Swim under water - a manifestation of deep feelings.
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At peace and comfortable with one's emotions. Things are under control.
::... (read all at source)
To swim with animals such as dolphins or whales it means that times area changing. Any dream that involves animals in a swimming pool indicates that you have heaps of energy, which sometimes swallows everything up. (read all at source)
To swim on a horse's back through a clear and beautiful stream of water, your conception of passionate bliss will be swiftly realized. To a business man, this dream portends great gain.
To see a wounded horse, foretells the trouble of friends. (read all at source)
To swim under water, foretells struggles and anxieties.
Also See Diving and Bathing.
Swiss Cheese... (read all at source)
To swim in the water of the sea and to struggle with difficulties to be unable to reach the shore or the beach in a dream, shows formidable superiority in the life of the dreamer (applies to any situation: health, work, family, etc.). (read all at source)
If the fish swim in clear water is this a sign of luck and wealth. If it is dead you can get disappointed. If you eat fish and you enjoy it, you will get success. If you make a meal that contains fish you will do well. Fried fish mean reconciliation. (read all at source)
And you can't swim, so we're talking about some social situation that you aren't skilled at. You're getting two conflicting messages - they could be internal or external sources, but usually these voices come from within. (read all at source)
Swim 1. submerged in or attuned to universal forces Cayce (136-54, A-4). 2. making headway in some endeavor Cayce (900-79, A-9). Sword 1. the Spirit (like a two-edge sword that can cut either way) Cayce (900-224, A-2,3). 2. (read all at source)
In closing, I urge you to dive into the energetic matrix of shark energy, and swim into your own symbolic realizations about this magnificent animal. Thanks for reading & entertaining these thoughts on shark symbolism and the shark totem. (read all at source)
We asked her if she can swim and she said no. I grabbed her hand and pulled her toward us. Then we all held hands and the water got us all. We were swimming uphill toward higher ground of course. How we stayed afloat with roller skates on while we were all holding hands, I have no clue. (read all at source)
If you are self employed its 'sink or swim' - there will not be other people to help you out if you get into trouble.
Example dream : A lifeguard who does not know much linked to the dreamers thoughts about starting a relationship. (read all at source)
We'll I seen my sister walk up to it and she steps right over it and gets into the water when I know that she can't swim and I was standing there screaming trying to get her help but I felt in my heart that she was gone. (read all at source)
voting, preliminary, proportional representation, proxy voting, rambling, ranging, repeating, rickety, roaming, roving, shaky, shifting, sidestroke, single system, single transferrable vote, single-member district, straggling, straying, strolling, supernatant, surfboarding, surfing, swim, swimming,... (read all at source)
Duck: Represent amusement, or floating as in buoyancy or the ability to swim through or over feelings. The phrase, "water off a duck's back" suggests an ability to just let things go. (read all at source)
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'swim'
The Safari is a mirror to all your life. Dreaming of crossing in a safari is like crossing the paths in your life, the good things, the bad things, the past, the future and the unknown.
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For some, the ocean can impart a sense of fear and foreboding, especially if they can't swim. Its ultimate vastness, coupled with their lack of swimming ability, can appear in a dream as a reflection of some insurmountable struggle they may be having in waking life.
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They can swim, walk, and fly. Ducks are flexible and multi-talented. Dreaming about this bird suggests that you, or someone else in your life, is very flexible and can competently deal with emotional issues. (read all at source)
quicksand feeling overwhelmed; drowning; sinking faster than you can swim. Where does it feel as if you are 'mired in quicksand'?
quill sharp, pointed remarks; writings from the past; a need to defend yourself; writing a letter to your dream self. Who do you need to write a letter to? (read all at source)
More on the meaning of "Swim, Swimming" in my dream
Objects - Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
Lacking emotions, or diminished mental and emotional capacity
Cold or impersonal
Adept in a certain environment or a particular pursuit, as in a fish's expert ability to "breathe" and swim in water
Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
If you reached land safely, you will overcome your dilemma, but if you fell out of the boat or were upset by rough weather, it is a warning of serious difficulty due to indecision. If you were rescued in your dream, or managed to swim to safety, success will follow hardship. (read all at source)
where someone has fooled or misled you and you feel that you’ve been taken in hook, line, and sinker. If you’re at a crossroads in your life and have to make a difficult decision, you may see a sink full of water. It’s time to decide whether you’re going to sink or swim. (read all at source)
In Native American tradition, the fish is a symbol for mystical secrets, for it can swim to the deepest regions of the ocean and explore its hidden knowledge.
3. In British lore, it was believed that eating fish before lovemaking could enable a couple to conceive a child.
4. (read all at source)