Spell dream meaning

having a spell put on you
Dreaming that someone is trying to put a spell on you can mean:... (read all at source)

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Also I occasionally have people write to me - from the USA - telling me of the terrible spelling mistakes in the pages. This is because they believe that the American spelling is right and any other is wrong. (read all at source)

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The abbreviations could stand for an organization or a common acronym or it may spell out some hidden message or advice. The dreaming mind likes to make use of puns, as well as shorthand messages. For example, "CD" could be a pun on a "seedy" situation. (read all at source)

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Trying to put a spell on someone can mean you'd like to control or avoid them.
See also: having a spell put on you cursed magic seizure... (read all at source)

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3 days have past and i feel like someone did some VOODOO-spell on me!!! i think about him all the time and nothing else in mylife matters to me ,suddenly.....
how is this possible?i mean,i know i'm not in love with him-i don't know him that well....but why am i suddenly thinking about him so much? (read all at source)

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Spell - You may be unaware that you are "under someone's spell". This could be pointing out your desire to come by something, using a spell as an aid in achieving that desire, or reliance on a higher power. (read all at source)

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great article as usual ive experienced some of these dreamss at a certain point in my childhood life, now that im a teen all i dream of is sex lol :p... (read all at source)

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* Think of spelling word or doing an easy math question. This will help engage the logical part of your brain when your loosing focus of the dream.
* Going around in circles helps you ground your awareness in the dream which in turn will bring you to a new dream scene. (read all at source)

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Sorry about my spelling and grammar mistakes. I failed to proofread.
Reply... (read all at source)

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Being under the spell of an orator's eloquence, denotes that you will heed the voice of flattery to your own detriment, as you will be persuaded into offering aid to unworthy people.
If a young woman falls in love with an orator, it is proof that in her loves she will be affected by outward show. (read all at source)

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Quick Decode: Spellbinding; potions; magic
Popular Expressions: Stirring the pot; play havoc; cross palm with silver
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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of friendship, break, break away, break down, break forth, break ground, break in, break of, break off, break open, break out, break the ice, break through, break to harness, break up, break with, breakage, breakout, breath, breathe, breather, breathing place, breathing space, breathing spell,... (read all at source)

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If he gets jerky - it falls under the influence of evil spells. If it is meat on the street - he is sick. There are dog meat - litigation, formal proceedings; eat raw meat - unfortunately; have prepared meat - fortunately; eat the flesh of his own dead body - parting. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are under the spell of enchantment, forewarns that you will be exposed to some evil in the form of pleasure if you are not careful.
To dream that your are trying to enchant others, foretells that you will fall into evil. (read all at source)

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Wear yellow when you're having a fuzzy-minded spell. Mercury's attention is attracted to yellow, and offers clarity in response to it. See also symbolic meaning of colors.
Tarot Magician:
I use the Tarot to draw connections in meaning. (read all at source)

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If you meet a woman that enchants you and puts a spell on you in dreams, you must be alert to financial matters. If you dream of a witch making enchantments, it means you will have good social relationships for quite some time. (read all at source)

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To dream of being under the spell of enchantment, could denote that if you are not careful you will be exposed to some evil in the form of pleasure. The young should heed the benevolent advice of their elders. (read all at source)

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If you remember dreams in which you are fainting, the setting of the dream and the details leading to the fainting spell are important. Fainting in your dream suggests that you are unable to consciously confront the issues or the topic that is being raised by the unconscious. (read all at source)

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i dreamt that me and some friends got on a train and these hippies had a rockvilla(sorry about the wrong spelling, but black and brown dog) which was calm. They had a mini pig that was running around and a grey dog with black streaks in which had red eyes. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are in a hypnotic state or under the power of others, portends disastrous results, for your enemies will enthrall you; but if you hold others under a spell you will assert decided will power in governing your surroundings. (read all at source)

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To dream of small buildings spells bad luck says superstition but if the building is big you will experience positive changes soon.
Some other interpretations for buildings in dreams:... (read all at source)

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- "I will spell it out for you"
- "he is like a beacon guiding us"
- "things are going well - life is trouble free"
- "it was unmistakable"
- "things could be a lot clearer"
- "a clear victory"
- "we had a trouble free journey"
- "he has made clear his viewpoint"... (read all at source)

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hypnotist feeling under the spell of another; being in an altered state; a need to relax and let go; being afraid others will make a fool of you. What do you feel you are being hypnotized by and have no control over? (read all at source)

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Drugs-Influence: Spell; sorcery; witchcraft; control; religion (legalism); medicine; healing.
(1 Samuel 15:23, Galatians 3:1, Proverbs 17:22)
... (read all at source)

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To see it appearing weird, denotes that some untoward grief is hoveringover you and it will take strenuous efforts to dispell it.
To study the zodiac in your dreams, denotes that you will gaindistinction and favor by your intercourse with strangers. (read all at source)

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If another is projecting power on you, it is likely that you believe others are pulling the strings in your life or are plotting against you. If you or another are trying to wield witchlike powers, is the spell successful or thwarted?
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Couples' Composite: Your Life Together... (read all at source)

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To dream of the zodiac is a prognostication of unparalleled rise in material worth, but also indicates alloyed peace and happiness.
To see it appearing weird, denotes that some untoward grief is hovering over you and it will take strenuous efforts to dispell it. (read all at source)

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Ants. If, in your dream you observed the interesting organized activity of these industrious creatures, a change of business or position would be very beneficial; but if they were on food or on clothing, as pests, you will have a spell of frustration and hard work before achieving independence. (read all at source)

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by creatures that represent something unpleasent or uncomfortable in your life, something you would rather not face up to. If you can somehow discover what it is that is hunting you and, even better, face it and make it run away or become the hunter yourself, it is thought that you can dispell your... (read all at source)

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trickster can be seen as the least developed part of our personality and be seemingly crazy and unpredictable, or the "black magician" that sometimes symbolizes our selfish or negative ways that we may be using our power. A witch can conjure good or evil—bring light or darkness with her spells. (read all at source)

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European (Judeo-Christian)
- spelling in a dream is good sign for small successes;
- spelling and be unable to do it correctly: you're not very successful in dealing with some difficulties in the conscious life. (read all at source)

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