There is something in your real life that you "cannot stomach" or have difficulties accepting. You need to get it out of your system. Alternatively, the dream symbol may be strictly physiological and you may just be experiencing constipation or indigestion. (read all at source)
For example, the backbone is associated with courage; the head with thinking; the heart with romance and love; the stomach with emotion; the Achilles’ heel with vulnerability; and so on. What part of the body did you dream of? What is its relation to your state of mind? (read all at source)
Stomach Dreams
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Although we now know that our emotions our formed in our brains, we often feel them in our stomachs. Traditionally, the stomach has been considered the seat of the emotions. (read all at source)
The stomach is the centre of all your emotions, and it is associated with balancing your emotions. If your dream is anyway connected to the stomach, it can mean that your solar plexus is blocked. It may be a good idea to try to find out if it means you have a problem with this area of your body. (read all at source)
1. The solar plexus chakra, which rules your power center, is located in the abdomen. Therefore, a dream of pain in this region is probably due to the activation of this chakra - and therefore is a dream of contrary. (read all at source)
To see your own stomach in your dream, denotes that you are feeling distressed and annoyed about a particular situation, relationship, or person.
Teeth... (read all at source)
Since emotion is associated with 'gut feelings,' dreams of the stomach can represent feelings that you are not acknowledging. The condition of the abdomen and whether or not it is yours, suggests how you are owning or acting on your gut feelings. (read all at source)
Cavity Cancer, Stage I Melanoma, Stage I Mesothelioma, Stage I Multiple Myeloma, Stage I Nasopharynx Cancer, Stage I Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Stage I Oropharynx Cancer, Stage I Ovarian Cancer, Stage I Pancreatic Cancer, Stage I Prostate Cancer, Stage I Stomach... (read all at source)
stomach pain
Inability to "stomach" something, inability or unwillingness to accept you've experience in your life—perhaps recently
Fear or dread
See also: indigestion heartburn stomach... (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
.feed himself, or it may denote his materialistic character. The stomach in a dream also represents the plains of a valley. It also can be interpreted as one's tribal belonging or a branch of his lineage. (read all at source)
Stomach Pains - Are Stomach Pains in Pregnancy a Sign of Miscarriage
Pregnancy Dreams - What crazy dreams did you have in pregnancy?
8 - Across the Plains - Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)
Paranormal Story Archive - September 2000
Paranormal Story Archive - January 2001... (read all at source)
Stomach-symbolic of the flesh, 1 Cor. 6:13
Stone-symbolic of Christ, Zech. 3:9. Also symbolic of hardness of heart, Ezek. 11:19
Stone face-symbolic of being hardened and unrepentant from sin, Jer. 5:3... (read all at source)
stomach tension; poor eating habits; finding something really hard to take; difficulty in digesting new information. What are you having trouble stomaching? (read all at source)
A dream where focus is put on the stomach suggests that you have bottled-up feelings or emotions. It may also suggest that you are learning about new ideas or beliefs. ..Read more →
STORE / SHOP ... (read all at source)
The stomach is the location for digestion and in dreams indications your assimilation or digestion of new ideas. Normally it means that you are having difficulty assimilating a new concept that affects your philosophy of life. (read all at source)
StomachHaving a dream that your stomach hurts can be a sign that your dietary needs are not being met, but it can also mean that you cannot fully digest a situation or that you are rejecting an experience. (read all at source)
To see your own stomach in your dream, suggests the beginning of new changes in your life. The dream may highlight your difficulties with accepting these changes. It is also indicative of how you can no longer tolerate or put up with a particular situation, relationship, or person. (read all at source)
See also: Jail , Baby Carriages , Faithless , Quagmire , Gaiter
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
Stomach or abdominal dreams may refer to some dis-ease in the actual organs. We might not be able to stomach something we have met in the everyday world. We may not be integrating our experience.
In a woman's dream: May refer to her childbearing ability or pregnancy. (read all at source)
Digestion of information. Understanding. It indicates tendency to laziness. You need to keep a close check on your health.
Teeth... (read all at source)
A stomach cramp can mean that you are being unrealistic.
A crane represents kindness and motherly love. It can also stand for the ability to cope with difficult situations. (read all at source)
The stomach is the seat of human emotion and as such nausea in a dream represents the unconscious attempting to alert us to an emotion not quite sitting right. In a spiritual sense, an awareness of nausea is related to "evil" energy.
