U-turn dream meaning

The letter "U" can signify making a 'u-turn' to go back to something you abandoned. It can embody the idea of 'you' in a cryptic form. (read all at source)

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19. Roads symbolize your direction in life. The direction of your life is determined by your desires and goals. There are highways, streets, roads, dead-end streets, bumpy roads, smooth roads, etc. You can make a right turn, a U-turn or a left turn (not right or unpredictable). (read all at source)

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U-Turn - A need to refocus or perhaps change your mode of thinking or doing things. Altering the course you have chosen.
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Dream Dictionary
A... (read all at source)

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U-turn something left behind; going too fast in one direction; time for you to turn; changing your mind quickly; illegal action. What did you forget to mention?
'It is the effort required to remember dreams, and the resulting stretching of consciousness that finally opens up dream reality.'... (read all at source)

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To make a u-turn in your dream, indicates that you are altering the course of your life. You are changing directions and starting on a different path. It may also mean that you have made a wrong decision or choice. (read all at source)

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the same(or similar) UFO half way behind a mountain, I noticed other people around the block seeing it and taking pictures, I also wanted to do the same, but I had to go out and take it because it was flying off. Once I had the clear view of the UFO outside again, for some reason it made a U-turn... (read all at source)

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