A sphinx is usually depicted as a lion with the head of a human, ram, or falcon. It might represent:
Protection, vigilant, guarding
Challenge,riddle, or enigma
Other worldly strength and power
Animal-like instinct... (read all at source)
The Sphinx is an ancient Egyptian statue with the body of a lion and the head of a man. Throughout the ages it has been known as a bearer of power and mystery. (read all at source)
Seeing a sphinx in your dream means fear of the unknown. (read all at source)
Sphinx in Greek mythology, a creature having the head of a woman, the body of a lion, and the wings of a bird; the Sphinx proposed a riddle to every passerby and killed those unable to guess it; an interest in Egypt; a lion/woman (lyin' woman); a puzzling person. (read all at source)
To see a sphinx in your dream, signifies fear of the unknown.
To dream of spice, suggests your need for variety in your life. You need to look at a situation/relationship from a different perspective/angle. (read all at source)
He was in the sphinx position but has his front paws crossed.....like he always did. in the dream I thought.....wow this cat came 400 miles to me and Cow can't even come 5 blocks.
what do you think.....maybe a sign she will show up.....she's trying? (read all at source)
To dream of anicent Egypt represents the core of your own emotions and spirituality. You may be nostalgic for a time in your life when things seemed simpler. Also see "Cleopatra", "Pharoah" and "Sphinx".
Eiffel Tower... (read all at source)