Soot dream meaning

Soot dreams by DreamMean
If you see soot in your dreams, it means that you will meet with ill success in your affairs. Lovers will be quarrelsome and hard to please.

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One's cheek in a dream also means humiliation or meekness if seen soiled with dust, soot or dirt in the dream. However, if a religious person sees his cheeks covered with dust in a dream, it means the rise of his spiritual rank, and that he will become exalted in God's sight. (read all at source)

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Soot-desolation, curse, depravation, Lam. 4:8
Sorcerer-symbolic of demonic influences, Ex. 7:11
Sore-a symbol of unconfessed sin in a person’s life, Ps. 38:5, Jer. 30:13. Sores can be emotional injuries or pain caused by another person that hasn’t healed... (read all at source)

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To see soot in your dream, symbolizes immortality. In particular, if you are covered in soot, then it signifies your unconscious and the negative aspects of yourself. It may be parts of yourself that you fear or are ashamed of.
Sorcerer... (read all at source)

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Have seen tar or soot sticking on you = this represents fears in our subconscious mind.
See a large quantity of Tar = you are stuck in a bad relationship.
See yourself tarred = which indicates embarrassment, resentment and shame. (read all at source)

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sexy, shabby, shitty, shoddy, singe, slabby, slatternly, slime, slobby, sloppy, sloshy, sloughy, slovenly, slubber, sludgy, slur, slushy, small, smear, smirch, smirched, smirchy, smoke, smoking-room, smoky, smooch, smudge, smudged, smudgy, smutchy, smutty, snuffy, soft, soil, soiled, soily, soot,... (read all at source)

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This dream just may do with your son, the soot indicates a problem that is covering his life as the soot was. (read all at source)

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You will enjoy a very happy family life. If an iron kettle, black with soot - you have a lot of children will be born and you will be very close to them. If the kettle is boiling, steam coming out of the spout - a relative will bring you good tidings. (read all at source)

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