Time dream meaning

Time Travel dream interpretations
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time of day
A particular time of day—such as morning, afternoon, night—can represent an actual time frame when the events represented in the dream really happened, or it can set a mood or context that you associate with that part of the day. (read all at source)

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Time travel is a common dream event. There is rarely a time machine involved. Rather, the dream story simply unfolds in another era of time, past or future. These dreams often represent either the romance or hopes we attribute to moments other than our present. (read all at source)

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To see you time traveling in dreams is a common occurrence and many of us have had this. However, there is hardly any time machine kind of thing involved. Rather, you see yourself in a situation from the past or future. (read all at source)

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If day elapse for a longer period of time in a dream, this means that events in the dream are not so much significant.
- The time of day is connected in certain stages of life of the dreamer. However, it may be that only the numbers play a role (for that dream, please, see numbers interpretations). (read all at source)

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A dream about time reflects concerns about dealing with anxiety and apprehension.
To dream that there isn't enough time symbolizes worry and concern. It could literally mean that you are facing a deadline to get something completed. (read all at source)

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Quick Decode: Measure; appointment; change
Popular Expressions: Like clockwork; borrowed time; going around in circles... (read all at source)

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This time round, it's really strange. It's as if the paralysed self is separated from the false awakening self which consciousness is attached. Perhaps shouting "Wake up" did make the paralysed self took in air, but as far as I (false awakening self) am concerned, it wasn't a conscious choice. (read all at source)

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Time of Day
The passage of time in our life; our age; our sense of ease or pressure. There are certain times of day that we have deeply ingrained habitual responses to - such as morning coffee is […]...More
Lonely Loneliness... (read all at source)

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This is another one of those words that you must consider with the entire dream in mind. If time is of the essence and you are rushed or late this could be a warning not to be caught late for an important appointment. (read all at source)

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Time - If time is going by quickly in your dream, it may be paralleling your feelings in waking life of being rushed or not having enough time. Your dream setting may be historical, and if so, maybe it represents your attitudes toward something. (read all at source)

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The setting and hour of a dream provides details about how you are currently feeling and interacting in life. Something occurring in daytime suggests ideas already in consciousness. A dream occurring in the night is exploring ideas not yet in consciousness. (read all at source)

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A dream featuring the time going by could suggest that you need to be more resourceful or you are facing time constraint in some part of your waking life. If you are ..Read more →
TOILET ... (read all at source)

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At this time, custom Celtic symbol calligraphy services are unavailable.
The end result is a striking and remarkable marriage of symbolism and beauty.
Click on the Celtic spiral symbol below for a larger view of the results of this unique union of symbols and writing. (read all at source)

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Time is a human concept used to compartmentalize the rational world. However, our subconscious needs no such boundaries and can play with time in all kinds of creative ways. Dreaming of the time of day is relatively common, especially sunrise and sunset. (read all at source)

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Time. Limitation. Ready to discover what emotional field surrounds you.
Cleansing. Life. Emotions. Ask yourself about your current feelings. (read all at source)

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Time travel dreams to historical events can reflect a need for discovery and exploration. (read all at source)

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Time Travel
To dream about time travel, indicates your wish to escape from your present reality. You want to go back into the past or jump forward to the future to a period where your hopes are realized. This type also represents your romantic nature or your desire to romanticize everything.
Tin... (read all at source)

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Time and time again we will be called to stand in the fire so that we might be purified and made as gold for the Lord. Often the Lord has said to me personally, 'Do you want all I have for you? (read all at source)

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Was time important yesterday? Did you need to do something? In what ways did you think it was the 'right time' yesterday? Is it 'time for a change?' Is something scheduled to happen tomorrow?
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)

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The time period an individual is asleep. This period is controlled by the circadian clock and by the homeostatic sleep propensity.
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:
List of Terms: Terms beginning with "A", Page 1 ... (read all at source)

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Make Time to RelaxIf you have too many things to do during the day and simply cannot reduce your schedule, but cannot shake the dreams of falling, consider spreading your workload. Ask a spouse or child to take on some of your household responsibilities to help ease your load. (read all at source)

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It's time to look through what is going on in your life and make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need to live.
Dream Symbol Dictionary
Main Menu of Dream Information... (read all at source)

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From time-to-time our site requests information from users via surveys or contests. Participation in these surveys or contests is completely voluntary and the user therefore has a choice whether or not to disclose this information. (read all at source)

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It's Time to Wake Up, Starseeds!
Discover The Power Of Gratitude To Unleash Unlimited Abundance And Happiness In Your Life
Today Week Month All... (read all at source)

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after time, ahead of time, anachronistic, ancient, antedated, arrested, asleep, asleep in Jesus, at rest, back, backward, beforehand, behind, behind time, behindhand, belated, belatedly, bereft of life, blocked, breathless, bygone, called home, carrion, checked, cold, croaked, current, dated, dead,... (read all at source)

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It is time for you to learn something new.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
Download app... (read all at source)

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It is time to understand your relationship with your friends or parents.
Janitor - to avoid slander and false stories about you, watch their behavior and statements, they should be immaculate and truthful. (read all at source)

