Britney Spears Is Dead... Oops, Nevermind!
Paranormal Story Archive - November 2001 - Page 6 - Lucid Dream of 1700sFrance
Your True Tales - June 2003 - Page 2 - Weird Dream Come True
Storytelling Made Easy
Adoption Poem - I Dream of You - Adoption Poem... (read all at source)
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
A battle between spearmen in a dream represents a blow of fate, a mishap, or a calamity. The way to avoid such a mishap is by spending money and efforts on God's path. (read all at source)
Spear-a symbol of God’s weaponry against His enemies, Ps. 35:3. A spear tip can also be symbolic of the point of attack... (read all at source)
spear good aim; feeling victimized; feeling pinned down. Who is the target and who is the spear?
spectator just watching; not taking part; afraid to get involved. What do you need to jump into? (read all at source)
Spear. An exciting love life is usually the message in a dream of using a spear, especially if it was used to catch fish; however, if you're not eligible or susceptible, the dream suggests a clearing of obstacles in your path. (read all at source)
The Spear
Ruling Deity = Lugh
Ruling Element = Fire
Direction = South
Magical City of Origin = Gorias
Magical Properties and Description =
The Spear that never misses the mark. (read all at source)
Spear - Spear threat to dream.
Dream interpretation from A to Z
What I saw in a dream a spear - a harbinger of a serious battle with the enemy, capable of any meanness and baseness. (read all at source)
- Practice the one under the eyes of the people in the javelin, he will gain name and reputation, if he is unerringly in this sport; shatters the spear, his reputation will fade, and he will lose a loved one through death. (read all at source)
In his dream cannibals were preparing to cook him and they were dancing around the fire waving their spears. Howe noticed at the head of each spear there was a small hole through the shaft and the up and down motion of the spears and the hole remained with him when he woke. (read all at source)
But he examined the dream in more detail and realised that the spears each had holes in them at the tip. This was the break through he needed to solve his problem. He designed a sewing machine which would similarly force the needle - the hole at the tip of the needle was the secret to this. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are throwing spear indicates that you are thrusting forth your will and power into a situation at hand. It is a statement of your strength and commitment. (read all at source)
Howe couldn't quite link the entire project into a working model until one night he had a dream. In the dream Howe saw himself being taken prisoner by a group of savages. He watched as these men danced around him with spears and noticed that each native's spear had a hole near the tip. (read all at source)