Step dream meaning

Dream Dictionary
To dream of a step-sister, denotes you will have unavoidable care and annoyance upon you. (read all at source)

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To dream of a step-sister, could denote you will have unavoidable care and annoyance upon you.
Now click the following link for important information on Dream Interpretation and how to interpret your dreams:
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Dream Interpretation/Dead Step Father
I am having a recurrent dream of my dead step dad. When he is in my dreams he is very angry and quite nasty to me. Last night in my dream mother and some of my friends took me on holiday to a log cabin. (read all at source)

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Step-by-Step Dream Tips
1. Set an intention
At bedtime, after you've closed your eyes and before you go to sleep, "program" yourself to dream an answer to a particular question. Say to yourself, "I intend to dream answer about ______," and insert your topic of choice. (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of a step-sister, denotes you will have unavoidable care and annoyance upon you.. (read all at source)

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Next Step: Make your Own Meaning
To go further with the interpretation of your snake dream, ask yourself the following questions. You can get more help by looking at the Snake Dream Interpretation Guide. (read all at source)

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Step 1: Grab a glass of water and practice your breathing techniques for 3 to 5 minutes.
Step 2: Go to a place in your work or house that you would be the least likely to be distracted. Take off your phone and be around little of noise.
Step 3: Get comfortable. (read all at source)

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Step-by-step dream incubation guidelines to meet your wildest dream expectations.
Permalink -- click for full blog post "Dream Incubation Guidelines"
Dream Incubation: How to Consciously Direct your Dreams... (read all at source)

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To step on a curbstone symbolize that your friends enjoy your company. If you fell down you might do the opposite of today.
The dream symbols are also available in an iPhone app which you can download from iTunes:
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To step or fall into a hole is a warning against undesirable companions; reassess your relationships. A hole in a garment... Continue dream interpretation - Hole"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Holiday... (read all at source)

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To step on them, denotes that you will come in contact with disagreeable people.
To dream that you sneeze, denotes that hasty tidings will cause you to change your plans. (read all at source)

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You step on ants.
You see red ants.
You see black ants.
You see termites.
You see very small ants.
You see ants with wings.
ants are invading your house.
ants are invading your body.
See lots of ants.
See lot's of ants walking.
Observe an ant's hill.
Have ants biting you. (read all at source)

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Now step into your dream. Literally step forward. Walk about in the 'film set' of your dream, watching what you feel, what memories come and what your fantasies are. (read all at source)

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Your step-father is flying the plane. You need to ask yourself what your step-father represents to you. The same qualities of his personality in you are driving your life forward. Do you like these qualities?
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A last step or finishing touch, as a roof is the last part finished when a house is built
Something that seems over your head or unattainable
A lid or a cap—a limitation on how high you can go or how much progress you can make
The greatest, highest, or utmost... (read all at source)

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My first step is acknowledging my dark feelings. Rage surges through me when I recall feeling victimized as a child by my older brother. The next morning I request a meeting with both my brothers. I find I can express my anger to them without causing a major battle. (read all at source)

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A guided, step-by-step process in real life
A desire for clear guidance
Following recommendations
Obeying, or complying with rules or an authority figure
Paying more attention to others' input than your own inner guidance... (read all at source)

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A positive step in the harmony with all life.
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Freud was the first person to explain the importance of association in understanding dreams. If you can associate something in real life to a dream then it maybe important to it's meaning. Associations maybe of two types. (read all at source)

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To dream of a step-sister, denotes you will have unavoidable care and annoyance upon you.
Find more dreams containing 'step-sister'
Find the meaning in Gematria for 'step-sister'
stethoscope... (read all at source)

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I take this a step further and meditate with the hawk -seeing a certain goal from an aerial view, and my consciousness circling around it as a hawk hones in on a field mouse for supper. Quite effective. (read all at source)

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Most important step is when you wake up in the morning, don't move from the position you woke up in. That's the position you were dreaming in. You will disconnect your memory from the dream.
Don't think about what you have to do today. Quiet your mind, and let the dream come back to you. (read all at source)

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Example dream : Grabbing hold of a guard rail linked to the dreamers mother splitting up with her step dad. She wanted them to get back together as she really got along with her step dad Grabbing symbolised the insecurity she was feeling. (read all at source)

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descending ladder - doing something in life that is a "step down" from what was previously done Cayce (900-314, A-6). 4. missing rung of ladder - a hardship along the way of life Cayce (281-19, A-7). Statue 1. (read all at source)

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sore spot, sort, space, spade, spank, Spartan, spasm, specialty, speck, speckle, spike, splash, splinter, splintered, split, split up, splotch, spot, sprain, spread, spread out, spring open, sprung, spurn, spurning, stab, stab wound, stain, stair, stake, stamp, stamp out, stamped, standard, step,... (read all at source)

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But in spite of all reason and conscience--in spite of the inductive knowledge received through our senses--we go on from day to day, and step by step, feeding our soulon the luscious fruit of the outward senses, until the rank weeds of sefishness{sic} have choked out all other forces. (read all at source)

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It was about like my step dad playing Basketball and me being at a basketball game with my mom in her friends living room or something. Then my mom gave me this gift in a box. I opended it and there was like a baby in there. At first i thought it was a baby doll,but then it moved. (read all at source)

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If you dream you see an empty garage, it reports on your mood: you feel like throwing everything to hide in an unknown direction and are ready for such a step. The time has come such a time when you can change a job, a partner, make new friends. But upset all your plans can any delay. (read all at source)

