Swamp dreams by DreamMean
To walk through swampy places in dreams, foretells that you will be the object of adverse circumstances. Your inheritance will be uncertain, and you will undergo keen disappointments in your love matters.
To go through a swamp where you see clear water and green growths, you will take hold on prosperity and singular pleasures, the obtaining of which will be attended with danger and intriguing. See Marsh.
To see a swamp in your dream, symbolizes a sense of insecurity.
To dream that you are walking through a swampy area, foretells you will be find yourself in a troublesome situation. You will also undergo disappointments in your affairs. (read all at source)
A swamp provides a dream setting that allows you to explore feelings (water) and what is living or growing beneath the surface of awareness. (read all at source)
I walked a bit too far and somehow ended up in a forest or swamp of sorts. Everything turned dark and unfamiliar before I realized I was walking in a field of feces! Luckily I saw some people and I walked with them through a pool filled with excrement. (read all at source)
Lack of solid ground, foundation, or beliefs. Not knowing how to proceed or what to believe. A challenging area of phase of your life. Hidden challenges or messiness.
See also: quicksand problem or trouble seaweed... (read all at source)
Boiler To dream of seeing a boiler out of repair, signifies you will suffer from bad management or disappointment. For a woman to dream that she goes into a cellar to see about a boiler foretells that sickness and losses will surround her. (read all at source)
Example dream : A drowning dream linked to the dreamer feeling anxious and nervous and totally swamped by a situation.
Example dream : A drowning dream linked to the dreamer thinking through how she was coping the previous day. (read all at source)
A limited swamp means that some financial problems are coming your way. If all the land is a swamp in your dream, this is the sign of big financial worries. Seeing a swamp withdrawing suggests that you will start again an endeavor of yours that will end up being very successful. (read all at source)
The dream frequently uses the image of a swamp to describe an abundantly flourishing imagination. In the case of younger people, this must also be seen as an indication of sexual fantasies. It is therefore advisable to interpret the image of a swamp as a warning signal.
Swan... (read all at source)
Swamp - Colon, elimination system
Swan - See bird
Swimming pool - Spirituality is restricted (more); Diving into: get into life;... (read all at source)
To see a swamp in your dream, symbolizes aspects of yourself that are repressed and dark. You may be feeling insecure. The dream may also be a pun on feeling swamped from work, a relationship, or other emotional burden. (read all at source)
A dream with a swamp suggests that you are feeling drained or held back in some part of your life. It could also imply that you need support or are ..Read more →
SWAN ... (read all at source)
Aggression, assertiveness; In swamp: colon trouble.
See also: Echo , Wafer , Queen , Raccoon , Image
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
*Please see also Swamp.
To see or eat marshmallows in your dream, represents timidity and lack of self-confidence. You need to learn to be more assertive and stand up for yourself. (read all at source)
- Dream analysis - chased into a swamp by guys
- Church basement dream dictionary
- Dream interpretation about church and husband playing trombone
- Dream interpretation - difficult climb
- Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
- Dream analysis about dangling from church spire... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Estate, Voyage, Marble, Swamp, Disinherited, Mustache, Linen, Sweetheart, Absinthe, Fruit, Bride, Jewels, Abandon
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Inheritance symbol. (read all at source)
paper look for an important message by fax or mail; feeling swamped with paperwork; reading something significant in the newspaper; documents needing to be signed; 'busy as a one-handed paper hanger'; a paper due. What do you need to write down? (read all at source)
When I dream of crocodiles I am always in water whether its lakes, swamps, rivers, the sea I'm always getting chased sometimes it has even been a game with them. Now the freaky thing is that if you search my full name on goggle it tells the story of a girl that was killed by a crocodile in Africa. (read all at source)
Bog: Bogs, denotes burdens under whose weight you feel that endeavorsto rise are useless.
Illness and other worries may oppress you.
- See Swamp. (read all at source)
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A dream of a marsh, swamp or bog can be a sign that you feel that something is holding you back. A dream that you are having difficulty trudging through a marsh can be a sign of the real physical paralysis that you experience in the dreaming stage of sleep.
Meat ... (read all at source)
Example: The following dream has a very deep meaning and a clear guidance-message: The dreamer is in a dark, swampy forest. It is night. He has lost his way and is desperate, not knowing where to go, wallowing in the morass . . . (read all at source)
wood violet, wood vise, wood warbler, wood widgeon, wood(a), Woodbind, Woodbine, woodborer, Wood-bound, Woodbury, Woodbury-type, woodcarver, woodcarving, Woodchat, woodchuck, Woodcock, woodcock snipe, Woodcracker, woodcraft, woodcreeper, woodcut, Woodcutter, Woodcutting, wooded, wooded swamp, wooden,... (read all at source)
Go fast - will be obstacles to the; on the meadow - betray a friend; the swamp - miserliness suffer; around - a change of position; towards someone or something - a state of affairs unimportant; go with friends - it is a call to pay special attention to the behavior of the second half. (read all at source)