Stud dream meaning

standard, standoff, standstill, statement, stave off, stay, stem, stem the tide, stick, sticker, stigma, stigmatize, stipple, stoma, stop, stop cold, stop dead, stop short, stoppage, stopping, strain, straiten, stranglehold, strawberry mark, streak, striate, stricture, strike, stripe, stub, stud,... (read all at source)

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Soon after, oil was discovered on Rosa Hoots' property and she was able to honour her deceased husband's wish. U-See-It was subsequently shipped to be stood at stud by Black Toney. The offspring was a black colt which Rosa named "Black Gold" after the oil that had made his birth possible. (read all at source)

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stallion male sexual symbol of power, ability and strength; instincts; the power of the body. Who is the stud? (read all at source)

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