Spaghetti dream meaning

To see or eat spaghetti in your dream, indicates that you are feeling entangled in some relationship.
Spice... (read all at source)

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He made me a spaghetti dinner which we did not eat and then I went to bed upstairs. I expected him to follow like old times but he stayed down on the couch. (read all at source)

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Joyous social times are forecast in a dream featuring spaghetti, and if you dripped the sauce on yourself, you can expect... Continue dream interpretation - Ravioli"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Ray... (read all at source)

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Yarn as in wool is often seen in neat balls or in a jumbled, spaghetti-like mess. In this sense our dreams of yarn can reflect and ability, or want, to create something orderly from something chaotic. (read all at source)

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Eaten jelly.
Made jelly.
Bought jelly.
Wanted a certain type of jelly but only another kind was available.
Been offered jelly with a food that it didn't go with - such as with spaghetti or French fries.
Used jelly as an ingredient.
Craved jelly. (read all at source)

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This will increase the release of serotonin immediately before going to bed.
Foods high in carbohydrates include: Cereals milk, cakes, candy, sugar, ice cream, dates, figs, chocolate, cakes, fruit pie, potatoes, spaghetti, honey, and jam. (read all at source)

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show, movie, movie theater, moving picture, moving-picture theater, newsreel, nickelodeon, nouvelle vague, nudie, photodrama, photoplay, picture, picture house, picture palace, picture show, pornographic film, preview, short, show, silent, silent film, skin flick, sneak preview, spaghetti Western,... (read all at source)

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I can't remember the name, but it fit, and for the nucleolus and nucleus -a hard boiled egg cut in half so you can see the stuff. I thought of cooked spaghetti and rice and all kinds of things to put in there and like have a guide of what is what on the poster board because she was supposed to... (read all at source)

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