Doing cross-stitch work can mean you're in the mood to focus on details. Dream activities like this can also mean that you're feeling some extra energy or stress during the dream state.
see also: sewing knitting or crocheting
categories: Activities
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
Stitching awl
Psychological Meanings:
You have to fix your inner feeling With this tool you can mend shoes, in a figurative sense you can temporarily and in emergency cover your mental state, so that you can go on further on the path of life. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you have stitches, represents your responsibility in keeping/holding a situation or relationship together. You may fear that this situation/relationship is falling apart and needs to be mended. Consider also the symbolism of where the stitches are on the body for additional clues. (read all at source)
Continue Stitching, Filling in the Right Side of the Outline Stitch Square
Paranormal Story Archive - September 2002 - Page 6 - Creepy Air TravelDream
Gun Rights - The Second Amendment, Gun Control, and the Right to Bear Arms
Does the Christian Right Control the Republican Party? (read all at source)
Idioms: Dressed to kill; dress up; dressed to the nines; overdressed; dressing down; dress rehearsal; a stitch of clothes; dress clothes; Sunday best clothes; a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Useful questions:
What type of dress is it and what role or situation does it suggest? (read all at source)
sew so what; putting things together; according to the old school of thought, woman's work; needing stitches. What can you do now to save time and aggravation later? (read all at source)
Thread and stitches it - is a sleepy image clearer understanding of the binding steps that need to take reality to achieve the desired goal (thread - way communication between the needle and the desire to get a result of sewing shape). (read all at source)