I tried to fly to Heaven but got to the outer atmosphere and became stuck because waves of pleasure pulsed through my body and an inner voice told me it was not time for me to go there yet. (read all at source)
sphere: Completeness, wholeness. If it is a ball, it could
represent competition as in, the "ball is in your court."
spiral: Actions and behaviors that repeat over and over in your... (read all at source)
General Meanings:
Blue sky and sunshine are one of the most auspicious of all dreams, because they prophesy prosperity in money matters, happiness at home and true friends around you. (read all at source)
Dreams are symbolic in that they are metaphors for current feelings. An "atmosphere" dream for instance may simply mean that yesterday you felt "a lot of tension in the ATMOSPHERE". (read all at source)
Sphere-symbolic of a person’s area of influence. 2. Cor. 10:13. The color of the sphere may give you added insight into the meaning of the dream
Spider-spiders are demonic spirits; symbols of lies and confusion or a web of deceit in someone’s life, Isa. 59:4-5... (read all at source)
sphere wholeness and perfection; surroundings; planets; heavenly bodies; our Earth. What sphere of influence is surrounding you now? (read all at source)
biosphere, cartography, chorography, cosmical geology, dynamic geology, Earth, Gaea, Ge, geodesy, geodetic satellite, geodetics, geodynamics, geognosy, geographics, geological chemistry, geological engineering, geology, geomorphogeny, geomorphology, geophysics, geoscopy, geosphere,... (read all at source)
Like the sphere, the ball is a symbol of totality.It indicates processes of alteration and change.
This dream foretells that you will be mated to uninteresting and an unloved companion. (read all at source)
Celestial sphere. Archetypes. Seeking ways to relate with your divine nature.
Death. Automaton. Parts of your greater self are stalking you. (read all at source)
the "perfect sphere" - some ideal or concept of wholeness Cayce (900-104). 2. the forces of this world as they relate to the Universal Force Cayce (900-128, A-3). 3. a whole, or well-rounded, approach to things Cayce (900-140, A-6). 4. The oneness of purpose Cayce (900-142, A-1). 5. (read all at source)
In that sense, winds in a dream represent the sphere of one's control and his power to change things, or to maneuver people's interests. Winds in a dream also may represent a leader, his army, commands and helpers. (read all at source)
Leggings dream to a pleasant, homelike atmosphere, harmonious relations with relatives. The longer they are, the better off you'll be in the native land. Engaged in a dream knit leggings or seen their knitting others - so get what you want with a minimum of effort and material costs. (read all at source)
They are from two distinct spheres; the animal mind influenced by the personal world of carnal appetites, and the spiritual mind from the realm of universal Brotherhood, present antagonistic motives on the dream consciousness. (read all at source)
The role of textbooks is very vital in our lives, so much that they can be actually made fit for just about every sphere of your possible dream. (read all at source)
April is the time of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. When you dream of April or your dream is set in the month of April, you may be experiencing the flowering of aspects of yourself. April can signify new beginnings or long-held efforts beginning to blossom. (read all at source)
A dream involving an evil atmosphere or evil spirits foretells that you will encounter obstacles to your current ambitions. You would be well-advised to consider a change of direction or plans. To dream that someone or something is evil, signifies a repressed and/or forbidden aspect of yourself. (read all at source)
The four major directions such as North, East, South and West have unconscious significance, but this must depend upon whether you grew up in the northern or southern hemisphere. What is said is for the northern hemisphere, reverse it for the southern hemisphere. (read all at source)
Climbing also means that you have risen to a level of prominence within the social or economic sphere.
To dream that you are climbing down a cliff, indicates that you need to acknowledge and take notice of your unconscious. You
are expressing some hesitance and reservation with delving... (read all at source)
This time of year marks the least amount of light shining upon the northern hemisphere of the earth. Each consecutive day after the winter solstice is a day imbued with promise because the sun lingers just a wee bit longer. (read all at source)
Departure is surrounded by a particular atmosphere of railway stations, trains, and the ocean that separates people. Even luggage is part of the atmosphere, designed as it is for temporary or permanent separations. (read all at source)
Dissatisfaction will pervade the atmosphere in business circles. If they are fine and well-flavored, there will be a slight abatement of ill luck. A young woman is likely to lose her lover, if she dreams of eating oranges. (read all at source)
A building can also be a setting, an atmosphere, or provide a tone or mood for certain dream events. For example, a school building might represent a recent learning situation or enlightening conversation.
See also: main floor upstairs basement house barn workplace place roof architechural support... (read all at source)
One is in a friendly family atmosphere and the other is a brutal act. Yet in some way the mind is using these two situations to convey how the dreamer feels about the situation. That her sister-in-law's actions were deliberate and cruel in the same way as the rapist. (read all at source)
To see them out of their sphere, denotes disappointment with the world.
