Swelling dream meaning

Swelling dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you see yourself swollen, denotes that you will amass fortune, but your egotism will interfere with your enjoyment.

To see others swollen, foretells that advancement will meet with envious obstructions.

Swimming.To dream of swimming, is an augury of success if you find no discomfort in the act. If you feel yourself going down, much dissatisfaction will present itself to you.

For a young woman to dream that she is swimming with a girl friend who is an artist in swimming, foretells that she will be loved for her charming disposition, and her little love affairs will be condoned by her friends.

To swim under water, foretells struggles and anxieties. See Diving, Bathing.

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Dealing with emotional or mental injury or toxicity in your life
Being reactionary to some person, situation, or dynamic in your life
See also: increasing getting bigger... (read all at source)

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I have had a lyumphoedema (dysfunction of the lymph nodes which leads to swelling) on my left leg for 7 years, and this winter my right leg started swelling on and off. I heard about acupuncture treatment, I did this treatment. (read all at source)

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Swelling of the dream - the flooding of the apartment neighbors or to the accident water.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)

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Internal pressure. You become filled with an emotion.
Swimming... (read all at source)

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Was there pain or swelling that might indicate emotional wounds?
Might it have something to do with digesting new experiences in my life?
Is there a health or diet issue that is causing some concern? (read all at source)

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' If your arms are showing swelling in a dream, you may be feeling irritation about carrying the burdens of others. On your hands, you may be making choices that aren't appropriate for you. (read all at source)

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Having a knob or a lump, or any kind of swelling on your body is a sign that you will have issues with your heritage and property in general, or with any kind of income.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of knob... (read all at source)

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balloon something is swelling up; check your lungs, stomach or breasts; someone full of 'hot air'; something about to burst or pop. What are you afraid might float away from you? (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Otter, Swelling
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Diving symbol. (read all at source)

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see also: climbing getting bigger many swelling extra
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Emphasizing the positive view of the water, it should be noted that often it is a symbol of new life, rejuvenation and energy. The swelling of the water also causes sleepiness and laziness;... (read all at source)

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This is how the immune system works. It is connected to the circulatory system and drains infection from it. You will notice this if you get a cut on your shin. A swelling bellow the knee at the back of your leg is where the immune system drains the infection. (read all at source)

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Heartlet, Heartlings, heart-lung machine, Heartpea, Heartquake, heartrending, Heart-robbing, heartrot, hearts, heartsease, Heart's-ease, heartseed, Heartshaped, heart-shaped, heartsick, heartsickness, Heartsome, Heart-spoon, Heartstricken, Heartstrike, Heartstring, Heartstruck, Heartswelling,... (read all at source)

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