Stretcher-symbolic of injury or sickness, Lk.5:24
Strongman-this can be a demonic oppressor, Matt 12:29... (read all at source)
To dream that you are lying on a stretcher, indicates your need to be rescued in some situation or relationship. Perhaps you need to take time out and confront your emotional demons. To see a stretcher in your dream, suggests that trouble lies ahead of you in the near future. (read all at source)
mishmash, muddle, muss, muss up, nest, odds and ends, offal, offspring, pad, pallet, pillow, pup, raff, refuse, riffraff, rub down, rubbish, rubble, ruffle, rug, rummage, rumple, saddle, scatter, scramble, scrap, sedan, sedan chair, shoddy, sleeping bag, sofa, spat, spawn, springs, stretcher, strew,... (read all at source)
In general: Stretcher is trivial as imminent death in the family interpreted, perhaps one can expect an inheritance of it. In general, the stretcher to announce that a change will occur in life, which has a favorable effect. (read all at source)