feelings. (read all at source)
Purses, Wallets, Luggage, Jewels and Keys
Purses, Wallets, Luggage, Jewels and Keys can represent the valuable part of your nature, or what you protect and carry with you. (read all at source)
Purse (or Wallet)- precious; valuable; treasure, heart; personal identity; when empty, spiritually bankrupt.(Matt 6:21; Matt 12:35; John 12:6)
... (read all at source)
Wallet Represents the dreamer's sense of identity. If you dream of losing your wallet, you have been acting in a way that is at odds with your true self. If you find a wallet in a dream, a relationship in your life is helping you explore the real you. (read all at source)
Losing SomethingMany people dream of losing every day items that are important to them - a vehicle, purse, or wallet. Without these items, they may feel lost. Not being able to find them is very exasperating. (read all at source)
Then I was sitting around with my mom and this pastor (I didn't recognize him, now that I think about it, but he was familiar). I pulled out my wallet and counted my money. I had a $100 bill and some smaller bills. He and my mom again seemed surprised that I had that much money. (read all at source)
wallet: see purse
war: Violent resolution of conflict. "Are there parts of you in conflict?"
warrior: See soldier... (read all at source)
Wallet Similar to money, but may have more of a leaning toward power, or being in power; social effectiveness or ability to survive socially; your sense of self worth and value, thus related to your identity, […] More... (read all at source)
see also: wallet briefcase packing
categories: Objects
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
While walking I began to distance myself from her and for an unknown reason my wallet fell into the water. It opened up and the contents started to sink. I got on my belly and was able to save a few things but the rest were sinking fast. The bottom was visible, maybe 20 feet down at most. (read all at source)
Then I said to him, "could I take the wallet, keys and coins off mantle and out through the clear wall and put them on the table that was the behind us so that those that could not see the mantle and that which was on it could see it easily on the table". The Angel then said "You may, that is good". (read all at source)
Is it your wallet missing and everyone is harassing you about it? Is it your girlfriend's photo that's missing, and she's upset about it? How the people in your dream react is just as important as what you lost. (read all at source)
If you lose a personal value, such as a handbag or wallet then this dream indicates you feel you have been questioned. (read all at source)
Hunting or searching for something or someone is related to the symbolism of the specific thing that cannot be found. For instance, lost objects or persons may relate to lost values, aspects of your identity (wallet, credit cards), unfinished business. (read all at source)
If an object is lost, or a beloved friend or pet, the dreamer needs to assess what that object or being, and the loss thereof, means to him. For example: A dream of losing one's wallet could mean fear of financial loss. Look to other symbols in the dream to find ways to avoid what one fears. (read all at source)
Your financial responsibility in life.
Dreaming that you lost your wallet can mean you're feeling you need to pay more attention to your financial responsibilities. (read all at source)
A dream featuring a wallet or purse symbolizes self value or attitude towards money. The dream may suggest that you are putting focus on the financial aspect of your life ..Read more →
WASH / WASHING ... (read all at source)
Further, small pebble-sized frog amulets are carried in their wallets so money will not be lost. You can meet my friend Albert via his studio here (Studio Sussler)... (read all at source)
Seeing a wallet in your dream, symbolizes financial resources or self-identification. It also foretells of a burden heading your way. (read all at source)