Thermometer dream meaning

Thermometer dreams by DreamMean
To dream of looking at a thermometer, denotes unsatisfactory business, and disagreements in the home.

To see a broken one, foreshadows illness. If the mercury seems to be falling, your affairs will assume a distressing shape. If it is rising, you will be able to throw off bad conditions in your business.

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Reading a thermometer in your dream indicates unsatisfactory business deals and domestic strife. Seeing a broken thermometer in your dream, forewarns of illness. Seeing the mercury in the thermometer rising means that you will be able to ward off bad luck in your business. (read all at source)

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ThermometerIf you have a dream in which you have a thermometer in your mouth, it can mean that you are judging your emotions to see whether they are warm or cold. It can also be a dream concerning your physical health, whether you are actually ill or just believe you are. (read all at source)

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A thermometer featured in a dream symbolizes how much you judge something in relation to whatever you feel inside. This is quite interesting, as this dream symbolizes how you communicate with other people in a warm manner. In general, a thermometer in a dream symbolizes change of all kinds. (read all at source)

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To dream of looking at a thermometer, interpret unsatisfactory business, and disagreements in the home. (read all at source)

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Thermometer - Measurement of one's emotional state, or it could be a forewarning of coming ill health. (read all at source)

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thermometer measurement; heat rising; feeling nervous, frightened; may indicate health concern related to fever. What is rising too high or going too low for comfort? (read all at source)

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To read a thermometer in your dream, denotes unsatisfactory business deals and domestic strife.
To see a broken thermometer in your dream, forewarns of illness. (read all at source)

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Thermometer measurements or judgements made using a physical world standard Cayce (900-305, A-5). Thief a warning about someone who may try to take advantage of the dreamer Cayce (195-51, A-2). see also Intruder Train 1. (read all at source)

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A thermometer in a dream can be a symbolic representation of not acknowledging how you feel or how your real feelings are leading you to be reactive. You take your temperature as a way of checking in with your feelings. (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Image, Wife, Urinal, Rye Bread, Fight, Sawdust, Sausage, Fiddle, Shanty, China, Mallet, Hunger, Hymns, Twins, Penitentiary, Ebony, Pancake, Jam, Forsaking, Autumn, Necklace, Errands, Witch, Ramble, Carnival, Thermometer, Paper or parchment, Hearse, Elderberries,... (read all at source)

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Keep the thermometer under the arm means that you are experiencing family problems and are not satisfied with their work.
Keep the pot in a dream by the fire - portends war of words, grows into a home scandal. (read all at source)

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