Taboo dream meaning

One very unusual thing about dreaming is that almost any object, person, or association can seem to project a taboo power. This taboo may be either negative or positive. (read all at source)

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Dream "Taboo"
Lofa Dream Interpretation
In dreams, found this unusual moment, as the appearance of a certain sense: literally every person, object, or the association can enter into a force taboo, with both negative and positive character. (read all at source)

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Taboo and temptation or fear of sex - Snake is often interpreted as a phallic symbol, that embodies sexual needs. Accordingly, snake can symbolize taboo - dangerous and forbidden sexual feelings. Or snake can represent temptation. (read all at source)

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Cannibalism is taboo in most human societies; most people would find eating human flesh to be intolerable. (read all at source)

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Or rather, the Raven King in alchemical terms, the raven was the taboo bird in all alchemical traditions. It was said that three Raven Kings were associated with the bird's transforming powers of death and decay. Further, the raven was hailed for it's ability to decompose everything in its path. (read all at source)

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Something only becomes ‘dirty’ because it is ‘unclean’ or taboo. Whatever symbol is recognized as being dirty will suggest that part of you that has been overlooked or neglected. Dirty can also be associated with attempts at transformation. (read all at source)

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Rage can also be a replacement for another passionate feeling that you feel is taboo. For example, if you are feeling lust for another that is off limits you may dream about being very mad at them rather than being sexually passionate. (read all at source)

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Rather, they are more about femininity and the taboo subjects that come with the territory. Whether the dreamer is a male or female, dreaming of a vagina is about inhibitions. That, in the female's case she has not accepted her genitalia and may in fact be embarrassed by it. (read all at source)

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Policeman - A super-ego symbol or conscience, representing taboos stemming from childhood. Being arrested by a policeman may symbolize sexuality or emotions restrained by feelings of guilt. Someone of something that represents authority. (read all at source)

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Incessable, incessancy, incessant, incessantly, incessantness, Incession, incest taboo, Incesttuous, incestuous, incestuously
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)

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incest inappropriate sexual behaviour; protection needed; mixed up love feelings. Who has been suppressing taboo feelings? (read all at source)

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The dream could also be a sign of the popular saying "bring home the bacon", which means that there is work that needs to be done if you want to earn appropriate salary. If you see the bacon that is spoiled it symbolizes some situation that is taboo.. (read all at source)

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If this dream persists, you may consider talking to a professional about it. If you are currently making important decisions, don't do anything that is morally questionable because you are already experiencing disturbing dreams associated with taboos that bring up feelings of guilt and shame. (read all at source)

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It also reveals the conflict that many women feel about the good-girl/bad-girl taboo. Aside from overt sexual activities in dreams, the question of sexual images and symbols as they occur in dreams is important. (read all at source)

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