Stuck dream meaning

Being stuck can represent:
Feeling unable to make progress or make changes in your life
Feeling stuck in a certain situation, possibly an awkward one
Feeling that you're "stuck in a rut" somehow... (read all at source)

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Stuck behind the glass The aquarium is a symbol of a protected and artificial habitat, which is presented like natural conditions of life. The aquarium signifies your desire of emotional freedom or spontaneous, unplanned and natural way of life. (read all at source)

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stuck in mud dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)

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See stuck in life - Summing Up - Norman Cousins - Talking to Inner Self
About Dreamhawk... (read all at source)

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Being stuck in a corner can mean you're feeling stuck in a rut or powerless somehow in your life.
Feeling cornered by a person or animal can mean you feel pressured or even attacked in your life somehow. (read all at source)

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KEY WORDS : Stuck, lacking motivation, lack of progress, not confident, rut, routine, unable to change things (try writing down some quotes which capture key intuitions and feelings right now which also feature words from the list below e.g. (read all at source)

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Stuck. Excited. Relieved. Angry. Worried. Strong. Weak. Scared. Afraid. Nervous.
Naked or Nude
Hen or Chicken... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are stuck, represents helplessness and feeling of being unable to escape from life's problems/stress. You have lost confidence in yourself and in your ability to move ahead in your life. Your lack of clear goals and low self-esteem may be a common cause for such dreams. (read all at source)

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Being stuck, overwhelmed, drawn into something dangerous; feelings of inadequacy. Deceptive because it looks like ordinary sand, quicksand can symbolize being caught unawares in an unstable situation. (read all at source)

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jam stuck and unable to get out; a situation that appears very sweet, but is really quite sticky and uncomfortable; caught between two opposing forces and having to choose a side. What kind of a jam are you in now? (read all at source)

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Well, I'm stuck up in my head more often than not. My mind is always running like Roger Bannister. However, there is no victory medal won at the four-minute mark. Rather, the mind is in a constant state of forward motion, propelled toward an elusive goal that never comes. (read all at source)

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Parking Lot- Stuck in your daily routine; slow down your pace, park yourself.
Parrot- Are you merely picking up other people's values uncritically, unreflectingly? Are you only the semblance of a person, a facade?
Party- Celebration; reaching a new plateau, a reason to celebrate. (read all at source)

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If you’re stuck in traffic in your dream, does it indicate that you feel stuck in your life at the moment? Perhaps you feel as though you know where you want to go and how to get there, but other people are slowing you down with their own agendas and destinations. (read all at source)

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A dream of being stuck in an elevator symbolizes that your emotions have gotten out of control. The same is true if you dream about an elevator that is out of order. (read all at source)

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break, cipher, circuit, circuital field, circulate, clamp down on, clash, claw, cleavage, cleave, cleft, cleuch, closed circuit, clough, cocktail hour, coerce, coffee break, col, collapse, collide, comb, come about, come apart, come around, come forth, come off, come out, come round, come unstuck,... (read all at source)

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I was sprinting and then he ran over to a manhole with no lid, jumped in and said: "This goes really far" then he stuck his head out and said "only joking" in a normal voice. I stopped and looked, then he climbed back out and I ran again!... (read all at source)

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Cooking cabbage - you get stuck in debt. Coffee. Drinking coffee or feel its flavor - to a long life. Liquor. You can make something that will later regret very much. Salmon, salmon. The symbol of deception. There are salmon - you expose fraud. Pasta. Symbol of intense suffering and pain. Honey. (read all at source)

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You feel stuck and don't know how to escape. Ambulance Indicates that your careless activities and indiscretion may lead to major problems and complications. This dream may also stem from your own fears of declining health or the worry that you have contracted a disease. (read all at source)

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well i dreamt the other day that i was stuck face down in a thick dark watery bog and that it was pulling me in, i dont know why i had the dream but the whole day i was put in a really foul tempered mood and i knew i was in it the whole day but i couldnt help being like it,... (read all at source)

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Acupuncture involves taking a process that appears to be painful - being stuck with needles - and using it to relieve pain. (read all at source)