Oak Oar Oath Oatmeal Oats Obedience Obelisk Obituary Obligation Observatory Occultist Ocean October Oculist Odd-Fellow Nymph Trees Foal Basement Roof Corner... (read all at source)
To dream that you hang an enemy, denotes victory in all spheres.
Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted, or "What's in a dream": a scientific and practical exposition; By Gustavus Hindman, 1910. For the open domain e-text see: Guttenberg Project
See also: Ugly , Calves , Radio , Zodiac , Dagger... (read all at source)
A dream involving an evil atmosphere or evil spirits predicts unaccountable obstacles to your current ambitions; you would do well to... Continue dream interpretation - Evil"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Ewer... (read all at source)
To dream that you hang an enemy, interpret victory in all spheres.
Gambling House
To dream that you are gambling and win, signifies low associations and pleasure at the expense of others. If you lose, it foretells that your disgraceful conduct will be the undoing of one near to you. (read all at source)
To see them out of their sphere, denotes disappointment with the world. For a young woman to see them bathing, denotes that she will have great favor and pleasure, but they will not rest strictly within the moral code. (read all at source)
the atmosphere in business circles. If they are fine and
well-flavored, there will be a slight abatement of ill luck.
A young woman is likely to lose her lover, if she dreams of
eating oranges. If she dreams of seeing a fine one pitched up high,... (read all at source)
To see a labyrinth in your dream, signifies that you will be involved with my complicated situations where your domestic sphere will be quite intolerable. To dream that you are in a labyrinth of green vines and timber, signifies an unexpected turn of happiness where despair and loss was anticipated. (read all at source)
Shopping Center: Also Marketplace: Too much to choose from; churches within the church; view of spiritual, soulish and political atmosphere that is in a church or a community or nation or even in your heart; not to be in temple of God or present during worship;... (read all at source)
If you lose a wager, you will sustain injury from base connections with those out of your social sphere.
To win one, reinstates you in favor with fortune.
If you are not able to put up a wager, you will be discouraged and prostrated by the adverseness of circumstances. (read all at source)
To see visions of any order in your dreams, you may look for unusual developments in your business, and a different atmosphere and surroundings in private life. Things will be reversed for a while with you. (read all at source)
Dreams of this nature may create a feeling that the dreamer has projected herself into another sphere of reality, creating a sense of astral projection. This idea has been popularized by certain paranormal studies on perceptions of reality. (read all at source)
Mason To dream that you see a mason plying his trade, denotes a rise in your circumstances and a more congenial social atmosphere will surround you. (read all at source)
To be in a circus is a warning against giving others the wrong impression of you. If the atmosphere was good you are pleased with your life. If an animal ran away you must better control your passion or your temper. (read all at source)
Cackling hens show there has been a disaster involving someone in your sphere of influence, possibly a death. A sound of cackling also presages illness and loss.
Cactus... (read all at source)
I write this word down, draw a circle around it and draw lines to other key words such as where the train was going, who I saw, what the atmosphere was like etc. Next I'll go back to each individual symbol and expand this i.e. (read all at source)
A lift can indicate a number of things. Due to its small space, lack of windows and claustrophobic atmosphere, it can indicate your womb or being in your mother's womb. (read all at source)
Popular Expressions: Like a hot knife through butter; Put the knife in; You could cut the atmosphere with a knife
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
It may signal your need for emotional and spiritual healing. To dream of a doctor in a social atmosphere, foretells of good health and prosperity. To dream that you marry a doctor, forewarns that you are being deceived by someone or a situation. (read all at source)
It is the "personification of the animated psychic atmosphere; the autonomous activity of the unconscious." Thus, when you meet an unknown woman in your dreams, pay close attention to what she is saying and doing. (read all at source)
A useful dream interpretation tip that is applicable to any types of dreams is to pay attention to the general feeling or atmosphere in the dream. (read all at source)
What si the relationship with your mother? Or, what is the relationship to your wise self {Great Mother metaphor}? Are you, or should you, provide a more cultivating atmosphere for those unconscious aspects {creativity/spirituality} within your psyche. (read all at source)
If it is on a plane or level with you, you will fail in your ambition to reach other spheres. If you seem to be going from it, you will force yourself to seek a change in spite of friendly ties or self-admonition. (read all at source)
If you watch while someone else paints a picture, you may have the feeling of being on the outside looking in and need to take control of your life - again, depending on the atmosphere, circumstances, and other symbols in the dream. (read all at source)
The atmosphere or setting of a dream is an important aspect that can portray the condition of your 'inner' landscape. Being in space can portray uncertainty about your direction - or feeling that you are taking a path that others may not support. It is not necessarily negative. (read all at source)