Tick dream meaning

A dream in which you see a tick, or get bitten by one, means that something is drawing all the vigor out of you. You need to find out what person or situation is causing you to be fatigued. (read all at source)

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To see or be bitten by a tick in your dream, suggests that a relationship or situation is sucking all the energy out of you. Ask yourself what in your life is causing you much exhaustion.
Ticket... (read all at source)

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Wait a tick - she recognized using the "bad apple in the bunch" clich� and thought twice about that one little BBB complaint. Based on the symbolic association, and that last intuitive hit, Jessica decided to accept the offer from the other company. (read all at source)

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To mash a tick on you, interpret that you will be annoyed by treacherous enemies.
To see in your dreams large ticks on stock, enemies are endeavoring to get possession of your property by foul means.
Tiger... (read all at source)

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terminal, terminal date, terminus, terza rima, tetrastich, the drill, the front, the general tendency, the how, the like of, the likes of, the main course, the way of, theater, theater of operations, theater of war, thematic development, theme, thing, thong, thorough bass, thread, threshold, tick,... (read all at source)

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Is it the rushed tick-tick-tick of something left undone, or the buzzing alarm of an alarm clock? This means that you feel time has been wasted, that there are things you still have to do that you're running out of time to do. (read all at source)

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psychologist wondering what makes you tick; interested in the mind and how it works; feeling tested; look at your behaviour and feelings about a specific issue. What have you been trying to figure out, and what further clues has your dream given you? (read all at source)

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However, if the numbers (4, 13, 22, 31, and others) are blots, lines or ugly tick, then you made a mistake in trusting someone in his entourage, but you have to reserve a week to correct an oversight. (read all at source)

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IF you are not careful this could become life altering. Time to get the adrenlyn addiction out of your system, for the candles are burning at both ends now...tick...tick
I hope this helps
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Love and Light
Gypsy... (read all at source)

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Alex @ 2012-01-09 06:06:28
I dreamed of seeing myself sitting on a blue rocking chair. looking at a clock. I could hear every tick until it stopped at 3:35 am, I kept looking at it then I woke up crying at 3:35 am!
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You could be on the verge of Prophetic Office.
Identify where you are in your training.
Tick off the signs, flow in the gifts.
Everything you ever needed to know about the Prophet. (read all at source)

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As truly benign as it sounds, most X-ray dreams seem to reflect a desire for inner knowledge concerning the dreamer or someone with whom the dreamer has an ongoing relationship. We often think that life would be better if we knew what made others tick. (read all at source)

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Torture - Quite simply, it could be telling you that you are torturing yourself in some way, or if someone else is doing it, maybe it deals with the current situation you are finding yourself in.
From HyperDictionary.com
tick --- torso
tortoise --- trickster... (read all at source)

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The meaning here is that every opportunity should be taken of exhibiting the very best standards, and to be sensitive to other peoples feelings. Analysis is so essential to the understanding of many people, that it is indispensable to the proper teaching of finding out what makes others tick. (read all at source)

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