Soaring dream meaning

Transcendence over your challenges. Dreaming you are soaring, or to see a bird soaring, means a freedom (or a wish for freedom) from the limitations of your own mental, emotional, and physical challenges—freedom that is available by connecting with your inner joy, love, and Spirit. (read all at source)

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Eagle: Soaring in the Spirit; good or evil leader; strength, power, and swiftness in both judgment and in delivering God1s people from trouble; the United States of America; Prophet of God. (Isaiah 40: 31, 46: 11; Jer. 48: 40, Ez. 17: 3, 7; Ex. 19: 4; Rev. 12: 14)... (read all at source)

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together, historian, so many, invigorating, soaring, furthering, grabbed, commanding, huddled, escapee, slavery, aroused, bickering, lovely, consolation, hand-to-hand, relieved, glanced, glorious, inspiring, failure, enemies, realizing, imagination, mystery, tireless, march, wait, bickering,... (read all at source)

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Soaring High: Flying upwards indicates success or achievement. Look below you to see what is underneath you to discover what area of your life is going well. Are you flying over your home (family happiness) or over the building where you work (business successes). (read all at source)

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Freedom, soaring, meaningful success
Ability to "rise above" pettiness and negative behavior
Ability to see clearly, understand, see the "big picture" or the truth
Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are soaring through the air, symbolizes freedom from restrictions. You may have escaped or gotten out from a burdening situation or relationship. (read all at source)

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soaring extremes of emotion, feeling depressed, or elated; forgetful; not paying attention to where you are going; hurting other people's feelings; being angry. Where are you sore?
soccer part of the team; not allowed to touch. Who do you feel like socking? (read all at source)

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Soaring eagle - a big success.
Dream Interpretation Shuvalovoj
It is a powerful bird of prey, which takes the life of a weak and defenseless. The negative image, talking about aggression on the part of another person, possibly the mother. (read all at source)

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To see soaring gulls in your dream, indicates a clear perspective.
To see dead gulls in your dream, denotes long and wide separation from friends.
Gum... (read all at source)

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To see one soaring above you, denotes lofty ambitions which you will struggle fiercely to realize, nevertheless you will gain your desires. To see one perched on distant heights, denotes that you will possess fame, wealth and the highest position attainable in your country. (read all at source)

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Airplane - Soaring to new heights. It may be you are looking to go beyond your capablilities. But it also could indicate new heights are what you need. Spiritual awakening. A sexual symbol representing the penis. Liberation, release, transcendence. Escaping from daily routines. (read all at source)

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They allow people to get places quickly while soaring through the skies. For that reason, people often associate planes with innovations and ideas. (read all at source)

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To survive a storm means that, in your life, you are going to have advancement, or "soaring to new heights". To dream of objects in the air that are crashing or being blown about represents emotions that require exploration. When a storm represents itself in the waking life, it provides quick change. (read all at source)

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Do you see yourself as soaring with the hawks or pecking with the pigeons in waking life? This may be wish-fulfillment or concern over the direction your life is heading.
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Couples' Composite: Your Life Together... (read all at source)

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It has become a regular occurence for me to see a hawk perched on a limb, a powerline or soaring through the air. More often than not their appearance seems as if its just for me. (read all at source)

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As a dream symbol, the eagle embodies an archaic image of god, of lofty and high-soaring thoughts, but also of devouring spiritual passion.
The image of an eagle which is unable to fly well signifies limitation of spiritual freedom or neglect of spiritual interests.
Earthquake... (read all at source)

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A gull symbolizes the relationship between logic and emotion. A dream of soaring gulls can be a sign that you see things clearly. If you dream of a dead or wounded gull, you may be unable to decide between what your head and your heart are telling you.
Next... (read all at source)

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To dream that someone is obligated to you, means that you will succeed to soaring heights in your personal life and business undertakings. To dream that you are obligated to someone, signifies thoughtlessness. (read all at source)

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in my dream i wish i could fly to escape these enemies and then i just start soaring through all these clouds and my enemies start shooting at me but they cannot see me anymore b/c it is so cloudy. when i see the bullets pass me in the air, they suddenly turn into harmless bibi bullets. (read all at source)

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Birds soaring through an azure sky points to freedom from constraints, spiritual and psychological liberty, and self-confidence. Wounded, dying or dead birds on the other hand, may point to troubles, worries and dark periods to come. (read all at source)

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Soaring; free; majestic; grandeur; independence; height; one's inner spirit or spirituality. Are you flying high? The eagle is a bird of light, messages made clear as opposed to birds of the night or shadow. As a solar bird, is symbolizes self-renewal. (read all at source)

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The eagle, soaring high in the sky, can symbolize a spiritual quest. It can also stand for combat, pride, courage, and ferocity. Eagles are traditionally associated with nobility. They also can represent a father figure or the sun.
earrings... (read all at source)

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It is not a "to soaring hights over troubled waters" kind of thing, but simply the fact that there is this sense, and playing out in my dream, that if a person were able run and reach a certain amount of speed, you would be able to become airborne to some extent. (read all at source)

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