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At any time of year, but especially in springtime, a dream of daffodils is an augury of hope, no matter what... Continue dream interpretation - Daffodil"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Dagger... (read all at source)

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Easter time or some aspect of Easter or spring
Anticipating or remembering an Easter-related occasion
Dying or decorating Easter eggs can represent embellishment, self-expression, or preparing for a celebration or special occasion. (read all at source)

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By the time I returned with the flight attendant we were running desperately late and would have to dash to catch the airplane. "Where's Mom?" I asked. "I don't know," replied Jane. "She's gone shopping but I have no idea where she is now. (read all at source)

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dad time to phone him; a message from him; someone reminds you of him, but you hadn't noticed before. How are you similar to your dad, or your boss? (read all at source)

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At this time, I do not know what the good or positive meaning of pink would be. I hope you will remember that I am also a student of the faith and yet have much to learn from the good Father, who is God.
Meaning of the Color Red in Dreams... (read all at source)

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At that time the pastor who showed the film opened the front door to the building and an elephant came inside. The elephant had about half of it's skin missing. The rest of it's body was pink and covered with yellow blisters. (read all at source)

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Make time to work on your dreams. Dream interpretation takes time and effort—and none of your investment is wasted. (read all at source)

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The next time you dream remember a dream symbol feel free to apply it to our dream dictionary above. Pay attention to the colours, animals, emotions, and people in your dreams. Remember you have the power to find the deeper meaning in your life and search for happiness. (read all at source)

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Clock-Time: Late; early; delay. Grandfather Clock=past
Ephesians 5:16- covering clean or unclean. (Matt 5:40)
Closet-Private: Personal; prayer; secret sin (as in skeletons in the closet); something hidden. (read all at source)

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Autumn-time to work, Prov. 20:4
Avatar-symbolic of being controlled by someone or attempting to use other people
Axe-a battle axe is the word of God, Ezek. 9:2. If the axe head is dull it symbolizes the need to use the wisdom of God in a situation, Eccl. 10:10... (read all at source)

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For a long time, people believed that comets foretold bad luck.
If you dream that you are a member of a committee, you could be making plans for your future in waking life. (read all at source)

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At another time he hears in his dream a familiar voice cry out in agony. Soon he hears of a shocking accident or distressing illness befalling the one whose voice he recognized in the dream.[2]... (read all at source)

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April is the time of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. When you dream of April or your dream is set in the month of April, you may be experiencing the flowering of aspects of yourself. April can signify new beginnings or long-held efforts beginning to blossom. (read all at source)

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A symbol for time passing. If you dream of watching a clock ticking, with the hands moving steadily, this is a warning that you need to stop wasting time. Winding a clock or watch indicates that you are taking control of the situation. (read all at source)

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Judge. A time of trials, troubles, and thankless tasks is forecast in a dream which features a judge, being a judge, or being judged. However, you can console yourself with the assurance that the troubles will be temporary. (read all at source)

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Transition; a time in your life when things are moving or changing; a temporary situation; a feeling of not belonging, possibly of being uprooted, diminished feelings of security. Consider the condition of the hotel and the activities occurring for additional clues. (read all at source)

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a time in life of especially needing guidance Cayce (900-232, A-1). Stripes something subject to change (i.e., as opposed to solid color that shows a consistency) Cayce (137-61). Suitcase 1. that which you "have in hand" in your life Cayce (294-100, A-1). 2. (read all at source)

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fork in the road
Time to make a decision about life direction or other choice.
A situation or personality that requires caution because of possible trickery, deceit. (read all at source)

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If you dream of a time of drougt (dry land or a long period of no rains), you will have a short period of tough luck, followed by a sudden release from your worries.
Drowning... (read all at source)

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12 - represents time and may mark the most important cycles in life
Also see:
Bible number meanings. (read all at source)

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Time element. Allotted time.Check conditions surrounding the clock and the appearance of the clock.It is talking to you about time, a cycle, age or duration of something. Carl Jung called all circular images a "mandala. (read all at source)

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The unconscious.
A time of transformation or transition.
The Freudian interpretation says it's a phallic symbol that represents how you experience your. >> Read more
Enhance your Dream Interpretation... (read all at source)

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Time to put ideas into action.
alcohol - others drinking, they are out of control, it is an excuse for their behavior, they are not in condition to help you by their own fault, You: possibly drinking too much, its your excuse for you to do something out of the ordinary, or for not performing,... (read all at source)

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If you see yourself writing or making marks on a calendar, it symbolizes that you are marking time until a certain event comes to pass. If someone in your dream gives you a calendar as a gift, you will have much disappointment in the week ahead. (read all at source)

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This period of years represents the time it takes for a new generation to arise. Moses' life is divided into three 40-year segments, separated by his fleeing from Egypt, and his return to lead his people out. (read all at source)

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The past few nights I've had multiple dreams around the same time and waking up at 4:03 in the morning with cold sweats and an unease of feelings and discomfort. (read all at source)