Navel ... (read all at source)
By the stomach, pancreas (in this respect the dream is enhanced if in a dream or in reality you are thirsty).
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
see also: stomach pain indigestion stomach
categories: Conditions
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
- A smiling and enthusiastic young woman flirting with the dreamer or allowing him to dominate or command her: Marriage or recovery from a stomach or any other disease. (read all at source)
Nurturing element, soothing emotions, coats stomach where ideas are digested. Milk is a symbol of leaning, knowledge, plenty, fertility and immortality. (read all at source)
Dreamed last night that I was in a conflict with someone and was shot twice in the stomach. I appartently tried to hide my wounds and leave the situation without further incident. As I was traveling to seek help, I met a nice man who walked with me and listened to me. (read all at source)
To see the water of a canal muddy and stagnant-looking, indicates sickness and disorders of the stomach and dark designs of enemies. But if its waters are clear a placid life and the devotion of friends is before you. (read all at source)
He told be it was designed to hold the snake's tail and was used inside his stomach to give the snake a stable base for it's tail. It bothered me thinking about how he could breathe with the snake's tail extending down his throat into his stomach. (read all at source)
If you dream of your stomach be cautious of trading confidences and doubly so if you dream you are sick to your stomach. A distended stomach is an indication of unhealthy eating habits and impending illness if there is not a quick change in dietary practices. (read all at source)
Can you 'stomach' some person or attitude you are having? May be the dream wanting to bring the dreamer's conscious attention to a part of the body that is diseased {use this possibility with caution}. May represent the unconscious directing you to pay more attention to your intuitive self. (read all at source)
If you dream of your stomach be cautious of trading confidences and doubly so if you dream you are sick to... Continue dream interpretation - Stomach"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Stone... (read all at source)
Alchemical legend has it that the stomach of the ostrich was capable of digesting anything. Therefore, "ostrich" was the name given to any one of the acids used in the processes of transmuting ordinary gold and ordinary silver into their philosophic counterparts. (read all at source)
KEY WORDS : fears, taken advantage of, butterflies in your stomach, nervous, doubts and uncertainties, feeling of foreboding, inability to trust, suspicious (try to see if these words or phrases feature in your thoughts right now.)
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)
There are times in the scripture where a prophet is made to eat a scroll that tasted of honey but was bitter in the stomach. The Lord told me once that this represented the world. That those who sought after the world and did not know him chased after everything they thought was fun and exciting. (read all at source)
If you dream of being disemboweled (where your guts fall out of your stomach), this means you feel like your strength or ability to stand up for yourself is being attacked. Alternately, consider the common phrase "you have a lot of guts."
Disguise... (read all at source)
Emotionally there may be something worrying you, something that you ‘cannot stomach' or want to ‘get out of your system'. There can also be sexual innuendo in the dream symbolism and, for a woman, it can indicate a desire for motherhood. (read all at source)
Emotionally, seeing your abdomen in your dream may imply something in your real life that you "cannot stomach" or have difficulties accepting you wanted to get it out of your system. To dream that you abdomen is exposed, signifies trust and vulnerability. (read all at source)
such as amethyst for headaches, aquamarine for stomachaches,
and citrine for depression. Stone megaliths called Dolmen, or
"stone table" in the Briton language (Taol Maen), were used... (read all at source)
In one nightmare I was nine months pregnant and went into false labor, then all of a sudden I was in a bathroom stall and the person who had gotten me pregnant did not know I was in there and shot a bullet through the door which hit me in the stomach. What does this mean? (read all at source)
If you have pain in your abdomen in the dream, you may be having difficulty digesting something that has happened in your waking life. The body also speaks in the dream state, so if you are feeling sick you may dream of an upset stomach. (read all at source)
Stomach pain in a dream indicates that the dreamer is spending money with sin and might be feeling regret for doing such thing.
Pain in the dreamer's navel indicates bad treatment of his wife. (read all at source)
She has a large stab wound in her stomach below her navel. I look over to my right and sitting on a couch is my younger sister with a very large heavy man that looks like your typical overweight online gamer. Hes wearing a grey sweat and bloodstained t-shirt and black basketball shorts. (read all at source)