Volunteer - Represents the value of helping others in need. It also implies charity and your willingness to offer your assistance. Also, look to your unconscious to see what it is volunteering to your conscious mind. (read all at source)
Peregrin Walker
Most dreams contain a message that you are trying to send to yourself. I can often help translate these hidden messages. (read all at source)
Dream " V " Volunteer
The interpretation of the dream "Volunteer"
English Dream Book... (read all at source)
volunteer being roped in for something you don't want to do; helping out. What are you sorry you said you would do?
vomit a need to get rid of something; disgusted; an upset stomach. What is turning your stomach? (read all at source)
To dream that you volunteer for something or are a volunteer, indicates the value of helping others in need. It also implies charity. (read all at source)
A dream where you volunteer suggests that you are committing yourself in some area of your life. It is also a symbol of dedication.
VOMIT ... (read all at source)
Free will. Initiative .Intentionally looking for change without a guarantee of reward.
Vomiting... (read all at source)
volunteer: Willingness to offer the self.
vomiting: Anything poisonous to your well-being can be represented as throwing it up to get it out of you.
voting: Choosing. Depending on your point-of-view, it could also represent a feeling of futility. (read all at source)
We gladly volunteer our time for most of our reach-outs, events, classes, dream interpretations, and personal ministry. Your donation or dream submittal blesses us to cover travel and set-up expenses for future venues. We are not 501(c)3...yet. (read all at source)
The other volunteers were not responding in the way required. The bus was symbolic of the dreamer trying to get things going with other people.
Example dream : A bus going downhill at speed dream linked to the dreamer having the first really stress free day for a long time. (read all at source)
If you dream of using your celebrity status for good (such as volunteering, donating, or even just planting trees), it is a positive sign. You do not use your superior position to demonstrate your worthiness. Instead, you put time and effort into helping other. (read all at source)
This Native American animal symbol expresses a need for purpose and goals, and has no trouble finding volunteers for his/her personal crusades. In a supportive environment, the Salmon is stable, calm, sensual, and giving. (read all at source)
The shower test...
Womens terminology...
Statistics for an organizat...
Some curses !!...
Pc message glossary...
Mainly british game shows -...
Funny statistics...
Redneck volunteer fire depa... (read all at source)
The vision of circumcision can be seen as a reminder of the dreamer that his instincts are to be conscious of it or has an impairment in physical, but mostly through sexual area. This can be a volunteer, but also be a forced resignation. The important thing is how the dreamer feels at circumcision. (read all at source)
A process or flow, since a parade "flows" down the street and has a beginning, middle, and end
A key characteristic you associate with the parade or procession, such as community, participation, volunteerism, a religious rite, a certain time of year, etc. (read all at source)
If one sees himself producing a sparrow or a hawk out of his urethral canal, it means that he will bore a son who will possess courageous and frivolous character. Holding a sparrow in a dream also means choosing a community of elders and volunteering one's services. (Also see Hawk). (read all at source)
This may be an indication of how you are dealing with a cry for help that needs your attention right now. How do you feel about being approached? Is it offensive to you, or do you feel okay about it? If you feel offended, it may indicate that you’d prefer to volunteer your generosity rather... (read all at source)
policeman, military position, military post, military posture, military press, military quarters, military rank, military rating, military reserve, military science, military service, military strength, military training, military uniform, military unit, military vehicle, military volunteer... (read all at source)
Example: Then I arrive at the preschool where I am doing a field study, and I am a teacher and my students and I are playing a name song. When it gets to one of the male volunteers, he leans in and kisses me. I don't recognize his face, but I seem to know him. (read all at source)