Street dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you are walking in a street, foretells ill luck and worries. You will almost despair of reaching the goal you have set up in your aspirations.
To be in a familiar street in a distant city, and it appears dark, you will make a journey soon, which will not afford the profit or pleasure contemplated. If the street is brilliantly lighted, you will engage in pleasure, which will quickly pass, leaving no comfort.
To pass down a street and feel alarmed lest a thug attack you, denotes that you are venturing upon dangerous ground in advancing your pleasure or business.
Seeing a street in your dream, symbolizes your life's path. The condition of the street reflects how much control you have over the direction of your life. Is there a name on the street which can offer some significance or hints to the meaning of the dream. (read all at source)
One-way street
General Meanings:
Leaving the past The road that we must move in a dream is only in a single direction. Our unconscious urges us to follow a straight path or way, without consideration about the past. (read all at source)
1. Dreaming of a familiar street, particularly if it's one you haven't been to for a long time, implies feelings of nostalgia, of wanting to return to scenes from your past, perhaps to regather your resources. (read all at source)
Street smarts. Sneaky and untrustworthy. They foretell serious trouble to come but unfinished business will be successful.
Disaster and unhappiness to come. Injury caused through deceit. (read all at source)
A street address, house number, ZIP code, etc. can represent:
A specific location associated with that number
A specific place that's on your mind (without that number)... (read all at source)
To see street-cars in your dreams, denotes that some person is actively interested in causing you malicious trouble and disquiet.
To ride on a car, foretells that rivalry and jealousy will enthrall your happiness. (read all at source)
To dream of a side street or a small quiet street - a good dream that promises you peace and good cheer. However, if you were sweeping the pavement in the alley, you will be sad and a little disappointed.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
A street or road is your path in life and the choices or things that happen along the way to your various destinations. Houses represent your life or your being (the ones you go into). (read all at source)
streeterc58 @ 2012-03-17 00:01:45
I had a dream of seeing a baby owl trapped in a very large spider web and that the spider was slowly eating it...what does this mean? (read all at source)
To dream of a street corner, foretells you will encounter some unexpected troubles.
To dream that someone is talking in a corner, suggests that enemies are seeking to hurt your reputation. It also indicates gossip.
Court ... (read all at source)
Chased in the streets: if you are being chased around streets in your dream then this indicates a financial problem in your life. (read all at source)
*Please see also Street.
Road Signs
To see road signs in your dream, represent advice and messages that your unconscious is trying to convey. Consider what the road sign is saying and how you need to apply its message to an aspect of your daily life. (read all at source)
Example dream : A dream where the dreamer talks about a Street called New Queens College Street was linked to the dreamers recent interest in alternative history. She had been watching TV programs which argued that the entire course of human history was shaped by aliens from outer space. (read all at source)
In Chicago, the Lord appeared to me in the middle of a service while preaching at Pastor Samantha Bynum's church and said these words to me, 'David, I'm about to walk the streets of Chicago and prepare this city for a move of God.' Then He continued, 'At the appointed time I will send you back. (read all at source)
In one, the plane slid down my street, wings were clipped by telephone poles, and it stopped in front of my house; after which, the pilots climbed out of the cockpit and walked away. (read all at source)
I am walking down my street and everything is fine, but when I look behind me, there are these 2 creatures or spirits chasing me. (I have no clue what they were.) So naturally I start to run real fast to try to get away. However when I look behind me again they are catching up. (read all at source)
I was standing across the street from a building. The building was made out of rocks and cement. It also had a flat roof with a sloping brown metal apron around it. The entrance was across the street, but the driveway went down a hill into the parking lot. Street level was above the building's roof. (read all at source)
Usually when you dream being naked walking down a street, mall, grocery store or even in class can be manifestations of not having the upper hand on people or your insecurities of being vulnerable in your life. (read all at source)
The falling may occur during the dream while walking down a street or sidewalk. One small step and suddenly you are falling, not quickly hitting the ground, but rather falling as if you are freefalling through the air. (read all at source)
To dream that you are a street-poster, denotes that you will undertake some unpleasant and unprofitable work. To see street-posters at work,... Continue dream interpretation - Street-poster"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Struggling... (read all at source)
To see a crowd in the street, indicates unusual briskness in trade and a general air of prosperity will surround you.
To try to be heard in a crowd, foretells that you will push your interests ahead of all others.
To see a crowd is usually good, if too many are not wearing black or dull costumes. (read all at source)
First, a train isn't run by just any Joe off the street. Trains are controlled by engineers that have had a lot of education and experience managing the train. They are supposed to run on a track, not just whereever they want to. (read all at source)
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'street-poster'
To dream of struggling, foretells that you will encounter serious difficulties, but if you gain the victory in your struggle, you will also surmount present obstacles.
Find more dreams containing 'struggling'... (read all at source)
To see loads of hay passing through the street, you will meet influential strangers who will add much to your pleasure.
To feed hay to stock, indicates that you will offer aid to some one who will return the favor with love and advancement to higher states.
