Structure dream meaning

Seeing Asian-style structures in your dream, represents feelings that are foreign to you, particularly if you are not of Asian descent. (read all at source)

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Psychologically: Buildings in dreams often stand for the body or the personality of the dreamer himself or his / her lover or a family member. (read all at source)

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Structure. Evidence. Support. Poverty and death.
Intellect. Mind and reason. Great knowledge will bring good result in affairs. (read all at source)

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To see Asian-style structures in your dream, represents feelings that are foreign to you, particularly if you are not of Asian descent.
Studying... (read all at source)

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Internal structure. Support. You feel disconnected or falling apart in parts of your life. It can also suggest a lack of... Continue dream interpretation - Skeleton"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Skiing... (read all at source)

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This is a structure erected to ‘gain access’ across two separate places. It suggests ‘bridging the gap’ or finding the common thread between two separate ideas that appear to be conflicting, but are actually connected.
Bubble... (read all at source)

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trees- The structure of your inner being your self-portrait, how you see yourself psychologically e.g. your connection with the family and your past as in your roots. Dead roots could mean a disconnect or unresolved issue with an childhood experience. (read all at source)

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The central structure is a lighthouse. The purpose of these buildings is to act a guide, keeping ships from danger. So when you seek refuge in a lighthouse, I cannot help but think that you feel that you are in some sort of danger. (read all at source)

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Offices are structured places where everything has its place. If you dream of a messy office this is a dream about your own life being out of order, rather than a dream about work. (read all at source)

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Pyramids are structures of mystery and power. Traditionally, they have been ascribed with human and universal powers.A pyramid may also appear as a phallic symbol; or as a symbol of virility, creativity, or the ability to solve problems. They may also appear as an invitation to the exotic. (read all at source)

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The physical structure of the church particularly represents these inbuilt qualities. (read all at source)

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Entering an area or structure, such as walking through a door or other access point, can represent passing from one area of space or time to another.
Entering into an area where you feel you shouldn't be can represent:... (read all at source)

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Example dream : A dream about a house that Carl Jung had was linked to his thoughts about structure the mind. The different floors were metaphors for the layers of the mind. This house dream was crucial in the development of his thinking. (read all at source)

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The police also symbolize structure, rules, and control. A more direct interpretation of seeing the police in your dream forewarns that you should avoid reckless behavior. Dreaming that you are arrested by the police, suggests that you feel sexually or emotionally restrained because of guilt. (read all at source)

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How are Dreams Structured?
Theories differ on the structure of dreams but it is general consensus that they are comprised of four phases rather like the structure of a play. (read all at source)

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The structure the spirit is trapped in or resides in harmoniously. Particular rooms represent particular patterns controlling or playing out in the environment. (read all at source)

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His wisdom, power and sense of fairness supports the structure of the ancient Greek and Roman universe. Jupiter, or Zeus, is a "good father" that provides the opportunity for growth, development, prosperity and health. (read all at source)

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Tin: Tin is a malleable, ductile, highly crystalline, silvery-white metal whose crystal structure causes a "tin cry" when a bar of tin is bent (caused by crystals breaking). Tin acts as a catalyst when oxygen is in solution and helps accelerate chemical attack. (read all at source)

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To see an adobe structure in your dream symbolizes protection. It also implies that you are well insulated from life's problems. Perhaps you are being too sheltered and are lacking experience in certain areas of your life. (read all at source)

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To see the framework of a house or other structures in your dream, signifies integrity and your basic, core characteristics. Houses in dreams represents your self and its framework is symbolic of your belief system and the traits and attributes that makes you stand up for yourself. (read all at source)

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Looking upon this type of structure clearly and in broad daylight, generally you can consider this a good omen. Being a very good sign you can expect peace of mind and substantial freedom from anxiety. (read all at source)

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Because a canal is a relatively narrow, artificial structure, if you dream that you are in a canal it can be a sign that you have placed too many unnecessary restrictions on yourself, or that you are being too closed-minded. (read all at source)

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Some of us structure our schedule right down to the last detail so we can fit everything in that we need to do. Living on a schedule as tight as this can lead to stress and that is what this dream is often trying to tell you. To help prevent it, change up your schedule a bit. (read all at source)

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It is the number of stability, structure, and foundation. Even the appearance of the number, with its square 90-degree angles, suggests structure and support. When four shows up in a dream, consider issues of fatherhood or with your father. (read all at source)

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To see the police in your dream, symbolizes structure, rules, power, authority and control.
To dream that you are a police officer, represents your own sense of morality and conscience. Alternatively, the dream indicates your tendency to be in everyone's business and affairs. (read all at source)

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Existent in all of nature and reproduced in artistic works or physical structures, basic geometric shapes refer to our own basic nature; our connection with nature or the universe; the way our inner or outer worlds are shaped. Shape or form is often a symbolic way of connecting spiritual or physical. (read all at source)

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A car, being a physical structure, often represents your body. In dreams where it does represent the body there is often emphasis on a particular part of the car or type of car. (read all at source)

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The floor might represent your support structures or security foundations. If this dream is about the WTC event, you might be feeling as though your foundations and security have disappeared. This could also represent or reflect some other event going on in you life. (read all at source)

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nica @ 2011-05-10 03:22:21
I dreamt of a white dog that has similar body-structure of a labrador. it didn't bark nor growled in my dream.. hmmm. kinda its in a kitchen, searching for something.. I was kinda trying to sending it out. (read all at source)

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A dream with a uniform tree would imply that you are structured in your ways, while a wider than normal tree may suggest you have a fun loving character. A ..Read more →
TRUMPET ... (read all at source)

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building time to build on what has happened; coming to a conclusion; look at the basic structure. What are you building toward?
bulb bright new ideas; a new start; something has potential to get a lot bigger; a new invention. What bright new ideas are worth pursuing? (read all at source)

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Seeing a destructive rainstorm tearing down structures, destroying homes and pulling down tress in a dream represents a punishment for the corruption and sins of the dwellers of that place. A good rain in a dream could mean reconciliation with one's enemy, or it could mean helping a needy person. (read all at source)

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To dream about an anchor indicates safety, strength, and a firm infrastructure. To witness an anchor also means that you stick to your principles and ideologies. (read all at source)

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Benzene The scientist Friedrich August Kekul� discovered the seemingly impossible chemical structure of benzene (C6H6) when he had a dream of a group of snakes swallowing their tails. (read all at source)

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Is life too structured? (See train). If you’re in an aeroplane, is it a bird’s eye view you’re wanting? (See aeroplane). The thing about transport in your dreams is that the way you feel about what your moving in or observing is as important as the actual appearance. (read all at source)

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Dream analysis images and activities, however strange and even meaningless they may seem, show symbolic structures. Dreams became psychotherapy's most important aid in exploration of the unconscious. (read all at source)

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If this vysokostrukturiruemy dance such as ballet, make sure that, moving quickly through life, maintain the required shape and structure. Dancing can also be expressed utmost joy - a dance of life. It is believed that the dance concluded sexy sensuality. (read all at source)

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The back is what holds up the body, without it the body is useless. It also holds up the head. If we compare the back to the Body if Christ, it would represent the strength and structure of the church. As all the bones and flesh are held up by the backbone. (read all at source)

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Within these divisions are a total of seven levels of consciousness. A house symbolizes the mind. The floors of the house represent different parts of the mind, the activity signifies how the dreamer is using this structure for thinking. (read all at source)

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Petty things will annoy you throughout the following day. You will learn that cooperation will be the only way to achieve your desires. These dreams may also indicate that you are frustrated with social conformity. You could feel that your life is too structured and orderly. (read all at source)

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