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Then the snake stuck his head into my brothers mouth. There was a pile of rocks next to me but instead of taking a rock I picked up an apple and through the snake with it. Then the snake chased me and mymother, he was like a watersnake, he sailed on the puddles. (read all at source)

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Sleep Paralysis is a very scary feeling where you awake but stuck in a state where you cant even move a muscle or talk. Having to be or experience this state is extremely frightening on the dreamer, and some people report hearing and seeing things that are not actually there. (read all at source)

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While some would also classify it as troubling, the flip side of being stuck somewhere is relative safety from the threats of an unknown outside world. Often, this safety facet of entrapment is neglected because of our obsession with freedom. Being entrapped is often a dream about self-awareness. (read all at source)

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The dream is portraying you as the Magician, so if you have been feeling stuck, the message is to trust in your abilities and be open to new ways of seeing old situations. (read all at source)

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gives an excellent explanation of why we have the same dreams over and over again in her book, Dream Alchemy: The Ultimate Guide to Interpreting your Dreams: Your dreams recur when you keep coming up against the same old blocks or issues without resolving them. Recurrent dreams mean you are stuck,... (read all at source)

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A dream with a bailiff implies that you have not stuck to a commitment in some way or that you are feeling like you are unable to complete a task ..Read more →
A dream featuring bait could suggest that you are trying to entice something or someone in some area of your life. (read all at source)

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There is something bad in your life, something that has been stuck with you. It's time to wash it away, to get a new start. It might take some time - showers aren't over with in 30 seconds. But you need to put that time and energy into getting clean again. (read all at source)

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The symbols of the dream caught this mood:Elvis getting old and out of shape watching a bank of TVs; Terry Marsh a play on words linking to swamp like territory and with that a mood stuck in the mud. The weird clothes was symbolic of how the dreamer saw himself - worrying that he looked weird. (read all at source)

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If you dream that you try to open the drawers but they are stuck, you are being sidetracked by mundane issues. Try asking others for help with them so you have the time and energy to deal with deeper matters. (read all at source)

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To dream that something is stuck in your teeth, denotes small annoyances.
To see smooth and white thigh, indicates unexpected fortune and pleasure. (read all at source)

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CornerIf you dream you are in a corner of your house, you may feel stuck in real life. You may feel frustrated and that you have no control in making decisions. In essence, you may feel trapped and literally cornered. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are bewildered, indicates that you are stuck in the middle between two opposing views. It represents your indecision and your inability to make up your mind. Such dreams often reflect your waking state of confusion and shock. (read all at source)

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To see a zipper in your dream suggests sexuality and innuendos. To see a broken or stuck zipper in your dream suggests... Continue dream interpretation - Zipper"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Zircon... (read all at source)

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The meaning of the old grain chaff in this dream that was stuck to the grain bin wall meant; that the person was listening to preachers on old tapes of the past. (read all at source)

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arrest: Fear of being caught or a restraint of some kind. Consider the phrase, "arrested development"- being stuck emotionally, or psychologically.
arson: Destructive rage or clearing away anger.
artist: Creative aspect of self. What part of you is ready to be expressed? (read all at source)

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Delta can also be a pun on feeling stuck with the hand you were dealt.
Dentist... (read all at source)

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You feel as though you haven't done anything important with your life or that you are currently stuck in the same place. Dreaming of a clock can also represent the human heart and how its beats are like the seconds of a clock and would be representative of your sentimental side. (read all at source)

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To see yourself bogged down in a quagmire, signifies your inability to meet obligations and that you are stuck in a daily non-exciting routine.
Quarry ... (read all at source)

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By knowing your past lives, you can gain an understanding of yourself and the traits that are influencing the course of your life. Most people never analyze themselves, so they are continually stuck in a rut of established behavior. (read all at source)

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No worries BD, I shall ask you if I get stuck on a dream meaning. I do like to think that we are given the ability to dream as a means of receiving warnings or messages either from God or from our deceased loved ones. :)
Lazur 5 years ago from Netherlands... (read all at source)

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If you're driving and the car swerves out of control, or the accelerator is stuck in place, it's possible your unconscious knows you don't yet have the skills to get where you want to go. The dream may also warn that you are being reckless or moving ahead too fast. (read all at source)

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