Head... (read all at source)
19. Roads symbolize your direction in life. The direction of your life is determined by your desires and goals. There are highways, streets, roads, dead-end streets, bumpy roads, smooth roads, etc. You can make a right turn, a U-turn or a left turn (not right or unpredictable). (read all at source)
"On February 19, 1878, I was boarding with a family on Christopher street, New York, while my wife and baby were visiting my parents in the country, a short distance from the city. Our baby was taken sick. (read all at source)
Is the sidewalk or the street that you are walking along a familiar one or is it just an archetype of a sidewalk?
Free Sample Readings
Couples' Composite: Your Life Together... (read all at source)
Angels do come in a variety of ways through dreams. Sometimes they can come just walking down the street. There are also many different types of angels that do different tasks. They do have a very important place that many people in our generation have forgotten or just plainly ignore. (read all at source)
If you dreamed of coming to a dead end street, your dream is telling you that you are following "a road to nowhere" in your real life. You must make changes.
Deadline... (read all at source)
jay freedom of movement; beautiful 'king of the hill'; making an awful racket; paying attention when you cross the street. Whose name begins with the letter J?
jazz choose the alternative; creative, unusual and exotic ideas; bring more excitement into your life. How does 'all that jazz' fit? (read all at source)
Jeremiah 11:13 For [according to] the number of your cities were your gods, O Judah; and [according to] the number of the streets of Jerusalem have you set up altars to [that] shameful thing, [even] altars to burn incense to Baal.(GMR)
See also: Baptism, Bath, Blood, Death, Gold
AMBUSH... (read all at source)
To be sure, it takes a bit of practice and some patience. Obtaining messages from Nature is also a two-way street. We must meet her on her own turf. This takes a thoughtful countenance as well as deep-rooted honor and awe for the natural realms. (read all at source)
Every night we would go to sleep by the fire and the nubby, textiled rugs on the wall, and I would dream of feasts from college days in New Orleans: fried oysters from Casamento's, lemon doberge cake from Gambino's, napoleons from the Four Seasons on Royal Street. (read all at source)
You may also travel along a zigzag pattern because of obstacles in your way, say when walking through a forest or along a crowded street.
Lightening is often stylized as a zigzag pattern. (read all at source)
Anyone who has ever been there will testify to the general attitude of the affluent towards those with nothing. Beggars are stepped over on the street with a general view that they must not be helped as it would interfere with their karma. This meaning does not hold if you are from India. (read all at source)
Hi Maverickmonk. If you go back to the A-Z sections you will see I have added meanings for dreams about "Snakes, Streets and Run". You may also want to look up the meaning for "Chase" which was already on the A-Z. I hope the definitions help, or make sense to you at least. :)... (read all at source)
wearing white flowing gown, Progress as you look but don't BUY, One-way only, no backtracking allowed, frustrated, breathless, Feel like Someone is following you, Room of dressy men's clothing ; you cannot see connection with spirituality, one single exit, Night has fallen, CARS line the street... (read all at source)
If you are attacked by an animal be very careful of walking the dark streets or putting your self in the places where you could possibly be attacked by a mugger, etc.. (read all at source)
If the road is straight and narrow, then it means that your path to success is going according as planned. To see an unknown road in your dream, signifies that you new project will cause more grief than it is worth and a waste of time. *Please see also Street. (read all at source)
Then I could see we were on a road all by ourselves, and this road was as if we were driving on a street close to a beach. I could see us on this long stretched road where the sands were in between us and the waters. (read all at source)
if you dreamed of a car crash, walk for a day but be careful crossing streets! Steer clear of planes, trains, horses, knives, sharp instruments, fires, electricity, high places, or whatever pertained to the dream accident, for at least a day. If you can't avoid them, take extra precautions. (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you are walking in a street, foretells ill luck and worries. You will almost despair of reaching the goal you have set up in your aspirations. (read all at source)
To dream of a street foretells that ill-lick and worries shall befall you. You will lose all your hopes of reaching your goal or aim.
Suitcase... (read all at source)
Street-symbolic of a public area in life. A street can symbolize hypocrisy, Matt. 6:5, or evangelism, Lk.14:23
Street sign-a sign is a dream symbol designed to point you in a direction or give you a warning or a command
Stretcher-symbolic of injury or sickness, Lk.5:24... (read all at source)
Street To see a street in your dream symbolizes your life's path. The condition of the street reflects how much control you have over the direction of your life. (read all at source)
Street 1. journey of life one is on Cayce (195-42, A-1). 2. rough, poor roadbed - troublesome conditions to be encountered Cayce (900-18, A-2). 3. junction, crossroad - choices in life about how to use resources Cayce (900-224, A-2). 4. (read all at source)
A street sign that says "TWO" is on the corner - this was supposed to mean like Second Street, Downtown, etc. Somehow, I stumble into the Porn department. It seems that some religious vandal has been through, ripping the place apart, throwing videotapes and movie reels, film, photos, everywhere. (read all at source)
The street symbolizes your sense of direction and where you are going. Crossing the street represents making changes in life direction. Not taking the crosswalk can signify breaking out of the pack - or overcoming old limitations. (read all at source)