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A brother, or other relatives or friends, denotes that youmay be called on for charity or aid within a short time. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are abandoned suggests that it is time to leave behind past feelings and characteristics that are hindering your growth. Let go of your old attitudes. A more direct and literal interpretation of this dream indicates you have a fear of being deserted, abandoned, or even betrayed. (read all at source)

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To see him pale and careworn, sickness will tax you heavily, as some of the family will linger in bed for a time.
To see him jolly and handsome, your home will be filled with happiness and bright prospects will be yours. If he is sick, you might be mistreated by him and he will be unfaithful. (read all at source)

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It is an extension of your inner child during a time of innocence, purity, simplicity, and a carefree attitude. You may be longing for the past and the chance to satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes. Take some time off and cater to the inner child within. (read all at source)

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Most all the time this change is very dramatic and major. It can be change in your life attitude or emotional balance. These types of dreams can also symbolize confronting fear, usually fear of death or change. Since most of use will agree that death is the ultimate change, and many people fear it. (read all at source)

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For a young woman to dream that she lives in fairy like opulence, interpret that she will be deceived, and will live for a time in luxurious ease and splendor, to find later that she is mated with shame and poverty. (read all at source)

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denotes that she will be deceived, and will live for a time in luxurious
ease and splendor, to find later that she is mated with shame and poverty.
When young women dream that they are enjoying solid and real wealth
and comforts, they will always wake to find some real pleasure,... (read all at source)

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To see fighting, denotes that you are squandering your time and money. For women, this dream is a warning against slander and gossip. For a young woman to see her lover fighting, is a sign of his unworthiness. (read all at source)

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The puppy can then jump into your arms and you can hug it or you can use the same imagery of your dream and create another bowl of fruit, this time with fresh, lovely, clean fruit which you can then eat and become the most powerful person on Earth. (read all at source)

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This quote reminds me of a time when just after sunset I left work and headed down the hill to the parking lot. I had been worrying all day how I was going to deal with some very upsetting events when I passed a young man and happened to catch his eye. (read all at source)

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To see a clock in your dream, signifies the importance of time or that time is running out. You may be feeling some anxiety of not being on top of things. Your mind may be preoccupied with a deadline that you have to meet or some other time-sensitive issue. (read all at source)

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When dark refers to night time, darkness or being in the dark, the dream is about your feeling of not knowing where you are going, or how to get to where you want to go with regard to the subject matter of the dream. (read all at source)

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If you dreamed of the devil surrounded by instruments of punishment, or actually punishing you, then the dream is telling you that the time has come to clear your mind and your conscious of the guilty secret you are holding onto. (read all at source)

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To dream that you see a very large spider and a small one coming towards you, denotes that you will be prosperous, and that you will feel for a time that you are immensely successful; but if the large one bites you, enemies will steal away your good fortune. (read all at source)

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To see gleaners at work at harvest time, denotes prosperous business, and, to the farmer, a bountiful yield of crops. If you are working with the gleaners, you will come into an estate, after some trouble in establishing rights. For a woman, this dream foretells marriage with a stranger.
Gloomy... (read all at source)

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** More to follow as time permits ** But please remember--I'm not putting an A-Z list up here. It will be in my book one day, or you can check the book list available on the links page. Better yet, take the tips on this site and start your own journal for inner guidance that can't be beat!... (read all at source)

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To dream of a spa suggests that you need to take some time to relax from your daily activities. You should cleanse yourself and get rid of past pain.
To dream of a store filled with merchandise, foretells prosperity and advancement. An empty store foretells failure and quarrels. (read all at source)

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Dreamcrowd - Dream Sharing and Interpretation
Online community where people can view real-time interpretation and interact with others.
From Sleep Consciousness to Pure Consciousness
Follow the progression of dream states discerned by trained meditators and highly conscious individuals. (read all at source)

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An examination in a dream symbolizes a time for reflection and evaluation. The subject of the test will give further insight into the theme for reflection. For example, a medical exam will indicate the need to identify attitudes producing wholeness or dis-ease. (read all at source)

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Pumpkin -Positive: change of the seasons; harvest time; symbol of affection (as in 'You are my little pumpkin'); Negative: witchcraft; deception; snare; witch; trick (as in Halloween 'trick or treat')... (read all at source)

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Things of this nature are to be regarded as danger signals. They can conjure up past war-time experiences. They can indicate events which have caused shock.
Dreaming of studying books indicates pleasant pursuits, honors and riches. (read all at source)

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Air. Dreaming about the open sky or air is an indication that all is "clear" and agreeable in your life at the time.
Airport. Dreaming of airports is a sign of transition and change. You have either experienced a transition or change or one is coming. (read all at source)

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Roads, aside from being literal manifestations, convey your direction in life. This may be time to question your current "life path". (read all at source)

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sweet pea, children or the desire to have children; carnation, a pensive, reflective state of mind; chrysanthemum, a gala affair; orchid, permanence and commitment; petunia, rugged endurance; daffodil, warmth or the restoration of a relationship; tulip, productivity; hyacinth, reflection and a time... (read all at source)

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