Steeple dreams by DreamMean
To see a steeple rising from a church, is a harbinger of sickness and reverses.
A broken one, points to death in your circle, or friends.
To climb a steeple, foretells that you will have serious difficulties, but will surmount them.
To fall from one, denotes losses in trade and ill health.
steel trap, steel wool, Steelbow goods, Steele, Steeler, Steelhead, Steeliness, Steeling, steelmaker, steelman, steel-plated, steel-wool pad, steelworker, steelworks, steely, Steelyard, Steem, Steen, Steenbok, Steening, Steenkirk, Steep, Steep-down, steepen, steeper, Steepiness, steepish, Steeple,... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Bier, Religion, Raffle, Steeple, Vow, Organ, Crowd, Flying
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Church symbol. (read all at source)
If you are dreaming that you are worthy of some significant benefits, which now can freely use and care with a high steeple at all mortals - is a reassessment of values, which you will make,... (read all at source)
To dream about a church represents a need to be appreciated by those you love. Also see "Steeple"
Cigar... (read all at source)