Running and speed are often associated with freedom. So if you're just running along a road or meadow, enjoying the thrill of speed, it probably is a desire or joy with freedom. You enjoy that ability to go where you want to, do head towards your goals. (read all at source)
Speed Bumps To dream of driving over speed bumps suggests that you may encounter unexpected difficulties on the way toward your goals. Spider Can symbolize feeling trapped in a stale or unsatisfying relationship. (read all at source)
Using it to increase the speed of a car, (or any other vehicle) indicates that you will achieve your objectives through your own efforts. (read all at source)
speed boat
Excitement or adventure, or a desire for more of those things in your life
The idea of making progress quickly somehow in your life
The idea of making a quick getaway or escaping a situation in your real life... (read all at source)
Speedo - to move fast in the spirit
Shorts - a walk or calling that is partially fulfilled
Bathrobe - coming out of a place of cleansing... (read all at source)
A speeding ticket indicates you incurred a karmic debt with regard to striving towards your goals (driving). Are you imposing on others in the pursuit of your goals?
Tidal Wave
A tidal wave indicates emotional turmoil - life (water) is threatening. (read all at source)
Speed. Rush. Missing something by being in a hurry.
Communication. Message. You want to say or to hear something. (read all at source)
To dream of speed dating means that one needs to think about how they project themselves in waking life. To date an old friend means that the dreamer has a need for sexual affection, and acceptance. For those who are in relationship, this may mean the same but there may be some rejection. (read all at source)
Cheetah-speed, agility
Chef-a master at serving others
Chess-symbolic of being locked in a strategic battle with people or spiritual enemies... (read all at source)
To the sick, speedy recovery and continued health. Business will gain new impetus. To see it go out in time of storm or distress, indicates reverses at the time when you thought Fortune was deciding in your favor.
Beads... (read all at source)
Roller Skates ( or Roller Blades) - Speed: swift advancement or progress; fast; skillful. (Romans 9:28)
Roof - Attitude: conviction; steadfastness; pure motive; cause, source; unmovable; stable. (Matthew 3:10a, 1Timothy 6:10, Hebrews 12:15.)... (read all at source)
Cobra - is very silent and speedy animal that has potency to keep the balance between bad and good.
Kangaroo - is very rare animal that represents motherhood and strength. Mostly kangaroo is dreamed by people who live in certain places such as Australia. (read all at source)
accouple, accumulate, adhesive, affix, affixation, agglutinate, aggregation, air speed, amass, amount to, anamorphism, anamorphosis, anchor knot, annexation, articulate, assemblage, assemble, associate, asymmetry, attach, attachment, baffling problem, balance, ball, ball up, balloon, band, batch,... (read all at source)
In Chinese mythology, the horse - Heaven, fire, yang, south, speed, persistence, a good omen. Horse - one of the seven symbolic animals of the Twelve Earthly Branches. His hoof is not a horseshoe brings good luck. (read all at source)
Example dream : A bus going downhill at speed dream linked to the dreamer having the first really stress free day for a long time. The bus was symbolic of him thinking about the stress caused coming into contact with other people generally. (read all at source)
Wedding: To attend a wedding in your dream, you will speedily findthat there is approaching you an occasion which will cause youbitterness and delayed success.
For a young woman to dream that her wedding is a secret is decidedlyunfavorable to character.
It imports her probable downfall. (read all at source)
You do not need to speed dial your dentist. When you dream your teeth are falling out, it can mean that you have been talking too much lately. Maybe you have been gossiping more than usual, maybe you have said the wrong thing to someone, or maybe you have been speaking without thinking first. (read all at source)
To dream of a locomotive running with great speed, denotes a rapid rise in fortune, and foreign travel. If it is disabled, then many vexations will interfere with business affairs, and anticipated journeys will be laid aside through the want of means. (read all at source)
Is it a speedboat fully powered and taking to the sea with ease, or is it a leaking tub that takes a lot of hard work to keep afloat? This could indicate how you feel about your ability to stay afloat in life. (read all at source)
By working with your dreams, you can actualize speed up your growth. Dreams have a different time sense and can reveal one's life purpose as they guide us toward authentic expression. (read all at source)
Dreaming about an actual arrow may have a range of meaning that includes swiftness, powerful and speedy intuition, mental alertness, precession, illuminating thoughts, and, last but not least, it could be a phallic symbol. To interpret the dream, consider its setting, context and emotional tone. (read all at source)
To dream of jaguars represent speed, power and strength.
To dream of a kangaroo, refers to both maternal and paternal protection. Alternatively, a kangaroo symbolizes aggression and quarrels. You feel the need of love and protection. (read all at source)
ski balance; moving with speed and ease; life is moving fast so you need to keep very focused on the present and look where you are going; watch out for obstacles that could derail you and cause an accident; it's all downhill now; moving smoothly across country. (read all at source)
According to the Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario, research has demonstrated that Therapeutic Touch speeds physical healing. Studies have shown skin wounds heal faster when treated versus non-treated wounds. (read all at source)
The speed with which he went up the hill represented his ability to handle difficult tasks. Most dreams deal with the formation of thoughts. Some dreams will deal with emotional feelings. (read all at source)
To attend a wedding in your dream, you will speedily find that there is approaching you an occasion which will cause... Continue dream interpretation - Wedding"continue dream interpretation
Wedding Clothes
Dream interpretation - Wedding Clothes... (read all at source)
Accelerator - A need to speed up the process that is before you, or perhaps you are going too fast. Being in control. A jammed accelerator may symbolize losing control, bad habits or aspects that control you. (read all at source)
A dream jaguar can represent certain things such as speed. stealth, power, sleekness and a predator. If we see the puma has the same associations as the jaguar, the following shows how dreams show how such creatures inhabit our inner life. (read all at source)
For a woman to have a gypsy tell her fortune, is an omen of a speedy and unwise marriage. If she is already married, she will be unduly jealous of her husband.
