Star of David dream meaning

Seeing the Star Of David in your dream, represents the merging power of love and creativity. It also means the union of heaven and earth. (read all at source)

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Star of David
To see the Star of David in your dream, represents the merging power of love and creativity. It also signifies the union of heaven and earth.
To see stars in your dream, symbolize high ideals, spirit, fate and luck. It also signifies your desire for fame and fortune. (read all at source)

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The six pointed star, or the Star of David means that you need to seek expression through both the physical and material world. If you dream of the star, which is in anyway misshapen, then it is time to make sure that what you do in your life is recognized. (read all at source)

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My "family" symbol would have to be that of the star of david or really the star of chaos which is the three-dimensional interpretaion of enterlying two pyramids within each other. This is an all encompassing image of infinity to me. No matter what point of view you see the image at it is the same. (read all at source)

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All people can see a huge amount of images, icons, and appearing in dreams are associated with individual life experiences (for example, a crucifix, Star of David, Buddha, etc.. (read all at source)

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There are countless icon images available to all humans. The ones you find in your dreams will relate to your experience in life. (Some examples are: the crucifix, the full moon, the Star of David, Stonehenge, and the Buddha.)... (read all at source)

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