Spleen dreams by DreamMean
To dream of spleen, denotes that you will have a misunderstanding with some party who will injure you.
Dreaming about your spleen means your need to express your anger or sadness. It may also mean that you need to lighten up and show your humorous side. (read all at source)
To dream of spleen, could denote that you may have a misunderstanding with some party who will injure you.
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To dream of spleen, interpret that you will have a misunderstanding with some party who will injure you.
Splendor... (read all at source)
To dream about your spleen, signifies your need to express your anger or sadness. It may also mean that you need to lighten up and show your humorous side.
Splinter... (read all at source)
Spleen ache in a dream represents spoiling the dreamer's money by adding unlawful earnings to it.
Severe spleen pain that could lead to the dreamer's death in the dream indicates loss of religious commitment. (read all at source)
Organs - the spleen, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, liver, stomach, colon, bladder, gall bladder. The planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. (read all at source)
Spleen pain in a dream means spoiling one's money by adding unlawful earnings to it. Severe spleen pain that could lead to one's death in the dream means loss of one's religious commitment. Lung and chest pain in a dream mean the nearing of one's death. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Spleen, Abroad, Anecdote, Usurper, Kidneys, Hate, Will, Abortion, Boat, Invite, Lawns, Letter
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