For a man to hold any conversation with a gypsy, he will be likely to lose valuable property. (read all at source)
To see Roman candles while dreaming, is a sign of speedy attainment
of coveted pleasures and positions.
To imagine that you have a loaded candle and find it empty,
denotes that you will be disappointed with the possession
of some object which you have long striven to obtain. (read all at source)
If you should pass on a train, at the speed of two miles a minute, through a forest of flowers and trees, your mind would be unable to distinguish one flower or tree from another.
It is in a similar way dream life and incidents may fall upon the mind. (read all at source)
In Greek mythology Hermes was the messenger of the gods and the god of speed. This intelligent and quick witted immortal, easily traveled between heaven, earth and the underworld. Seeing the planet Mercury or the metal in your dream may represent your need for communication, adaptation and movement. (read all at source)
For a lover to dream that his sweetheart is lovely of person and character, foretells for him a speedy and favorable marriage.
If through the vista of dreams you see your own fair loveliness, fate bids you, with a gleaming light, awake to happiness.
Lozenges... (read all at source)
To see a jaguar in your dream, indicates uncanny speed, mounting energy and supremacy. (read all at source)
This dream denotes that you have enemies who are at work against you. Annoyances experienced in dreams are apt to find speedy fulfilment in the trifling incidents of the following day.
See also related symbols: Mouse, Scratch Head, Janitor
Help others by telling us about Your Experience? (read all at source)
If you are sick and unfortunate, you might have a speedy recovery and your fortune will ripen. To lovers, it is the promise of wealth and faithfulness. (read all at source)
You may be trying to slow down your pace or lack the means to make speedy progress. Walking is a dichotomous symbol in that it can be both frustrating and relaxing to walk. (read all at source)
For a young woman to hear or see cannons, denotes she will be a soldier's wife and will have to bid him godspeed as he marches in defense of her and honor. (read all at source)
Riding in a chariot in a dream suggests you want to speed up whatever is happening in your life. You are determined to take the reins and beat out the competition. In rare cases this could be a past-life dream.
cheese... (read all at source)
For persons in distress, warm attachments and unbroken, will arise among the young. To the sick, speedy recovery and continued health. Business will gain new impetus. To see it go out in time of storm or distress, indicates reverses at the time when you thought Fortune was deciding in your favor. (read all at source)
To see a jaguar in your dream, represents speed, agility, and power. (read all at source)
1. Motion, movement away from one thing and towards another.
2. Speed, acceleration.
3. Freedom.
Astrological parallels: Sagittarius. (read all at source)
Also see "Breathalyzer Test", "Car", "Driving Lessons", "Driving Test", "Drunk Driving", "Road Trip" and "Speed Bumps".
Driving Lessons... (read all at source)
In a dream, the car symbolizes the motive energy or the vitality of its owner. Both the size of the car and its external apperances can indicate how the dreamer is regarded by the world about him. A speedy sports car can be a sexual symbol.
Carnival... (read all at source)
To dream that you are in Paradise, means loyal friends, who are willing to aid you. This dream holds out bright hopes to sailors or those about to make a long voyage. To mothers, this means fair and obedient children. If you are sick and unfortunate, you will have a speedy recovery [.]... (read all at source)
it came back in the fastest speed possible and probably got back into the cloth and i could feel the cloth was heavy but am unsure if it was inside or not. (read all at source)
In both cases, the vehicle in the dream is something that cannot be stopped - a speeding train, a car with no brakes. So I would guess that what's got you worried is something that you feel as if you cannot stop. Is there anything in your life right now that seems to be speeding beyond your control? (read all at source)
Speed, such as in moving ahead or making progress. Speed, as in quick to react or judge. Fear or anxiety. Gracefulness. Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
To dream that you are speeding, indicates that you are feeling compelled and driven to complete something. As a result, you may be pushing people away. You may also be moving too fast in some relationship or situation.
Sperm... (read all at source)
high speed car chase
wearing black cloth
broken glass in mouth
Natural disaster
going into labor baby... (read all at source)
I hope you have enjoyed this page on symbol meaning of feathers. Don't miss my symbolic meaning of feathers (for tattoo ideas) page!... (read all at source)
speeding car - hurrying or forcing an issue Cayce (900-115, A-1). Avenue 1. journey of life one is on Cayce (195-42, A-1). 2. rough, poor roadbed - troublesome conditions to be encountered Cayce (900-18, A-2). 3. (read all at source)
We often forget our dreams so speedily: if we cannot catch them as they are passing out the door, we never set eyes on them again. ~ William Hazlitt
In dreams we see ourselves naked and acting out real characters, even more clearly than we see others awake. ~ Henry David Thoreau... (read all at source)