Dreaming about starvation indicates that you are lacking in some mental or emotional area of your life. You may be ignoring or avoiding an important family/emotional issue. Starvation dreams are not uncommon in individuals who are dieting or who have an Seeing or eating disorder.
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General Meanings:
The dream about starvation always points to unsatisfied needs and feelings. This may be that you are often hungry for love, affection, acknowledgment, appreciation or recognition. (read all at source)
starvation: Something within yourself or in your life that is
not being attended to.
statue: A rigid representation of something, yourself,... (read all at source)
To dream about starvation, indicates that you are lacking in some mental or emotional area of your life. You may be... Continue dream interpretation - Starvation"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Starving... (read all at source)
In poverty bread is the filler, and in jail the prisoner receives bread and water to keep from starvation. In Christianity, Christ is the bread of life, and in popular jargon bread is used to refer to money. (read all at source)
The starvation within your dream represents deficiencies of something vital to your life, and it suggests that your body will be refused its necessary diet. If your dream is associated with starving, consider everything you may doubt about yourself, and why. (read all at source)
This temporary starvation insures a pure formulation of milk (otherwise their offspring could not digest bits of solid food in the milk). That's another confirmation about maternal attributes as well as self-sacrifice for the sake of their progeny. (read all at source)
Devouring something in a dream can mean that you are in need of spiritual or emotional nourishment. Your dreaming mind is interpreting your spiritual or emotional starvation as physical starvation. Devouring something in your dream is a way of alleviating your hunger. (read all at source)
Demeter in Greek mythology, the corn-goddess, mother of Persephone, (see Persephone); she wandered many seasons seeking her daughter; she blackmailed Zeus into telling her where Persephone was, by causing a long winter leading to starvation of humans. (read all at source)
She uses words like gluttony and starvation of the people in that realm, this shows me the person who is going to take advantage of you will emd up there. (read all at source)
The nightfall at the end of the day in a dream also could mean the opposite. Seeing the night in a dream also denotes constant changes in one's life, poverty, hunger, starvation, or death. The night and the day in a dream also represent wisdom. (read all at source)