Statua, statuary, statue maker, Statue of Liberty, Statued, Statueless, Statuelike, statuesque, Statuesquely, statuette, Statuminate, stature, Statured, Status, status asthmaticus, status epilepticus, Status in quo, Status offenders, status quo, status seeking, Statutable, Statutably, Statute,... (read all at source)
Short-to be small in stature in a dream is symbolic of feeling unimportant, 1Sam. 15:17. To see others as short is symbolic of feeling superior to others
Shot-being shot or shooting someone is symbolic of hurtful words (curses, lies, mischief, slander, and insults) Ps. 10:7... (read all at source)
If the dwarf is well formed and pleasing in appearance, it omens you will never be dwarfed in mind or stature. Health and good constitution will admit of your engaging in many profitable pursuits both of mind and body. (read all at source)
To see or flash a badge in your dream, represents your position of stature, honor and status. You regard yourself highly.
To see a badger in your dream, signifies your persistence and final victory over your opponents. The dream may also be a pun on badgering and aggravating others. (read all at source)
And of course, no conversation about the meaning of spiders is complete without discussing the Greek myth of Arachne, a mortal (although of noble stature) who was a spectacular weaver. (read all at source)
Badge - A desire for recognizition and stature. Regarding {or perhaps not} oneself to highly. Your status in social circumstances and peer groups. (read all at source)
To dream that you are studying Latin predicts your progression to a position of stature and distinction. (read all at source)
This is a very favorable dream. If the dwarf is well formed and pleasing in appearance, it omens you will never be dwarfed in mind or stature. Health and good constitution will admit of your engaging in many profitable pursuits both of mind and body.
Dwarf... (read all at source)
Own hair falling out: Sense of having no control over a situation. Other's hair, seeing them as losing stature or importance in one's view. Real hair problem: Continuation of same. (read all at source)
I stood looking at that coin and wondering what this meant. As I stood looking at the coin and still rubbing it, for I felt compelled to rub it. An Angel that was of great stature came to me, he was about seven or eight feet tall and towered over me. (read all at source)
Turn in your old hat for a new one. Are you resisting the maturing process at some level? Do you feel as though others are preventing you from attaining the stature or wisdom of your age? Are you experiencing a rebirth or removal of "old" limitations? (read all at source)
Another important detail of a new house dream is about the condition of the house. If the house is in good repair, it is said that this is a good omen about you receiving money or an increase of stature. The reverse is true if there is work that needs to be done on the house. (read all at source)
If one sees an earthquake and the destruction of life and property in a dream, this element represents straying from the path, pride and heedless- ness. If the earth appears to fold over him in a dream, it means losing one stature in the world, divorce or losing in business. (read all at source)
Other's hair, seeing them as losing stature or importance in one's view. Real hair problem: Continuation of same.
health - Here are some points to consider being a possible signal that there is a health situation to be dealt with: Any focus upon a body part. (read all at source)
In my experience there are more promises of happiness that comprise, beauty, noble stature and physical strength, unless they exceed human size. For someone who is dreaming to be unusually beautiful, handsome, or strong, it means the same thing as when you think you are ugly, paralyzed or weak. (read all at source)