A sweater worn to help keep you warm can represent:
Self-protection, as in protecting one's self from others' cold or negative emotions the way a jacket protects a person from cold temperatures
Self-nuturing, self-care
Measures towards emotional, mental, physical survival... (read all at source)
Jerseys or sweaters can also link with a college or school, so in that case link with your associations with that part of your life. (read all at source)
In the dream I was standing in the lobby of a building talking to my sister (I think) and my boyfriend was leaning out the door of the building so he could get a better look at something that was on his sweater. (read all at source)
I just dreamt I was @ braai a full of meat such tat pple were throwing it around & a guy I knw asked me 2 take a photo of him while he was carrying ma favourate sweater yet he was wearing a torn t shirt .I remember asking him why he was carrying ma sweater but he never answered me . (read all at source)
Sweal, Swear, swear in, swear off, swear out, swearer, Swearing, swearword, sweat bag, sweat duct, sweat equity, sweat gland, sweat off, sweat pants, sweat room, sweat sock, sweat suit, sweatband, sweatbox, sweater, sweater girl, Sweatily, Sweatiness, sweating, sweating sickness, sweats, sweatshirt,... (read all at source)
Sometimes they have little sweaters and collars on. They never hurt me. It's almost as if they don't see me there. There are always other people around and I'm yelling at them and telling them there are rats everywhere and no one is paying attention to me. (read all at source)
turtle sticking your neck out; moving slowly but steadily; a symbol for the Earth; having a hard shell to hide in; yummy chocolates; watch out you don't turn turtle and capsize; wearing a turtle neck sweater. Who is your turtle dove? (read all at source)
To see or wear a sweater in your dream, symbolizes your continuing connection and strong ties with your family and home life. Alternatively, it represents a kind of innocence, immaturity, and/or naive thinking. To dream that you are knitting a sweater, symbolizes your creativity. (read all at source)