Steps dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you ascend steps, denotes that fair prospects will relieve former anxiety.
To descend them, you may look for misfortune.
To fall down them, you are threatened with unexpected failure in your affairs. See Stairs.
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you ascend steps, denotes that fair prospects will relieve former anxiety. To decend them, you may look for misfortune. To fall down them, you are threatened with unexpected failure in your affairs. See Stairs.. (read all at source)
Steps to Lucid Dreams:
1. Learning how to lucid dream takes practice even though out your daily life. The first thing you should do through out you day is keep asking yourself "Am I Dreaming" a couple times an hour to sink in the fact your not dreaming. (read all at source)
Stepstop list
Walking up; You have a solution to a troubling situation. Walking down; You could witness an unhappy situation. Falling down; Take heed in your business affairs, as they could be threatened.
Sunrisetop list
Cleaning of consciousness; awakening. New beginning... (read all at source)
steps taking life one step at a time; moving forward; being careful about your next step; caution; keeping in step; someone out of step; taking steps to change things; stepping down; time to step on it; taking baby steps; a step-relative. Who is stepping up? (read all at source)
Steps/Stairs - A symbol of changes in consciousness. This may be an ascent or descent. Things will not be gained all at once, but in several steps.
Stick - May symbolize the male phallus {Freud}. Is someone taking advantage of you, 'sticking' it to you? (read all at source)
Seeing steps in your dream, represents your efforts in achieving your goals, ambition and material gains. The dream may be telling you to take things one thing at a time. Or that you need to take a chance and take that first step toward your goals/dreams. (read all at source)
Dreaming of steps or stairways can represent your sense of how you are currently moving through life. Going up would symbolize aspirations, while going down can represent feeling the need to dig beneath your motivation to understand what is important to you. (read all at source)
Ambition; the steps you have to take to progress toward a goal; false hopes or fantasies. The ups and downs of life. Like elevators or escalators or ladders, they may symbolize different levels of awareness; Dream could be telling you to move from one level to another. (read all at source)
Here are some steps to help you cope with Sleep Paralysis.
1. Learn to recognize your symptoms... (read all at source)
Danger which you will overcome if lion steps back - you will be able to beat risks, however this will take a lot of courage from you;
Will engage in a risky business if hunt the lion - make sure the risks you take are worth just in case you will lose it;... (read all at source)
A beginning
Taking steps to gain clarity or information about a particular topic or question
See also: illumination (light)
Category(s): Attribute... (read all at source)
Abandoned by a partner: if you are actually abandoned by anyone (such as your partner) then it clearly shows that you are seeking some kind of freedom in your life and you need to put steps in place in order to address this. (read all at source)
To dream that you or others are being exorcised, symbolizes your initiative to regain control and take steps toward the direction of your goals. Alternatively, you may not be taking responsibility for your actions and are looking for a scapegoat.
Experiment... (read all at source)
A dream in which a landslide demolish your house indicates that your married life is cracked, and if you want to save the marriage, you should immediately take concrete steps, otherwise the gap is inevitable. (read all at source)
Analyze you Snake Dream in 3 Steps
Attack (snake attack, attacked by snake):
Dream about snake attack
Bed, Bedroom:
Dream about snakes in bed
Bite, Bitten (snake bite, bitten by a snake):
Dream about snake bite
Black snake dream
Chased:... (read all at source)
The Super-Ego is the Ego's constant watchdog and if/when it (the Ego) steps out of line, the Super-Ego punishes it with feelings of guilt, anxiety, and inferiority. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Pecans, Prayer, Microscope, Wrecks, Coke Oven, Earthquake, Smallpox, Chalice, Cane, Blanket, Way, Steps, Famish, Arrested, Quarry, Beheading, Killing, Eclipse, Implements, Dividend, City Hall, Cremate, Waste, Scythe, Land, Chair, Torch, Nightmare, Rake, Manners, Nails, Heat,... (read all at source)
She said "I heard footsteps out side the window its not animal but sounds like human footstep". Now we live in the country. So if it was a person it would come in a car and I would hear it come in the drive way. So I did not think it was anything of importants. (read all at source)
Alternatively, a dream about the letter Z could be telling you that your journey or progress will have to be methodical, taken in steps from A to Z,... (read all at source)
- "She sees that as her own territory and is jealous about anyone who oversteps the mark"
- "I feel we need protecting from him"
- "I am separated from my husband right now"
- "I really miss him"
- "There seems to be so many barriers in my way"... (read all at source)
To dream that someone steps your foot, warns that you will be harassed by some false rumor.
To dream that you are washing your feet, indicates that you are letting others take advantage of you.
