Attention or focus. Someone staring at you can represent positive or negative attention, depending on the sense you get about the person's motivations. For example, a positive stare might feel like someone is admiring or respecting you. (read all at source)
Kate sat staring at her feet for a good ten minutes. She didn't respond or react in any way, she just sat there. Eventually she spoke, "There was no point in her talking. Whenever we would leave, he would track us down, beat me up in front of her, and drag me back to the house. (read all at source)
- Dream interpretation - native American staring at me
- Dream - pet stag
- Military and christmas day - army take over task
- Favourite Aunt dream and church
- Explosions in mansion dream interpretation
- Dream interpretation - pride and peace and a president... (read all at source)
The room is dark and there is this creature staring out the window. Bulky and tall I cannot completely describe the creature human like in its looks but more like its been decomposing for a very long time, the skin looks like thin burnt paper but red and pulsing underneath. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are staring at something or someone indicates that you need to take a much closer look at some situation or relationship. Perhaps you need to approach a situation from another perspective or viewpoint. Alternatively, it represents your passivity. You need to start taking action. (read all at source)
Staring into an abyss, like the never ending vastness of the universe, can make us feel incredibly small and sometimes afraid.
It is common to have abyssal type dreams when we are facing a particularly huge task in our lives, or when something we are afraid of has to be faced in the near future. (read all at source)
To dream of staring up into the zenith, symbolizes your potential. You are pushing your limits and overcoming obstacles in pursuit of your goals.
To dream of soft zephyrs, symbolizes your desire for love and happiness over wealth and fortune. (read all at source)
People who are staring at a text message but you can't see that as it is too far or higher. So don't worry happy dream that you are going to hear some good news. For parents it may be a new son or a daughter . (read all at source)
Many years ago, I learned the animal symbolism of the skunk first-hand. I was walking through thick woods with my head down (no doubt looking for odd stuff - it's the crow in me). When I looked up to get my bearings I found myself staring directly into the eyes of a very intense looking skunk. ... (read all at source)
If it is staring at you: a spiritual significance of being watched. If the dream focus is not on the frog, but something else: it represents another person in your life. It also signifies something is known about you by others, but not known by you. (read all at source)
Calm, staring blankly in front of him at one point idiots are warning about possible differences and the impending loss. If you are in a dream called them an idiot - in reality you have no one to blame for the failure of their plans, except only to itself. (read all at source)
except at my workplace i feel snake everywhere staring at me but donot harm me. when i am lying on the bed i felt the snake is crawling under the bed and wants to come to closer to me.When i open the door of my car i feel the snake is in the car. (read all at source)
I had a dream that someone was standing next to my bed staring at me, it was very frightening. The stranger who i couldn't see his face sat at the bottom of my bed on my feet. I felt like i kept waking up in the dream but I hadn't. (read all at source)
He was staring in a glazed way and didn't see me. I could see and feel that he was being hit by fantasies or hallucinations by whatever was the source of the haunting. This invasion of his mind was grabbing his attention so fully that he wasn't aware of his surrounding or of me. (read all at source)
Mysterious, or magical feeling intended. If it is staring at you: a spiritual significance of being watched. If the dream focus is not on the frog, but something else: it represents another person in your life. It also signifies something is known about you by others, but not known by you. (read all at source)
see also: spotlight clinic staring pivoting
categories: Attribute Places
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
I was feeding a tank of fish, and one was staring at me from the surface, only too late I realized it was a snake, and a large one. It came at the hand that was holding the feed dish, but I dropped the dish and caught the snake. It twisted and bit my hand. (read all at source)
Feces dream meaning
dropping baby
Someone staring at you thew your window
Beautiful girl
driving from the back seat... (read all at source)
If you have trouble starting an essay in your dream (especially if you are staring at blank paper), you desire to make a fresh start in your life. You may have a need to express yourself through writing or art. Also see "Bad grades."... (read all at source)
If you are dreaming that you're having problems with your hands, it is indicating you are concerned about your ability to control your own happiness in your life. Your ability to do lovely things is being harmed. If others are staring at or criticizing your hands,... (read all at source)
iris paying attention to the color of someone's eyes, 'the windows of the soul'; romantic, mysterious; symbol of wholeness, as in circle and cycle. (See Iris) Whose iris are you staring into in the dream and how does this correspond to your waking life feelings towards them? (read all at source)
Also, the contents of the refrigerator has something to do with your life. Are you staring at instant foods, or frozen ones, or too many leftovers, or mostly gooey, soupy foods, or foods past their shelf-life? If we are what we eat, then we are what we also store in our fridge. (read all at source)
Example dream : Everyone staring at the dreamer in a crowded place was caused by the dreamers boss criticising her in front of everyone.
Example dream : A big crowd symbolised the dreamers big fear of being around people. He was starting to show real signs of paranoia just going into shops. (read all at source)
I had a dream where there was an open wound on the top of my hand, and I was staring at it. I could see and feel something bubbling up to the opening, and these giant chunks of strange looking flesh started falling out. They were hard, big chunks of flesh, just slowly popping out of my hand. (read all at source)
How often have you looked into the mirror and seen a stranger staring back at you? Perhaps the stranger in your dream is an aspect of yourself. If so, what aspect of yourself are you being confronted with? How are you dealing with it? (read all at source)
True story: my mother & I visited my grandmother's grave one afternoon to find a living, breathing peacock standing there staring at us. When I found out that it symbolized "joy in the afterlife," you can imagine how special that was. How often does one find a peacock standing on a grave? (read all at source)