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For example, a woman dancing with a man might be ‘learning how to move in step’ with her Animus or assertive, aggressive ability to provide for herself. A man dancing with a woman is exploring the idea of moving in step with his Anima as he explores his sensitivity. (read all at source)

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Perhaps you have taken a step in the right direction and are contemplating your goals or your next step. The sole of the foot may be a pun of being or feeling like the only support of some person/situation.
Consider also the pun of "putting your foot in your mouth". (read all at source)

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To dream of marijuana may also suggest a desire to escape or step away from the world around you. Is this your way of reminding yourself to practice detachment? Do you feel guilty because you’re smoking something prohibited? (read all at source)

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I went on a vacation this summer to Maryland and one night while I was up there I had a Nightmare that my step-mother killed my father and myself at the pool. I told my dad and now he jokes about the dream. That was like 3 weeks ago, then last night I had another dream about her killing me. (read all at source)

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Identifying the "who" or "what" that has generated discomfort is an important first step. Was it a boss, coworker, friend? Someone much older or younger than you with whom you have an affectionate, but platonic relationship? (read all at source)

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Please read the interpretation of ice and take it one step further. This dream suggests that you may have a part of your emotional or psychological life in a stagnant or inaccessible form. You may be functioning in your daily life without regard to large issues that you are denying. (read all at source)

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One small step and suddenly you are falling, not quickly hitting the ground, but rather falling as if you are freefalling through the air. Falling dreams most frequently occur during the first stage of sleep and you may notice your arms or legs involuntarily jerk or twitch, which usually wakes you. (read all at source)

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If you are facing many hard decisions this dream is a good indicator that you need to step back and look at the entire picture. Edgar Cayce said that being in a maze in a dream may be symbolic of an "emotionally disorganized" person. (read all at source)

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To see a railroad in your dream symbolizes careful and meticulous planning on every step towards your goals.
To see an obstruction on the railroad suggests rough roads ahead in reference to your life goals. It may also point out that you have gone off track from your original objective. (read all at source)

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Stairs-symbolic of a step by step progression towards a goal in life
Standard-to see a banner or military standard in a dream is a sign and can be good or bad depending on what is written on the standard, Ps. 74:4
Stars-angels or fallen angels, Judg. 5:20, Rev. 1:20, Rev. 12:4... (read all at source)

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To dream of waves signals that you hold some vital step in contemplation which will evolve much knowledge.
Weapons like machine guns or other firearms are signals of over dominant aggressive tendencies. In dreams these weapons are seen as sexual symbols.. (read all at source)

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Zen is connected with achieving oneness with yourself and the universe, so dreaming about zen can signify that you need to step back from the mundane, hustle and bustle of life and spend some time looking inward, opening your mind to higher, spiritual matters. (read all at source)

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A split level floor in a dream is often used to indicate what you should step up to. You are being asked to aspire to what is symbolically represented on the raised part of the floor. (read all at source)

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To see your own feet, symbolizes your foundation, mobility, freedom, independence and stability. Perhaps you have taken a step in the right direction and are contemplating your goals or your next step. If you have no feet, then it foretells many obstacles in your path. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of animals in a zoo can also reflect a need to step back and observe our animal cousins and their much simpler style of living, say when our day to day lives seem to be getting on top of us and out of control. (read all at source)

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To dream of waves, is a sign that you hold some vital step in contemplation, which will evolve much knowledge if the waves are clear; but you will make a fatal error if you see them muddy or lashed by a storm.
See Ocean and Sea.
Wax Taper... (read all at source)

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To dream that you seek adulation signifies that you will arrogantly step up to undeserved position of honor. D To dream that you are offering adulation denotes that you are willing to part with something near and dear to you in the hopes of material advancement. (read all at source)

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cancer: Destructive growth, or something in your personality that is out of step with your image of self. Something that may be eating away your self-confidence. A loss of personal control.
candle: Illumination, enlightenment, or finding understanding. (read all at source)

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A dream where you see a crocodile suggests that a close friend will deceive you. If you step on a crocodile in the dream then it implies that you will ..Read more →
CROSSROADS ... (read all at source)

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The road that the Lord has called you to walk can get lonely at times. With this series in your hand, you will be equipped to step into Apostolic Office!... (read all at source)

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The need for advice or new learning, seeking a new patch. In Jungian terms, the appearance of a teacher may signify the archetype of the Wise Old Man, the spirit who fills in information you need for the next step in your development.
More on the meaning of "Teacher, Professor" in my dream... (read all at source)

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If you see porch or guard railings this denotes that some one is out to bar your way on the road to success. If you find yourself holding to a railing for protection or stability then this shows that you are ready to take a drastic step to secure your hearts desire. (read all at source)

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If you dreamed of feeling confident about yourself, you may soon have to combat a challenge to your self-esteem or reputation. But if you dreamed of someone else being very confident, you will soon take a giant step upward.
Conformity... (read all at source)

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(1) A dream about your mother may be telling you something about your relationship with your mother. Mother-attachment may be so strong that the development of your own individuality has been prevented. Inner independence of mother is the first great step towards realizing your true self. (read all at source)

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Is the clock a soothing presence in the dream? Is it the steady tick-tock of a grandfather clock as you sit in a living room? That could mean that you are comfortable with how life is going, with the things you are experiencing. You're ready for the next step. (read all at source)

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Are you going up or climbing down the ladder? An ascent may symbolize a higher step into an inner realm or a promotion to a higher status in your career or social standing. A ladder also means you should be patient - destiny is guiding you.
ladle... (read all at source)

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The symbolic death may give you the courage you need to take the next step toward your independence. Furniture Represents how you feel about yourself and your family. It refers to your relationships with others and how they fit into your life. (read all at source)

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