To dream that your feet are hurting you, denotes troubles and family quarrels. (read all at source)
Ladder-Ascend or Descend: Enable; steps upward (as in "the necessary steps for a promotion way of escape; way of entrance; struggle "). Fireman's Ladder=Rescue; help, See stairs (as if hard to climb); (Gen 28:12-13; John 3:13).
Lame- imperfect. (Prov 26:7)... (read all at source)
It could be that others are pressuring you to marry, have kids, go to college, or take other steps in your life. It could be that you, yourself want to do these things and feel like not much time is left. It's time to start looking seriously at your goals and taking concrete steps to achieve them. (read all at source)
By it the foot-steps of man and the very hairs of his head are numbered. Thus it becomes his invisible counterpart. It is therefore the book of life or death, and by it he judges himself or is already judged. When it is complete nothing can be added or taken from its personnel. (read all at source)
If you are walking up the steps it is a sign of good luck in your present endeavors, but if you... Continue dream interpretation - Stairs"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Stalk... (read all at source)
Press ourselves into the footsteps of our Celtic forebears.
We follow an ancient energy uncanny in its uniqueness.
We trace a path of divine connectivity that evokes only reverence from within us. (read all at source)
Sludge indicates the state of your colon. Take steps to cleanse it through diet and other means. When your colon gets to this state, your energy levels quite often drop as your liver expends much energy detoxifying your blood stream.
Slugs... (read all at source)
If you reach the extreme point of ascent, or top of steps, without stumbling, it is good; otherwise, you will have obstacles to overcome before the good of the day is found. (read all at source)
To dream that you are worshiping an idol denotes very little steps towards achieving your objectives. You are looking up to misleading values and ideas. (read all at source)
Dreams of this nature often are your mind's way of saying, "Hey, it's time for something new," and encouraging you to take steps in a new direction. Turn in your old hat for a new one. Are you resisting the maturing process at some level? (read all at source)
In a nutshell, the person must apply these three steps:
James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (GMR)
1. Submit to the Lord.
2. Confess your sin
3. Then close that door and tell Satan to leave! ... (read all at source)
A dream where there are stairs is a symbol of the process or steps you must complete in order to achieve your goals or desires. To walk up stairs represents the effort ..Read more →
STAR / SHOOTING STAR ... (read all at source)
Exploring your dreams - Steps in Deeper Understanding
Christian Yoga - Part Six
Find Finding Found
Oasis... (read all at source)
If so, dreaming of a boxing match could indicate that it's not going to get any better and you need to take steps to end it.
2. A boxer with a lot of injuries foreshadows a lot of ideas that are going to need further research and revisions. (read all at source)
Confusion, a daze, mysterious, or lacking clarity (for example, getting lost in a fog could represent being unclear about your direction or next steps in your life)
A lack of understanding of past events or why they happened as they did
see also: confused smoke
categories: Conditions... (read all at source)
It may also suggest that you are following someone else's footsteps and hint toward your lack of originality and initiative. Alternatively, footprints indicate something or someone you have missed. Perhaps someone is never quite there for you. (read all at source)
Staircase - up: promotion; down: demotion, backsliding, failure; heavenly portal; up or down in the spirit and anointing; steps that need to be taken... (read all at source)
If you dream that you are caught up in a tornado, or see other people in one, or you are in danger from a tornado, then you will find all your well laid business plans come to naught and failure will dog your footsteps until you do something to change your chances of success; more education,... (read all at source)
Dreams of this nature are frequently caused by nervous and feverish conditions, either from malaria or excitement. When such is the case, the dreamer is warned to take immediate steps to remove the cause. Such dreams or reveries only occur when sleep is disturbed. (read all at source)
Acorns signify the ability to be patient while your desires manifest. Squirrels often hide acorns for times in the future when they will need them. Consider small steps you can take toward your goals - the harvest will be there when you are ready. (read all at source)
You look around to try to locate where you need to be, but you feel disoriented. You even ask someone for directions, but when you try to follow the directions, they seem to make no sense. You cannot even retrace your steps to return to your starting point!... (read all at source)
However, with a little guidance and effort, you will soon remember more dreams than you know what to do with. The techniques will be explained in detail later, first consider the basic steps that will empower you to remember your dreams. (read all at source)
It's important to find a healthy way to express these feelings and take positive steps towards your goals. If you dream that you quit a bad habit, it means that you are ready to leave old behaviors behind and move forward to a more positive and enlightened phase of your life. (read all at source)
the grave, as man comes from earth and returns to it; gardens, the fruit-bearing tree; the year (in view of what it conceives and delivers); cows (because of the milk) and ewes; the rain; and, revolting as it may seem to contemporary women's liberation activists, anything that a man rides or steps... (read all at source)
If you heard footsteps in your dream, you can expect to learn something to your great advantage.
Forbidden... (read all at source)