Dagger - Dagger stab someone in a dream means that you are full of love and passion was weary, but the coldness of your elect or chosen one does not give you the opportunity to openly express their feelings. (read all at source)
To stab or see something or someone stabbed with a fork predicts a possible loss of status, so watch your tongue - what you say could be used against you. To dream of a fork in a road is a straightforward sign that you will soon be faced with a decision which will be important to your future. (read all at source)
while fishing, I caught a Boa Constrictore that coiled around my brother and bit him on the shoulder. I grabbed the snake by the head and I kept thinking that i might be bitten but I subdued the snake and asked for a knife, but woke up before I could stab it.
Reply... (read all at source)
stab on left arm dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of stab.
Furious. Tired. Lazy. Confused. Upset. Overwhelmed. In a bad mood. Offended. Insecure. Upset. Angry.
Naked or Nude... (read all at source)
To dream that you stab another with a knife, denotes baseness of character, and you should strive to cultivate a higher sense of right.
Knife Grinder Knitting Knocker Knocking Knots Krishna Label Labor Laboratory Labyrinth Lace Ladder Ladle Lagoon Lake Cistern Necklace Steeple Bulldog Models... (read all at source)
The person that you stab with a dagger in your dream can symbolize something in your life that you want to get rid of. For example if that person is tends to do things without thinking, you might want to get of your own impulsive tendencies. (read all at source)
Example dream : A dream where the dreamer grabs hold of her friends hand and begs her not to stab her linked to her having an argument with that friend. Now she wanted to talk to her and hoped that she would not blame her for the things she had said. (read all at source)
snip, snippet, snob, snort, snub, soak, sock, solder, solubilize, solve, sore, sore spot, sort, space, spade, spank, Spartan, spasm, specialty, speck, speckle, spike, splash, splinter, splintered, split, split up, splotch, spot, sprain, spread, spread out, spring open, sprung, spurn, spurning, stab,... (read all at source)
telling us her story, she had her friend stab her in the
back. I thought she was going to try to kill all of us;
however, that did not happen. Next, the woman bent over so
her friend could continue stabbing her in the back in order
that she could die fast. Now, on the other hand, I intend... (read all at source)
Believe it or not, one of the people stab me in my chest with a nail. I remember laying down in my living room. Since I knew I wasn't fully dead, I picked myself back up and was glad the person missed. (read all at source)
She has a large stab wound in her stomach below her navel. I look over to my right and sitting on a couch is my younger sister with a very large heavy man that looks like your typical overweight online gamer. Hes wearing a grey sweat and bloodstained t-shirt and black basketball shorts. (read all at source)
The stab wounds are the hurts you feel, the negative things that are said to you that really wound you. And the death of your brother is difficult to understand unless I knew what your brother means to you. But obviously, from your dream, he represents a vulnerable part of you. (read all at source)
Just stab me, or whatever you are going to do, and get it over with!' He smiled distantly and walked around her. She didn't know then if he'd only been teasing or whether it was a case of mistaken identity.
By confronting our threatening characters, we reclaim our power. (read all at source)
Similar to a fork that allows you to take a stab at the idea of nourishment, a jab can be a wake up call to explore what you are not confronting. The character that 'takes a jab at you' might be considered in light of a tendency to be self defeating in some way. (read all at source)
a dream of an eating fork signifies a release from present worries; a cooking fork is a forecast of gay social times; a garden fork indicates that it is a significant time for clearing out the time-consuming clingers in your circle; to stab or see something or someone stabbed with a fork predicts a... (read all at source)
To dream that you are wounded with a knife, foretells domestic troubles, in which disobedient children will figure largely. To the unmarried, it could denote that disgrace may follow.
To dream that you stab another with a knife, could denote baseness of character,... (read all at source)
To dream that you have been stabbed, signifies your struggle with power. You may be experiencing feelings of inadequacy and defensiveness. Alternatively, you may be feeling betrayed as the popular phrase goes, "being stabbed in the back". (read all at source)