Storey dream meaning

space, storage tank, storage warehouse, storage-pit, Storax, storax family, store and forward, store cheese, store detective, store-bought, stored, stored up(p), stored-up(a), storefront, Storehouse, Storekeeper, Storer, Storeria, Storeria occipitamaculata, storeroom, stores, Storeship, storey,... (read all at source)

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I have such a similar recurring dream - huge haunted mansion (about 5 storeys) and I never go above the 2nd floor. Every time I have gone further I encounter a terrifying spirit which is so frightening I feel it in my bones and all a round me. Everywhere is just HAUNTED. (read all at source)

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Weird old looking 2 or 3 storey house. All of a sudden my sister started digging up a room that she saw that the pervious owners buried something. It was a strong strong odor. She comes running out telling us to go look. So she unburied the mess and saw that it was 2 Dead White Horses.. (read all at source)

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