Vow dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you are making or listening to vows, foretells complaint will be made against you of unfaithfulness in business, or some love contract. To take the vows of a church, denotes you will bear yourself with unswerving integrity through some difficulty.
To break or ignore a vow, foretells disastrous consequences will attend your dealings.
A dream with a vow implies that you need help in honoring the promises you have made. If you are making marriage vows in the dream then it implies you are completely ..Read more →
A-Z Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
A vow is a promise made by one person to another. Depending on the emotion present during and after the dream, the promise made can be trusted or not.
- see Dream Dictionary: Journey
- see Dream Dictionary: Birds... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you are making or listening to vows, foretells complaint will be made against you of unfaithfulness in business, or some love contract. (read all at source)
He is a hero, but ultimately dies because he betrays his vow of allegiance to Medea Perhaps you too have been a hero in your feminine side, but your masculine side is weak. That would be goal oriented and rational thinking. Is your allegiance to the children threatening your marriage vow? (read all at source)
In human lives, the need to take off vow to make promises and then symbolically represent. The wedding ring worn on the finger, which is associated with the heart - the fourth finger of the right hand - is one such symbol. (read all at source)
Pen/Pencil-Tongue: covenant agreement; contract; vow; publish; record; Indelible words; permanent; unforgettable; gossip. (Psa 45:1; Job 13:26; Jer 8:8)
Perfume-Influence: Seduction; enticement; temptation; persuasion, deception. (Prov 7:7,10,13,17-18; Eccl 10:1)... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Bier, Religion, Raffle, Steeple, Vow, Organ, Crowd, Flying
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Church symbol. (read all at source)
To dream of the month of January, signifies broken vow and loss of a loved-one. (read all at source)
Keep in a dream and fan to fan them - so in reality venture scandal, quarrel or litigation. Giving someone a fan - close to offend people, inflicting gratuitous insult.
Throw fan into someone - in reality to experience the bitter regret the mistakes and brought to a vow never to repeat them not. (read all at source)