Wadding dreams by DreamMean
Wadding, if seen in a dream, brings consolation to the sorrowing, and indifference to unfriendly criticism.
In general:
To see the wadding in dreams, you need safety, to be clearer than you would get permits to do what you desire.The wadding provides protection and warmth, the dreamer must deal with its need of protection. (read all at source)
Dream " W " Wadding
The interpretation of the dream "Wadding"
Dream Interpretation Tsvetkov... (read all at source)
To dream of using wadding in the loading of a rifle, foretells that you need to arm yourself against the hostile actions and words of others. To dream of using wadding in the filling of artistic work, indicates that your creativity will be greatly rewarded. (read all at source)
Wadding (cloth type stuffing)
To dream of using wadding in the loading of an old fashioned rifle means you are arming yourself against the hostile actions and words of others. When used in the filling of artistic work then it shows your creativity will be well rewarded.
Wafers... (read all at source)
- see also Dream Dictionary: Padding
The type of meaning for "waffle" intended here is that of waffling in discussion. If you are seeking the term waffle in relation to food, try Wafer. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Wadding, Rosemary, Tempest, Ruby, Festival, Leprosy, Errands, Farewell, Homicide, Ague, Side, Plank, Academy, Walking, Liquor, Table
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Indifference symbol. (read all at source)
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