A dream with an umbrella suggests that you need to have better control over your finances. To close an umbrella in a dream implies that you are dealing with emotional ..Read more →
UMPIRE ... (read all at source)
To dream of carrying an umbrella, denotes that trouble and annoyances will beset you.
To see others carrying them, foretells that you will be appealed to for aid by charity.
To borrow one, you will have a misunderstanding, perhaps, with a warm friend.
To lend one, portends injury from false friends. To lose one, denotes trouble with some one who holds your confidence.
To see one torn to pieces, or broken, foretells that you will be misrepresented and maligned.
To carry a leaky one, denotes that pain and displeasure will be felt by you towards your sweetheart or companions.
To carry a new umbrella over you in a clear shower, or sunshine, omens exquisite pleasure and prosperity. (read all at source)
The umbrella is an item that brings shelter from harsh elements such as the sun and rain. Dreams incorporating an umbrella, either held by the dreamer or offered to the dreamer, are indicative that sanctuary is available to those in need and/or oneself. (read all at source)
Carrying a closed umbrella in the rain is highly unfortunate for the dreamer and his business plans. To dream of carrying an open umbrella in the rain is a very fortunate sign that speaks of good luck in most endeavors. A leaky umbrella denotes quarrels with loved ones.
Uncle... (read all at source)
Seeing an umbrella in your dream indicates a shield against your feelings. It also symbolizes financial protection and security. Seeing an unopened umbrella in the rain indicates that you are opened to your own feelings and emotional needs as you let the rain drench you. (read all at source)
Umbrella-symbolic of God’s protection, Ps. 46:1. If it is raining and you have no umbrella it symbolizes being unpre�pared or unprotected
Umpire-symbolic of Christ or a person in authority... (read all at source)
Dream " U " Umbrella
The interpretation of the dream "Umbrella"
Esoteric Dream Book... (read all at source)
umbrella need for self-protection; take a more positive attitude about things; get a broader perspective. How is the condition and colour of the umbrella symbolic of ways in which you are covering yourself? (read all at source)
To see an umbrella in your dream, suggests that you are putting up a shield against your emotions and trying to avoid dealing with them. It is also symbolic of emotional security. If the umbrella is leaking, then it indicates that you are unprepared in facing your problems. (read all at source)
Umbrella The strategies you use to deal with difficult emotions, or things you want to avoid. More... (read all at source)
Dreaming of an umbrella can symbolize how you are currently protecting yourself from difficulty rather than processing what can be learned from it. The issues surrounding the umbrella will show how you are doing this.
Uncle... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of carrying an umbrella, denotes that trouble and annoyances will beset you. To see others carrying them, foretells that you will be appealed to for aid by charity. (read all at source)
Parcel To dream of a parcel being delivered to you, denotes that you will be pleasantly surprised by the return of some absent one, or be cared for in a worldly way. If you carry a parcel, you will have some unpleasant task to perform. (read all at source)
When the dreamer dreams of himself seeking refuge under a large umbrella, it signifies escapism, anxiety and a flight from the realities of life.
Uncle... (read all at source)
An umbrella shelters you from the rain. In dreams the rain represents life, so being sheltered from it indicates you protect yourself from life. (read all at source)
Umbrella - lasting friendship, security.
Vinegar - jealousy.
Volcano - adventure, passion.
Wall - if a stone wall, you are near to achieving self-improvement. If a blank wall, reconsider your current plans. (read all at source)
Parasol: To dream of a parasol, denotes, for married people, illicit enjoyments.
If a young woman has this dream, she will engage in many flirtations,some of which will cause her interesting disturbances, lest her loverfind out her inclinations.
- See Umbrella. (read all at source)
Umbrella - Quite possibly a symbol of protection. A shield against expressing your true emotions.
Uncle - Masculine part of the psyche; qualities or characteristics you identify with particular individual which are projected aspects of yourself. {See anima/animus}... (read all at source)
Objects - Dream Dictionary
Protection from things of the sky (sun, water). A solar or masculine symbol. A symbol of the canopy of heaven. In some countries, it symbolizes royalty. (read all at source)
umbrella: Something to protect against the elements e.g. difficult feelings or circumstances, or anything not wanted from the unconscious.
under: Who you are inside and beneath the social mask that you wear. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Ringworms, Dromedary, Demand, Load, Umbrella, Dead
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Quick Decode: Offering protection; union (bring under one umbrella); rainy days
Popular Expressions: Save for a rainy day; right as rain; Take a rain check... (read all at source)