Sorcerer dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a sorcerer, foretells your ambitions will undergo strange disappointments and change.
To see or dream that you are a sorcerer, represents your talents, inner strengths, and creative ability. Your mind is squarely set on achieving your goals. (read all at source)
Sorcerer-symbolic of demonic influences, Ex. 7:11
Sore-a symbol of unconfessed sin in a person’s life, Ps. 38:5, Jer. 30:13. Sores can be emotional injuries or pain caused by another person that hasn’t healed... (read all at source)
Sorcerer - uses the power of discernment in a completely dispassionate way for neither good nor evil, but simply because he enjoys using power. He can also be the Trickster, the master of unexpected change.
Arena... (read all at source)
Sorcerer in a dream to see - means deception, duplicity and cunning.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
A monkey in a dream also represents a deceitful person, a sorcerer, or an illness. If one becomes a monkey in a dream, it means profiting from sorcery, or engaging in adultery. A monkey in a dream also represents a defeated enemy. (read all at source)
Hawk - predator; sorcerer; evil spirit; a person who is for war
Hare - fast, hasty, quick
Hen - one who gathers, protects... (read all at source)
automatist, charmer, Comus, conjurer, diabolist, diviner, dowser, ecstatic, enchanter, Faust, mage, magus, medium, miracle-worker, psychic, psychographist, sorcerer, spirit rapper, spiritist, spiritualist, thaumaturge, thaumaturgist, theurgist, voodooist, warlock, water witch, wizard
... (read all at source)
Similarly, West African and Aboriginal Australian cultures viewed the owl as a messenger of secrets, kin to sorcerers, as well as companions to seers, mystics and medicine people. (read all at source)
This symbol includes the Shaman, prophet, sage, trickster, doctor, wizard, sorcerer, sorceress, magician, conjurer, and king.
The Magician is also similar to the Alchemist—the agent of change, t... (read all at source)
The man who denies the existence and power of evil spirits has no arcana or occult knowledge. Did not the black magicians of Pharaoh's time, and Simon Magnus, the Sorcerer, rival the men of God? The dreamer of amorous sweets is warned to beware of scandal. (read all at source)