Somnambulist dream meaning

Somnambulist dreams by DreamMean
To imagine while dreaming that you are a somnambulist, portends that you will unwittingly consent to some agreement of plans which will bring you anxiety or ill fortune.

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See also related symbols: Alarm Bell, Torrent, Quinsy, Yard Stick, Somnambulist, Tourist, Steps, Throat, Melon, Acid, Reprieve, Brewing, Underground, Chimes, Chaff, Veranda, Shroud, Author, Diving, Machinery, Women, Buttons, Mule, Lottery, Stone, Bed, Glass, Friend, Lamb... (read all at source)

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A theft is seen by a somnambulist, and the execution of the criminal is foretold.
A young girl sees her fiance', or an intimate friend dying (these are frequent cases), etc. (read all at source)

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